Chapter 206 Difficulties

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  Chapter 206 Difficulty
  Nick Fury suddenly cursed. Not only Russell was in a daze, but also Tony who came with him was stunned.

  This is a bit over the top!

  Didn’t Russell already agree to become an honorary Avenger?
  Is it still necessary to act like this?

  Feeling that his emotions were a little out of control, Nick Fury took a deep breath and quickly calmed down, then said: "What Stryker wants to do is not to calm down this incident!" "But to completely resolve it

  . Mutants!"

  "He can't wait to let the conflict between the two sides reach an irreconcilable point, and then start a complete war!" "

  This bastard, he doesn't even want to think about how many innocent people will die if he does this!" "

  The abilities of those mutants, One is weirder than the other! One is more powerful than the other!!"

  Nick Fury angrily slapped the coffee table in front of him, which made Russell raise his eyebrows. After seeing that the coffee table was not damaged, he slowly said: "He thought it was because of his Weapon


  With his The conflict between them led to a reckless war.

  All of this is inconsistent with SHIELD and Nick Fury's pursuit. It can even be said to be completely contradictory.

  His own efforts, and the efforts of everyone in SHIELD, could be completely destroyed overnight. No wonder Nick Fury cursed out in anger.

  Especially in this case, he had to help the weaker side, Stryker, maintain a stalemate, so that Magneto would use his weapon to prevent him from starting a war wantonly and triggering a greater war.

  This feeling made Nick Fury very frustrated.

  After pondering, Russell said: "So, on the premise that Stryker's trouble cannot be solved, I think the breakthrough point is still with Professor X." "

  As long as Professor X is not on the same front as Magneto, even if he remains neutral, Even Magneto has to reconsider the consequences of the battle."

  Tony said slowly with a thoughtful look on his face: "You are right."

  Nick Fury said: "So, those kids from School X are the focus."

  " We must reach an agreement with School X and

  Professor He smiled and said, "I think so too."

  "Since the point of conflict with X School is those innocent children, rescuing the children and returning them to X School is the best solution." Looking

  at Russell, Nick Fury raised two fingers and said: "But there are two key points that are difficult to solve." "

  First, the people who rescue those children."

  "Due to its position, SHIELD is not suitable to work with Now there is a conflict between Stryker, who represents the government, so people from SHIELD are not suitable to take action. At least, on the surface, they cannot take action and be caught by others." "But in this case, SHIELD will be

  greatly Limit the power."

  Tony groaned and said: "In this case, let the Avengers solve it."

  Tony's face straightened and he continued: "Those children are innocent and should not be used as chips in the game. I want the Avengers to Others in the alliance should also agree."

  Russell raised his eyebrows and said: "But in this case, the relationship between the Avengers and the government will become bad."

  Tony curled his lips and said helplessly : "There's nothing we can do about it."

  "However, the Avengers were originally born for this, and we will definitely encounter similar things in the future, so it will be a matter of time before the relationship becomes bad." "The important thing is to solve it

  . This crisis, as long as this crisis is solved, everything will be easy."

  Nick Fury said: "Then, the first problem is solved now."

  "The second problem, that is... someone has to go and deal with it. The

  _ The relationship is not suitable."

  "We have lost trust in X school."

  After saying this, the living room fell into silence.

  Tony was thinking about how to solve it, while Nick Fury looked at Russell with strange eyes. Russell was holding the cup in his hand, as if he didn't notice Nick Fury's eyes.

  Finally, after a moment of silence, after Nick Fury was sure that even if the silence continued, Russell would not take the initiative to speak, he coughed lightly and said: "Russell." A

  smile flashed in Russell's eyes, but he looked surprised. "What?"

  "I heard that your father maintained a good relationship with School X when he was alive. You and Professor X also knew each other, and you even visited Professor You are the best candidate."

  "Me?" Russell said in surprise: "I do know Professor X, but the relationship with School X is not as good as you think."

  Nick Fury said seriously: "But, you are more suitable than us."

  Tony also nodded and said, "It would be easier if you knew

  Professor Said: "Since Fury, you asked me for help... I can try."

  Hearing Russell say that he asked him for help, Nick Fury's mouth twitched.

  This damn little fox!
  Originally, he wanted to wait for Russell to speak on his own so as not to fall out of favor, but now it seems that Russell has already seen through his intentions.

  Now it is revealed directly.

  Now, I can't even think about relying on it.

  "Great!" Tony exclaimed happily and said, "In that case, let's discuss the time and the details of rescuing the children." "Wait, Tony!" Russell stopped the excited

  Tony, Said: "We can talk about the details later. If we don't reach an agreement with

  School Let's discuss the rescue."

  Tony was stunned for a moment, patted his forehead, and said, "You are right, but I was too excited and ignored this point."

  Nick Fury said, "Without further ado, ,   Russell, can   you

  go to school please!"

  (End of chapter)

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