Chapter 229 Battle in Another Place

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  Chapter 229: Battle in Another Place
  The mutant war continued. Even as time passed, the war gradually spread to the surrounding areas, causing a commotion.

  Fortunately, when the war spread and was almost out of control, SHIELD people, led by Nick Fury, appeared and kept the battle near Stryker's experimental base in time.

  Seeing the people from S.H.I.E.L.D. appear, Magneto smiled coldly and murmured: "Is the show not going on?" The

  people from S.H.I.E.L.D. appeared and were about to confirm his idea that some aliens were attacking the earth. It's all acting. Otherwise, if the situation was really that dangerous, the people from SHIELD wouldn't have the time to take care of it.

  "Haha, SHIELD!"

  Glancing disdainfully at SHIELD's colonial troops, Magneto sneered, and the metal storm gradually appeared.

  The battle between the mutants and Weapon X is not over yet, but on the other side, the battle with the Kryptonians is about to begin.

  Watching a small spaceship slowly falling, everyone began to become nervous.

  "Da, da!"

  With the sound of shoe soles hitting the ground, two figures stepped off the spacecraft.

  A woman with a hot figure and a tall and strong man.

  The two of them were like a mountain, moving slowly with great pressure.

  The black armor completely protected their bodies, and the heavy color added a bit of coldness to the two.


  As the last crisp sound sounded, the black cloaks floating behind the two people hung quietly behind them like folded wings.

  In the transparent breathing mask, a pair of ice-blue eyes looked at Russell and others wantonly, and finally his eyes flickered slightly, and fell on Superman with a look of satisfaction.

  "Well done, Earthlings." After praising in a disdainful tone, Fiora said lightly: "I thought there would be more people coming from you?" Captain America frowned and said, "

  We According to the agreement, we have brought Kal Al here. I hope you will also follow your promise and leave the earth!" "

  Our promise?" The corner of Fiora's mouth was like a knife, drawing a sharp arc and said: "We Have you ever said such a thing?"

  Hearing this, the atmosphere instantly turned cold.

  Superman took a step towards Fiora and said: "I can go with you, but you must promise me to leave the earth!" Fiora looked at

  Superman with disgust and said: "You son of a sinner, you have no You are qualified to negotiate terms with us. You came with us just to atone for your sins!"

  Tony, who was wearing a steel suit, said coldly: "So, even if you take this person away, you don't want to leave the earth just like that?"

  Fiora smiled coldly and said playfully: "What do you think?"

  Hearing this, Superman took a step back and said: "If this is the case, I will not leave with you."

  Fiora smiled cruelly and said : "Now that you've appeared, it's up to you whether you want to follow us or not."

  With that said, Fiora led the big man towards Superman step by step with an impressive momentum.

  "Stop!" War Machine shouted loudly and said: "If I come any closer, I'll be rude to you." "

  You're welcome?" Fiora tilted her head and said coldly: "How do you want to be rude to me? ?"

  After saying this, he still didn't dodge and walked towards Superman.

  "Take him away!" Following Fiora's order, the big Kryptonian reached out to grab Superman as if no one else was watching.


  There was an explosion, and Superman punched the big man, and the big man responded quickly and caught it with his fist.

  Feeling the air become violent under this punch, everyone couldn't help but be surprised by the Kryptonian's power.

  "Want to resist?" Fiora looked at everyone playfully, as if she had found some fun.

  "Play with them, Sano!"

  As Fiora's voice fell, the big man named Sano snorted, his strength exploded, and he punched out with his other fist.

  "Bang!" There was an explosion, and Superman, who was not as powerful as his opponent, was knocked away.

  However, just when the big man named Sano wanted to continue the pursuit, a green fist struck him across the hand and hit Sano's chest before he was able to prevent it, knocking him away. go out.


  With a roar, the Hulk quietly appeared with boundless anger. After looking at the big man angrily, he bounced out like a cannonball.

  "Oh? Interesting! Is there anyone like this among you?" Fiora was a little surprised.

  Witnessing the entire transformation process of Bruce Banner, Fiora couldn't help but become curious about the transformation between the two. However, after noticing Superman getting up from the ground and looking at her with hostility, Fiora coldly A look of violence couldn't help but appear in his eyes.

  "It seems that this boring day is about to become interesting."

  With Fiora's voice, the black cloak pulled into a black line behind her, and Fiora disappeared from the spot.

  "Boom!" Superman got up, his eyes blurred, and he was kicked out by Fiora again.

  Immediately afterwards, Fiora smiled cruelly, swayed, and reappeared where Superman was about to land, punching out again.

  However, this sure punch was empty!


  Looking at Superman who was trying to control his rolling body and flying to the side while wiping his fist, a trace of astonishment quickly flashed through Fiona's eyes.

  After licking her lips and seeing Superman closing the distance between the two, Fiora murmured softly: "Interesting."

  "Leave!" Superman looked at Fiora and said coldly: "Earth is not welcome. You!"

  "Welcome? Haha!" Fiora said with a faint smile: "I never wanted it to welcome, it just wanted to be afraid." "


  At this moment, seeing that the enemy was not moving, the war The machine fired a storm of golden bullets at Fiora.

  "Ding, ding, ding!"

  The storm of bullets, which was enough to tear the steel plate into pieces, fell on Fiora, but it could only splash some inconspicuous small sparks.

  Fiora reached out to cover her mask. Under the impact of the bullet, Fiora kept retreating. Through the gap between her fingers, she looked at the war machine and her eyes became angry and cruel.

  "Seeking death!"

  He yelled coldly, turned around, and avoided the attack of the war machine. The cloak behind him stretched a thin line, and the whole person had already jumped out.

  Fast, very fast, Fiora's speed has exceeded the reaction speed of the war machine. Even when the alarm of the steel suit he was wearing just sounded, there was a shattering sound from the armor on his chest.


  With an unpleasant tearing sound, the war machine flew out like a cannonball. At the same time, Rhodes in the steel suit also fainted.

  "Rhodes!" Captain America exclaimed, with a large amount of cold sweat appearing on his forehead.

  (End of chapter)

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