Chapter 225 Warning

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  Chapter 225 Warning:
  Try to find the Cosmic Cube first.

  As Dr. Banner spoke to break the calm, everyone looked over.

  Banner scratched his head and said: "When things happen, they must be solved."

  In his heart, he gave Dr. Banner a big thumbs up, and Nick Fury agreed: "Dr. Banner is right? Wrong."

  He is really a good person, and he is completely different from his violent appearance after transformation.

  Looking at Bruce Banner, Russell murmured in his heart and turned his attention to this matter.

  As Dr. Banner spoke, the cold atmosphere in the conference room finally became normal.

  Bruce Banner was a professional when it came to tracking the Cosmic Cube. Together with Tony and Russell, a feasible method was soon discussed.

  However, before everyone could put the discussed methods into effect, new changes occurred, disrupting their plans.

  "You are not the only one, you... are not... the only one.

  I am General Thad. I come from a distant world. I crossed the sea of ​​stars to come here.

  You have hidden a person from my planet.

  I ask you to hand it back This person is under my supervision.

  For unknown reasons, he chose to hide his whereabouts.

  He is trying hard to integrate with you. He looks the same as you, but he is not one of you.

  People who know where he is currently, Earth The future of the world is in your hands.

  Kal-El, listen carefully.

  You have twenty-four hours to surrender, otherwise, you will bear the consequences of the earth.

  Don't doubt our strength, your earth is called Aegis Our organization has already experienced it.

  I believe you will make a wise choice."

  Looking at this sudden news, the people in the entire conference room were a little blinded.

  They were still planning to find the enemy, but they didn't expect the enemy to issue a threatening notice first.

  "At the same moment when we saw this news, this news was broadcast all over the world. Whether it was TV, computers or mobile phones, they were all playing this message." Hill said with a solemn expression: " If they are indeed the ones who stole the Cosmic Cube, their power and technology are more powerful than we imagined."

  Nick Fury gently tapped his forehead with his hand, with a thoughtful look on his face, and slowly Said: "Kal Al, twenty-four hours..."

  "Hill, find all the people with this name in the world and conduct screening checks!" "

  Wait a minute." Russell said: "If this person If you wanted to hide it, wouldn't you change your name?"

  "Don't waste your efforts."

  Although he knew who General Thad was looking for and knew Superman's Earth name, he couldn't tell him.

  Because there is no way to explain how he knew.

  However, even if he didn't say anything, after receiving the threat notice, with Superman's character, in order not to implicate other people, he would appear, just like the original plot.

  Nick Fury was stunned, smiled bitterly, and said, "I'm a little anxious." "

  So, finding Kal-El should be impossible?" Black Widow whispered, looking at Nick Fury. .

  "It's unlikely." Captain America said in a deep voice, "Unless the other party shows up, this battle is inevitable." "But

  we don't know the enemy's information at all! Don't know how many enemies there are? I don’t know where the enemy is? I don’t know what kind of weapons the enemy has? How to fight?” Tony looked worried.

  "Weapons?" Russell reminded: "The enemy itself is the most powerful weapon."

  Hearing this, everyone felt cold.

  Judging from the personal force shown by the woman in snatching the Cosmic Cube, there are only a few people who can stop the opponent.

  "There is one more question." Dr. Banner wondered: "Even if the enemy really finds Kal Al, will they really leave as promised?" "

  Also, why does the other party want to snatch the Cosmic Cube?" Captain America He pondered: "If it's just to show their strength, they can choose a large military base." "What do

  you mean?" Tony said coldly: "They have other plans?" "

  Haha!" Russell suddenly laughed and said to everyone: "Actually, there is no need to discuss that much." "

  Judging from the current situation, there is a high chance that this battle will start. In this case, just be prepared. Why spend the money? Don’t have much time to talk nonsense?”

  “Of course, I hope all these preparations will be in vain by then.”

  “Russell is right.” Captain America said: “No matter what, we must be ready for battle. ."

  Nick Fury took a deep breath and said: "Hill, you go check on Kal Al, and I will make preparations for the war."

  Dr. Banner said: "I try to check for traces of the Cosmic Cube, hoping to The whereabouts of the enemy

  have been found." "Excuse me, Doctor." Nick Fury said, and then said: "If the battle is really inevitable, I hope Dr. Banner will..."

  Dr. Banner smiled helplessly. He smiled and said, "I know, Hulk was much more useful than me at that time."

  "Thank you, doctor." Nick Fury thanked him.

  "Okay, let's get ready." Captain America said and stood up first.

  "Wait a minute!" Russell called out, looked at everyone speechlessly, and said, "There's one more thing don't forget."

  Tony asked, "What?"

  "Magneto!" Russell said a name lightly, but It made the faces of those present even more ugly.

  "If Magneto starts a war at this time..."

  Although Russell didn't finish his words, everyone had already thought of the consequences.

  Moreover, judging from Magneto's level of activity these days, there is a very high possibility that he will launch a mutant war within these two days.

  Nick Fury said solemnly: "I'm going to talk to Magneto!"

  "You talk to him?" Russell said doubtfully: "Can you still contact him?"

  "I can talk to Professor X." Nick Fury Rui said worriedly: "I hope Professor X can persuade Magneto to stop him."

  To stop Magneto?
  Hope so.

  Russell didn't have high expectations for this. If he could persuade him to do so, Professor X would have done so long ago.

  Although the situation this time is very critical, in terms of the credibility of relevant departments such as SHIELD in Magneto's heart, this crisis may be evaluated by Magneto as - acting!
  "Alright! Let's take action quickly." Seeing everyone's solemn expressions, Captain America raised his voice and said loudly: "You won't know the outcome until the battle is fought. Don't be timid before fighting!"

  Everyone nodded and left quickly.

  (End of chapter)

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