Chapter 234 Fiora

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  Chapter 234 Fiora

  looked at the World Engine getting closer and closer, but Russell’s expression became more and more serious.

  Suddenly, Russell moved his body without any warning.


  Accompanied by an explosion that penetrated the air, a black figure appeared not far from Russell.

  With neat short black hair, ice blue eyes, and a hot body...

  Fiora, the female warrior of Krypton.

  "Humph!" A cold snort fell, Fiora's foot lightly tapped the gravel in the air, turned around, and pounced on Russell again.

  Russell stepped back, and at the same time, a series of fine wind blades, under his command, smashed out like a heavy rain.

  With her arms in front of her, Fiora looked at Russell through the gap, but slightly raised the corners of her mouth.

  "Whoosh!" The body that had just stepped on the gravel to rush out suddenly accelerated on the way to Russell and rushed in front of Russell.

  "Ha!" Seeing the fear in Russell's eyes, Fiora laughed with satisfaction, and the fist that could easily tear steel had already hit Russell.

  At this moment, a gentle breeze-like laughter sounded in Fiora's ears.


  Fiora's eyes narrowed as she watched Russell disappear like a gust of wind.

  The next moment, there were several heavy blows on her back, and her body flew out involuntarily.

  "Boom! Boom!"

  Fiora's indestructible body knocked out a passage in the gravel belt. But Russell continued to fly towards the World Engine without any hesitation.


  Fiora said coldly, her body drew an arc in mid-air, and flew towards Russell. At the same time, a pair of ice-blue eyes glowed with a dangerous red light.

  As if he felt something, Russell flashed away from his original position. When two rays of heat vision swept across, he gently lifted two fingers of his right hand, and a hurricane formed by fine wind blades rose from the ground and swept Fio away. Pulled in.

  The wind blade hurricane could not cause any harm to Fiora. Russell knew this very well, so when the hurricane surrounded Fiora, he flashed and disappeared as if he melted into the hurricane.

  "Fancy... but useless!"

  Fiora said lightly in the hurricane, clenched her hands into fists, and flew out of the hurricane.

  At this moment, the hurricane shrank suddenly, blocking Fiora's impact like a substance.

  A trace of surprise flashed in her eyes, a cruel smile appeared on Fiora's lips, and her heat vision brewed again.

  Suddenly, an arm appeared from the hurricane and grabbed the back of Fiora's neck.


  Fiora's head turned sharply as her body turned, and Fiora looked behind her with a confident smile.


  A heavy blow containing the power of wind landed on Fiora's chin. When Fiora's head was raised high, a claw wrapped with the power of wind pinched it. Fiora's snow-white neck.

  The next moment, the power of wind exploded with all its strength, suppressing Fiora's body. At the same time, the hurricane surrounding Fiora and Russell suddenly shrank to the extreme, wrapping around Fiora's body.

  Entangling, cutting...

  countless small wind blades attacked countless times in an instant.

  Fiora was so angry that she didn't expect that she would be imprisoned by the other party.

  Silently exerting her strength, the huge power contained in her strong body made her slowly escape from Russell's control.

  Russell was surprised. After estimating the time he could still control it, he decisively let go of Fiora's neck, condensing the power of the wind, his claws that seemed to tear the space apart, kept falling on Fiora.


  Hearing the goosebump-inducing voice, the black armor on Fiora's body was torn to pieces under Russell's claws, and even the close-fitting black armor inside the armor was torn into pieces. The battle clothes also showed signs of tearing.

  "Ah!" Fiora yelled angrily, her arms suddenly broke free from Russell's restraints, and grabbed Russell's fallen paws.

  Seeing this, Russell suddenly waved his arm and knocked Fiora and the hurricane that had been entangled around Fiora away.

  The hurricane roared and turned into its original violent form again. After smashing the gravel along the road, it took Fiora and fell towards the final target.

  World Engine.


  At this moment, a figure as fast as lightning suddenly appeared. After catching Fiora, the two flew out of the hurricane.

  "Hoo, ho!"

  Fiora gasped softly, looking at Russell with eyes that seemed to be on fire, making people feel chilled.

  The black armor was shattered, and even the close-fitting black armor was almost torn to pieces. Fiora had never been so embarrassed.

  Feeling the hot tearing sensation coming from the torn skin of the suit, Fiora became even more murderous towards Russell in the distance.

  Pouring his lips indifferently, Russell's attention was attracted by the broken breathing mask on Fiora's face.

  "Sure enough, these Kryptonians have overcome this weakness."

  In the original plot, due to the environmental differences between Krypton and Earth, Kryptonians would suffer in agony due to the difference in air composition without the protection of breathing masks.

  In addition, because their hearing is very powerful, the sounds that suddenly pour into their ears will give them a splitting headache and completely pass out.

  Now it seems that this weakness should have been overcome by them.

  Realizing this, Russell couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. He thought he could easily defeat these Kryptonians with this.

  "Except for this weakness that can be overcome, the only way to defeat the Kryptonians more easily is kryptonite. Unfortunately..."

  Kryptonite, as an effective weapon to defeat the Kryptonians, Russell naturally knows.

  However, there is no kryptonite on the earth now. Even in Niveda, Russell had never seen kryptonite before.

  After that, the little kryptonite that appeared on the earth was born because of this world engine's transformation of the earth.


  There was an explosion, and when the hurricane across the sky fell towards the World Engine, the light of energy flashed around the World Engine, and together with the abnormal gravity, it was torn into pieces.

  The mighty wind blew in all directions, swirling dust and making the space extremely turbid.

  At this moment, two sounds that penetrated the air suddenly sounded.

  Without any hesitation, Russell stepped back, dissipated like a breeze, and immediately left the place.


  Two fists that pierced the air and contained incomparable power hit the place where Russell had just stood.

  Russell didn't want to receive such a fist, not even once!

  Looking up, after seeing Fiora and the newly-appeared Kryptonians flying towards him, Russell stepped back, left the surroundings of the World Engine, and retreated into the distance.

  (End of chapter)

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