Chapter 215 Come on

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  Chapter 215
  Thank you for bringing the X-Men into this operation?

  Listening to Stryker's words, the bad feeling in Nick Fury's heart became stronger and stronger, and he asked with a smile: "What do you mean, Colonel Stryker?" "

  Very simple!" A flash of light flashed in Stryker's eyes. He said cruelly: "The X-Men have left. How many people will be protecting Professor X now?"

  "Professor X?" Nick Fury was shocked, but frowned: "With Professor Do you want someone to protect you?"

  "Haha!" Stryker said with a smile: "No one is perfect."   "


If you have the power of the soul, why would it be difficult to kill a useless person?"

  Nick Fury secretly screamed, he did not expect that Stryker's X weapon had already been researched to this extent.

  In other words, Stryker actually discovered the ability to resist the power of the mind, and then integrated it into his own X weapon!   If
  Professor   Moreover, if Professor X dies, there will really be no way to contain this war. The contradiction between humans and mutants will be completely aroused and reach the point of irreconcilability.   Damn it!   Nick Fury cursed inwardly.   He didn't expect that Stryker actually wanted to attack Professor X!   Are those children just bait, and the real target has always been Professor X? Or is it that he was just taking advantage of the situation this time and anticipated the rescue operation?   However, no matter what, Stryker is not an easy person to deal with.   Professor X cannot die!   Thinking of this, Nick Fury suddenly looked embarrassed and said sheepishly: "Colonel Stryker, I'm so sorry. There is something I need to deal with. I'll leave for five minutes." As if he didn't see through   Nick Fury's lies. Like that, Stryker said nonchalantly: "Whatever."   Nick Fury turned to Hill and said: "You take Colonel Stryker with you."   Hill nodded and said: "Yes."   Nick Fury turned around After leaving, although his expression still looked calm, Stryker could read Nick Fury's impatience from his faster pace than before.   With a chuckle, Stryker asked Hill with a smile: "Do you think it's enough time?"   Hill was expressionless, pointing to the road on the left and said: "Please go this way."   ...   Half hours ago.   When Stryker told Nick Fury that he wanted to   kill Professor   Professor   "Professor, do you think they can succeed?"   Suddenly, the beast's worried voice came to mind, breaking the silence.   Professor   After being silent for a while, he slowly said: "There is no reason to fail, and you cannot fail."   The beast smiled bitterly and said, "Yes."   After finishing the words, he fell silent again.   Suddenly, the beast with a calm face and a little worry turned ferocious, and shouted in a low voice: "There are enemies!"   Following the beast's cry, four enemies that seemed to blend into the night suddenly appeared not far away. After seeing Professor X on the second floor, he jumped up slightly and shot towards Professor X at the window.   Upon seeing this, Professor   But it's no use at all!   Professor X's eyes suddenly widened, and he was horrified.   The beast, sensing something was wrong, bared its teeth at the enemy, bulged its muscles, and with a flick of its arms, it directly lifted Professor X and the car up, and ran towards the door.   And the moment the enemy appeared, a big white dog that was curled up and sleeping in the same room as the naughty boy moved its ears, and a Gollum got up.   The ears twitched slightly, the mouth opened, and a harsh sound like a wolf's howl emerged from the big white dog's mouth.   "Ah woo!"   "Ah woo!"   The little naughty boy woke up from his dream, looked at the big white dog, and shouted: "Thor? What's wrong?"   Thor turned around twice impatiently and pounced on the big white dog. Rascal.   The little naughty boy shrank in fright and avoided Thor.   She didn't want to hurt the other person.   "Ah!" Thor yelled again impatiently.   The little naughty man's expression condensed and he asked anxiously: "A bad guy is coming?"   This was the way Thor behaved on the night when Stryker attacked X School.   "Aww!" Thor yelled again.   Seeing this, the little naughty jumped out of the bed, quickly put on his shoes, and ran out the door.   He patted the door next door hard, and a confused voice sounded.   "Who is it?"   "Bobby, it's me! Little naughty boy!"   "What's wrong?" Bobby hurriedly got up.   "Come on! An enemy is coming!"   "What?" Bobby exclaimed, took three steps and two steps at a time, ran to the door, and opened the door violently.   At the same time, the steel man next to Bobby also heard the sound, opened the door, and asked in a deep voice: "Little naughty, what's going on?"   The little naughty pointed at Sol and said: "Thor called the police!"   Hearing this, Bobby panicked and said, "What should we do? Let's run away quickly!"   Peter frowned and said, "No, we must inform Professor X."   The little naughty face darkened, took a deep breath, and said: " No, we must fight!"   Looking at the two people with burning eyes, the little naughty said: "Everyone else is fighting, there is no reason why we are just watching the show!"   Bobby shrank his neck and said: "But, but we are just Student!"   Staring at his timid boyfriend, the little naughty man said coldly: "Is Katie still a student?"   After saying this, the little naughty man turned around, locked Thor in his room, and walked out of the dormitory. go.   The students' dormitory and the teacher's dormitory were separate and not in the same building, and when they ran out, several roars were heard.   The expressions of the three people changed, they looked at where Professor X was, and hurriedly accelerated their pace and ran towards him.   A moment later, when the three of them arrived near the building where Professor X was located, they saw a scene that stunned them.

  I saw Beast, the usually calm and wise teacher, pushing Professor .


  Seeing the three people, the beast roared loudly.

  The three of them were stunned for a moment, and saw four figures rushing out after the beast.

  "It's the enemy!" The little naughty boy shouted, but his face was a little panicked.

  Although she said she wanted to fight the enemy, her ability had to touch the enemy, but now...

  gritting her teeth, the little naughty girl looked at Bobby and said sternly: "What are you still doing stupidly? Stop it quickly!" What an enemy!"

  (End of chapter)

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