Chapter 222 The Lost Rubik’s Cube

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  Chapter 222 The Lost Rubik’s Cube

  Russell didn’t know whether to laugh or feel helpless.

  Become an honorary member of the Avengers, an honorary member of the team that Bruce is assembling.

  When did he become so popular?

  However, becoming an honorary team member allows you to have some room to withdraw when you have a name to participate in some events.

  Having said that, becoming an honorary team member should be the best choice for him.

  Because whether it is the Avengers or the team that Bruce is forming, one has Tony and the other has Bruce. If he joins, his position in the two teams will be awkward because there are many overlaps between the two. .

  Patting his forehead, Russell put these messy things behind his head, turned around and got into the laboratory.

  For some reason, when he learned that Bruce wanted to form a team, he became anxious in his heart.


  Some pains will not heal by themselves because of time, and some problems will not disappear by themselves because of time.

  Such as the mutant problem.

  During this period of confrontation, the smell of gunpowder between the two sides became stronger and stronger. Even with Professor nervous.

  Neither of them intends to sit down, have a good talk and resolve the issue peacefully.

  They are asking for a fight.

  In order to show the power of mutants, one side wants to use its own power to win a considerable status for itself, while the other side is trying to deepen the conflict between the two and want to start this war and exterminate the entire mutant group.

  They were like two bulls that couldn't be held back. They kept approaching each other with the intention of fighting, causing Nick Fury, who wanted to resolve the matter peacefully, to have a headache.

  But then, something happened that gave Nick Fury an even bigger headache.

  A secret base of S.H.I.E.L.D. was attacked.

  Of course, if just an ordinary secret base was attacked, Nick Fury wouldn't particularly care.

  And this time, the reason why it gave him such a headache was not only that the enemy he attacked was terrifying, but also that something was missing in the secret base, which also made him furious.

  Cosmic Cube.

  A cosmic cube with infinite energy.

  He originally thought that this thing would be his trump card against threats and crises, but he didn't expect that this thing was snatched away by others before he got used to it or figured out the reason.

  What made him even more worried was, what would the enemy do if they took that thing?
  He didn't believe it was just for collection.

  Moreover, judging from the power displayed by the enemy, there is a question mark as to whether the enemy is an earthling.

  The enemy itself is a huge threat, and coupled with the Cosmic Cube...

  Nick Fury feels that he is in big trouble this time.

  Standing on the ruined base, Nick Fury couldn't help but break into a cold sweat when he thought of the battle scenes that were filmed.

  He must prepare for this.

  "Director!" Hill walked towards Nick Fury, his face covered with dust, making this cold and charming woman look even more embarrassed.

  Nick Fury asked with a gloomy face: "How is it, Hill, is there any news?" "

  No, I didn't find out any information about that woman." Thinking of the terrifying power displayed by the woman, Hill couldn't bear it. He asked: "Director, do you think that woman is from over there? Could she be a mutant?" "

  Oh, a mutant..." Nick Fury, who was in the darkness, revealed something that no one had seen. Smiling bitterly, he said: "It would be nice if they were mutants."

  Nick Fury had something to say. Shock flashed in Hill's eyes, he took a breath, and then said in a deep voice: "What should we do next, Director?" ?"

  Nick Fury looked gloomy and said: "Let's go and find professionals to see if they can help us track the Cosmic Cube." "

  By the way, Director, Magneto is going to be helpless." Hill breaks another piece of bad news to Nick Fury.

  Nick Fury twitched the corner of his mouth and said: "Always pay attention to the situation over there."

  Now he can only do this. Compared with the war that Magneto wants to trigger, this enemy who takes away the Cube makes him more worthy. Notice.

  Moreover, because of the special nature of the Cosmic Cube, he hid the fact that SHIELD obtained the Cosmic Cube. Now, if others knew that the Cosmic Cube was taken away, SHIELD would be in great trouble. .

  Pressure from various countries, endless accusations...

  When thinking of this, Nick Fury's face became even more ugly.


  "What?" After hearing Nick Fury's words, Russell said strangely: "You want me to go to the space carrier?" With a

  slight frown, Russell said: "Is there something wrong?"

  "Very You'll know the important things when you get here." Nick Fury's words were very vague, and he obviously didn't want to tell Russell the reason.

  Russell shook his head and said: "If you don't tell me, I won't go."

  Because of some unknown reason, he wanted to let himself help, but he still didn't tell himself the reason.

  Is there such a thing?
  Russell didn't expect to be on the space carrier. Nick Fury told him the reason again, catching him off guard.

  At that time, I will really be sold, and I will have to help the other party count the money.

  Seeing Russell being so wary of him, Nick Fury was helpless and could only say: "The Cube!"

  "What?" Russell was stunned for a moment and said, "You found the Cube."

  He only remembered the plot of The Avengers. It was caused by the Cosmic Cube, but he had forgotten exactly when SHIELD obtained the Cosmic Cube.

  So, the appearance of the Cosmic Cube, does this mean that the plot of Avengers 1 is coming?
  But, that’s not right, Loki is still here?

  Without Loki as the protagonist, how would the plot of Avengers 1 unfold?

  No, if he just found something as good as the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, Nick Fury would never say it like that. He would have liked to cover it up and study it secretly... So, did something unexpected happen

  A series of thoughts went through Russell's mind. Russell stared at Nick Fury with burning eyes, waiting for the other person's next words.

  When Russell looked at him with that look, Nick Fury twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Last night, the Cosmic Cube was taken away." "Snatched?"

  Russell was shocked and said, "Who is it?"

  Nick Fury said vaguely: "You'll know when you get here."

  "Okay, I get it." Russell stood up and said, "Send me the coordinates of the space carrier."

  He was a little curious. Who can take food from Nick Fury's mouth?

  "No, I've already sent someone to pick you up."

  After saying lightly, Nick Fury turned off the communication.

  (End of chapter)

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