Chapter 232 World Engine

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  Chapter 232: The World Engine

  Hearing the news from the Avengers, Nick Fury frowned subconsciously and said, "I understand, be prepared."

  This time there was some trouble.

  The Kryptonians are definitely ready for war now, and the mutant war has not yet subsided...

  Nick Fury felt a splitting headache as he pressed his forehead.

  "Director! Something is coming!"

  At this moment, Nick Fury, who was on the space carrier and was about to command the colonial troops to suppress mutants and Weapon X, heard a hasty cry.

  In a hurry?

  Noticing this unsettling emotion, Nick Fury's heart skipped a beat. He pressed his hands on the guardrail to support his body. After taking a deep breath, he calmly looked at the observer who spoke and said, "Why?" "

  Something flew down. It appeared from outer space!"

  After saying this, the observer reached out and operated twice on the keyboard in front of him. Suddenly, a picture of Jean Nick popped up on the virtual screen in the center of the aircraft carrier's bridge. ·The image of Fury shrinking his eyes.

  A flying object with three legs, like a monster's claws, is falling towards New York at an extremely fast speed.

  "Kryptonian!" Without even thinking about it, Nick Fury came up with an answer that made his heart shrink. But the next second, the observer just said another piece of news that made him even more depressed.

  "Director, there are two such aircraft. One landing point is in New York, and the other landing point is in the Indian Ocean."

  Two! ?
  Nick Fury looked ugly, not knowing what the Kryptonians were planning.

  "Can it be intercepted?" Nick Fury asked.

  The observer calculated and said: "No, the opponent's speed is too fast. It will land first before we can intercept it."

  Damn it!

  Nick Fury cursed secretly in his heart and said: "Be ready for a new battle!" A

  new battle preparation?

  Everyone who heard this was shocked.

  Nick Fury picked up the phone he just hung up, dialed a number, and said in a cold voice: "The Kryptonians are coming!" "

  So soon?" Tony asked in surprise, and then became serious. He said: "I know! Let's rush back right away!"

  After hanging up Nick Fury's communication, Tony said to everyone: "The Kryptonians are attacking, we have to return to New York as soon as possible!" Everyone looked solemn, and felt sorry

  for the Kryptonians in their hearts. I was surprised by his vigorous and resolute actions.

  Superman, who was in the Quinjet, said anxiously: "I'll go first!"

  "Okay!" Captain America nodded and said to Hawkeye, who was flying the fighter: "Hawkeye, open the door."

  Hawkeye did as he was told. Do.

  Superman nodded to everyone and said, "See you later!"

  After saying this, his body floated up. After the Quinjet flew a certain distance, his eyes turned cold, and he disappeared in front of everyone amidst the whistling sound that pierced the air.

  "Tsk, tsk, these Kryptonians are really monsters!" Tony said sourly.

  "That's why we are in such trouble now." Russell said lightly, "I'll go first too!" "

  Wait!" Bruce Banner, who had regained his senses, called to Russell and said, "Take me Go!"

  If a fight really breaks out, he can also contribute some strength.

  Looking at Bruce Banner with firm eyes, Russell nodded slightly and said, "Okay."

  After saying that, he grabbed Dr. Banner's arm and equipped the Xibuki Arashi on him again.

  "Let's go first!" After Russell said to the remaining four people, a breeze blew and the two disappeared.

  "Get rid of you..." Facing the direction in which the three people left, Captain America muttered silently in his heart, with a look of reluctance deep in his eyes.

  In this dangerous battle, in front of the terrifying Kryptonians, they could only become spectators. Although he was unwilling to do so, he was somewhat helpless and could only sigh softly.


  "Huh?" Hearing the sudden sighs, Captain America looked stunned, but after seeing the three Tonys looking over with the same unwillingness, the four of them laughed bitterly at the same time.



  The dust was flying, and the ground was shaking violently. The Kryptonian world engine appeared in the mid-air of New York amidst the noise and screams. The shock wave when it landed caused cracks in the ground.

  The upper half of the body is a ball, like a head. The inside of this huge ball is also the operating room of the spacecraft. And below, there are three sharp claws in the shape of sharp columns, somewhat like insects like water striders.

  Seeing this huge 'monster' falling from the sky, ordinary people were amazed and curious, and even some brave ones were eager to try it. They held up their mobile phones or cameras and kept getting closer, trying to explore the mystery of this extraterrestrial thing.

  However, before they could figure out the reason, the world engine, which had been silent for a moment, began to tremble.


  A white light beam with a little bit of blue fell from the center of the world engine. Under the heavy bombardment of the white light beam, an extremely violent shock wave rolled up the crazy airflow, directly blowing away a large area of ​​things. They were all blown away and even crushed to pieces under the shock wave!

  Immediately afterwards, everything around the World Engine was suddenly pressed to the ground by this invisible force, including the humans who fled in panic, including those expensive cars, and those heavy buildings!
  A few seconds later, after the World Engine in New York received the energy beam from the World Engine on the other side of the earth, all the objects that had been flattened and crushed floated again as if they had lost gravity.

  In the next moment, all the objects floating in the sky were suppressed again.

  In this way, after several rounds of changes, the surroundings of the world engine were filled with building debris, which looked very much like the halo surrounding Saturn.

  Of course, there are no human corpses in this halo, and it would definitely be more beautiful without the blood.

  As the rubble belt surrounding the spacecraft appeared, the area that was crushed and crushed gradually expanded, and the spacecraft worked repeatedly in this way, trying to transform the earth into the next Krypton.

  Looking at the situation around the World Engine, Nick Fury's expression became even more ugly.

  "Director!" The observer who had just brought bad news to Nick Fury shouted with a pale face: "This thing is changing the gravity of the earth and changing the composition of the earth's atmosphere!!" Nick Fury felt cold in his heart and held back

  . With the urge to curse, he looked at the observer reporting the situation and said: "Just tell me the results!"

  "It is changing the environment of the earth!" The observer swallowed his saliva and said with difficulty: "If this continues, the life that originally existed on the earth will... They will all become extinct due to changes in the environment!"

  (End of this chapter)

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