Chapter 22 Forty Seconds

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  Chapter 22: Forty seconds

  are like roses falling on the branches, poignant, cruel, but helpless.

  Firefox, who could only get one chance to shoot with her own life, did not kill Sloan as she wished.

  Although the bullet ignited with the fire of life drew a perfect arc under Firefox's hands and directly killed half of the assassins in the room, her target Sloan used his experienced experience to shoot. He dodged Firefox's bullet trajectory.

  Looking at Fire Fox lying on the ground with lingering fear, Sloan took two steps forward with the gun in hand, wanting to confirm Fire Fox's death.

  He was shot twice. What's more important is that there is a scar on Firefox's forehead that was penetrated by a bullet.
  Such Firefox will undoubtedly die. Although he is old, Sloan still has the demeanor of an ace assassin in the past. He is extremely sure.

  At this moment, Sloan's heart suddenly suddenly turned around, he pointed the gun at the window, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.


  There was an explosion, and the entire glass shattered. An invisible figure, but outlined by the broken glass, hit the room. With two soft blasts, the bullet fired by Sloan was accurately cut open. The body flashed and disappeared.

  "Where is it?" Sloan looked at the disappearing intruder warily, and slowly moved towards the door.

  And just as Sloan and the four remaining assassins in the room were holding the weapons in their hands and carefully looking for the intruder, there was a 'bang', and the door to Sloan's room was forcefully closed. stand up.


  A series of bullets were fired at the door, but apart from leaving a pile of bullet holes, there was no trace of the intruder.

  At this moment, there was a sound of a sharp blade cutting through the air. Without waiting for the assassins in the room to react, a cold light with a wisp of blood passed through the necks of the four assassins. After making a semicircle, it fell on one in the open palm.

  "Ding!" After the sharp dagger directly cut the gun in Sloan's hand into two halves, Caesar, who had lost his invisibility, pressed the sharp dagger in front of Sloan's neck, while the dagger in the other hand was in Sloan's neck. In Long's horrified eyes, he traced the aorta on Sloan's arm.


  Blood spurted out, and Sloan screamed, holding down his arm, but then tightly shut his mouth in front of the gleaming dagger.

  Kicking off one of Sloan's legs, and casually throwing Sloan aside who was sweating profusely but still not daring to scream, Caesar took out Sloan's cell phone, threw it to his feet, and said : "Give you forty seconds to tell me who hired you to assassinate the successor of Bloom Technology, and you can get the phone.".

  According to Caesar's estimation, it only takes forty seconds for Sloan to bleed too much and pass out. Therefore, if he wants to survive, he must make a phone call and have someone come here to save him before he passes out. Otherwise, he will Once you faint, you will continue to bleed and you will definitely die.

  As for waiting for other assassins to hear the noise and come over... In order to kill Firefox and ensure that he did not attract too much attention, he deliberately told the other assassins that they would not come even if they heard the noise.

  I thought it was a sure thing, but who knew that a murderer would appear halfway through? Sloan felt very helpless.

  Ignoring Sloan, Caesar squatted next to Firefox, looked at Firefox with admiration, dug into his pants pocket, took out a translucent tape-like thing, and covered Firefox's head. After wrapping the entire wound, two tubes of special gel were injected into the tape through the opening on the tape. Immediately, the two colors of gel, one yellow and one blue, merged with each other, protecting the wound and hanging it. Firefox's life.

  Except for the fatal wound on the head, the two wounds on Fire Fox's body are not serious. However, if this continues, Fire Fox's life will really be saved.

  Although Alpha Gel can protect the wound on Firefox's head and hang Firefox's life, it cannot allow it to recover, so subsequent treatment is needed.

  Caesar's speed was very fast, which surprised Sloan, who was sweating profusely and whose face was constantly changing. However, when he saw Caesar's cold eyes sweeping towards him, he felt the growing pain caused by the continuous blood loss. After feeling weak, he said without any hesitation: "It's Gebrun! Gebrun!".

  Gebrun, the former CEO of Bloom Technology, was sent to prison by Russell some time ago, and he will never get out of jail.

  Caesar put his foot down on the phone and said: "Continue.".

  Sloan's expression tightened, he held his bleeding arm hard, shook his head, and said, "Only him."

  "Crack!" A slight sound appeared, but it was like thunder in Sloan's ears, and then he shouted loudly: "There is really only Gebrun! There is only Gebrun!".

  Caesar raised his feet, ignored Sloan, turned around, picked up Firefox, and left quickly.

  Seeing this, Sloan breathed a sigh of relief, endured the pain and the growing sense of fainting, dragged his broken leg and crawled towards the phone. He could hardly hold on anymore.

  After getting the phone, Sloan felt a little relieved. As long as he made a call, the nearest assassin would rush in and he would be saved.

  But...why doesn't the screen light up?

  Sloan used his remaining strength to press the phone angrily. When the phone lit up, the words that appeared made Sloan's head feel dull and he passed out.

  Low battery...

  want to survive? Do not make jokes! Sloane was doomed from the moment Caesar appeared in the room.

  On the other side, Caesar quietly left the mutual aid club with Firefox. After placing Firefox on the seat of the car he drove, he contacted Bloom's private plane and asked the plane to prepare medical facilities and medical personnel. The field opens.

  Later, on the way to the airport, Caesar called Russell's phone.

  "How's it going? Caesar?"

  Russell's voice rang as soon as the call came through.

  "Firefox was seriously injured. I used Alpha Gel to save her life. She probably won't die. She is on her way to Kentucky now."

  To completely treat Firefox's injuries, we still need to go to Kentucky, the place where Alpha Gel was invented. Just go.

  "Well, I know." Russell said lightly, and then said: "Did you get any other news from the old man?".

  Caesar controlled the car, made a beautiful drift around the corner and said, "No, maybe we guessed wrong, it was just Gebrun's hand."

  "Yeah." Russell responded and said, "I hope we guessed wrong."

  "What do you plan to do with the other members of the Assassin's League?"

  Russell raised his eyebrows and said, "Don't worry, go to Kentucky. I will notify Director Fury. He must like those assassins very much."

  (End of chapter)

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