Chapter 195 Asgard

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  Chapter 195 Asgard
  morning, sunshine, beauty...

  At this moment, it seems that the most beautiful things in the world are held in Russell's arms.

  A gentle kiss fell on the sleeping beauty's forehead. After the sleeping beauty gently raised the corners of her mouth, Russell got up from the bed and walked to the bathroom.

  A few minutes later, when Russell cleaned himself up and walked out of the bathroom, Ada had already sat up from the bed.

  She stretched out in the sun, allowing her body to show her amazing curves in front of Russell's eyes. Seeing Russell's eyes froze for a moment, Ada smiled slightly and said, "Good morning, young master." After saying that, Ada started to move

  . He got up from the bed, showed the beauty of his body in front of Russell, found the clothes Russell would wear today, and dressed him with a gentle look on his face.

  A few minutes later, Ada buttoned up Russell's shirt, put on Russell's bed jacket, kissed Russell gently on the lips, and said, "Master, are you going today?" "

  Yes." Russell nodded and said: "Saul was worried about his father's physical condition and decided to go back today."

  After carefully combing Ada's naughty hair on her forehead, Russell smiled and said, "Leave after breakfast." "

  Yeah!" Ada He nodded, pushed Russell slightly, and said: "Master, go down first, I'll be right back."

  Russell smiled and said: "No rush, there is still some time."

  After saying that, he slowly walked out of the room. However, after going downstairs, he saw Arthur who looked pleased. He twitched his mouth and walked into the restaurant with Arthur's smiling expression.


  After breakfast, just after Russell arrived in the yard, Thor waved his hammer, holding Loki in one hand, and fell from the sky like a whirlwind.

  Putting down Loki in his hand, Thor looked at Russell and said, "Are you ready?"

  Russell nodded and said, "You can go at any time."

  "Hey, wait!" He fixed his messed up hair. , Loki pointed at his neck, glared at Russell and said, "You can go to Asgard if you want to, but take this thing off for me first."

  He didn't want to go back to Asgard with this collar!
  This is not only a shame for him, but also for the whole of Asgard!
  Thor pondered and thought about this, then said to Russell: "Take it, as long as I'm here, there won't be any trouble." "

  Since you said so." Russell whispered and walked towards Loki pressed the collar twice and took it off under Loki's gloomy gaze.

  Touching his neck, Loki looked at Russell with evil eyes, like a poisonous snake that would stretch out its fangs when given the opportunity.

  At this moment, Russell's eyes flashed slightly, with a slight smile, and he reached out to grab Loki.

  The palm passed through it.

  Thor was stunned for a moment, with anger flashing in his eyes. Thor's hammer turned slightly in his hand and was thrown out by him.


  There was a soft sound, and Thor's hammer hit the empty air, but it made a muffled sound.

  "Ah!" With a scream, Loki fell out of the invisible state, fell face down on the grass, and completely fainted.

  Raising his hand to Mjolnir, Thor held it in his hand again. After looking at Loki who fainted bitterly, he said to Russell: "Now, I'm sure he won't cause any trouble for the time being! Russell

  looked at Thor with strange eyes and said faintly: "Are you really brothers?"

  Smashing it with Thor's hammer... It's a shame Thor could do it...

  Thor waved his hand indifferently, He said: "It's okay, you can't kill him!"

  "When I was a kid, he stabbed me with a dagger, and he's still alive and kicking now!"

  The hammer hit the younger brother, and the dagger stabbed the older brother. The two brothers had a really exciting time.

  Russell whispered in his heart and said: "Let's go, I'm ready."

  Thor nodded, lifted up Loki who fell to the ground, and said to Russell: "Stand with me."

  Russell did as he was told.

  The next second, as Thor called the gatekeeper of Asgard in his heart, a dazzling beam of light containing strange energy fell from the sky, enveloped the three Russells, and disappeared with the three of them.

  As if it only took a few breaths, when Russell reappeared from the dazzling light pillar, he had already arrived in a magnificent hall.

  Asgard's Bifrost control room.

  Looking at the golden-armored warrior standing in the center of the control room, pulling out the sword as the key to the Rainbow Bridge again, Russell sighed in his heart.

  Finally arrived in Asgard.

  After looking at Russell, Heimdall, who was the gatekeeper of Asgard, said, "Is he the friend you made in Midgard?"

  Heimdall glanced at him, with a gaze that seemed to see through everything. , Russell couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable.

  Thor nodded and said, "Yes, he is my friend."

  Although Russell did tease him at first, for Thor, he was the first person on earth to show kindness to him and help him again. One of the important reasons for being recognized by Quake.

  In Saul's view, such people can be called his friends.

  Russell smiled slightly, threw away the discomfort in his mind, and said to Heimdall: "Russell Bloom, it's nice to meet you, the guardian of Asgard." Heimdall nodded slightly and said

  : "Welcome to Asgard."

  His eyes moved slightly, looking at Loki who was being carried by Thor, and said, "What did he do again?"

  Loki used magic to cover Heimdall's gaze, so Heimdall Dahl couldn't see what exactly Loki had done, he only knew that Loki had arrived on Earth.

  "He was caught before he could do anything this time, haha!" Thorlan laughed, raised his chin to Russell, and said, "Russell caught him." Heimdall looked at him in surprise

  . He glanced at Russell and nodded kindly to Russell.

  "Heimdall, how is your father?" Thor asked carefully, his face full of worry.

  "He is sleeping." Heimdall sighed and said slowly: "You know, his sleep of Odin has been delayed for too long, so this time he is the weakest in history."

  " I know." Thor nodded, picked up the still unconscious Loki in his hand, shook it, and said, "I'll take him to see his father."

  Looking at Loki being lifted up by Thor, Russell felt that Loki looked a bit like him. A gift brought back.

  "Go!" Heimdall said: "Your father should have been waiting for you for a long time."

  Thor nodded silently and asked Russell: "Are you waiting for me here, or will you go with me?"

  Russell didn't hesitate. He said hesitantly: "Of course I went there with you!"

  "It took a lot of effort to come to Asgard. Of course I have to take a good look. This is not an experience that ordinary people can have."

  "Okay, let's go."

  (End of chapter)

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