Chapter 190 The disappeared Jin Bin

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  Chapter 190 On the disappearing Kingpin S.H.I.E.L.D.

  ’s space carrier.

  Russell and Caesar were sitting in the conference room with Nick Fury and the people from SHIELD, and Thor was sitting aside with Loki, looking at Nick Fury with an indifferent expression.

  As for Batman, who showed great power in this battle, he has disappeared silently.

  Such occasions have always been avoided by the other party.

  Rubbing his forehead in distress, Nick Fury looked at Thor and Loki and said, "So, you are 'gods'?"

  Loki looked arrogant and said, "That's right."

  He glanced at Nick lightly . Fury, Loki nodded and said arrogantly: "You are ugly, but if you are willing to kneel in front of me now, I might show mercy and give you some good things from the divine realm." His face darkened

  . , Nick Fury tilted his head and looked at Russell, and said coldly: "Are you sure you didn't find a lunatic somewhere?"

  Spreading his hands, Russell said calmly: "That's how the people there are."

  Thor was a little bit Embarrassed, he remembered his previous appearance, and then slapped Loki on the back of the head. After looking at Loki threateningly, he said: "Don't worry about him, he always talks like this." Nick Fury said

  calmly He said: "Then your folk customs are really simple."

  Thor nodded seriously and said: "Yes, the people of Asgard are very warm and simple."

  The corner of Nick Fury's mouth twitched, feeling that he had just said The words didn't feel like sarcasm at all, but instead seemed like praise.

  "Haha!" Russell couldn't help laughing.

  After both parties looked at him, he waved his hand and said, "Whatever you have to discuss, we'll talk about it later. The most important thing now is to solve these S variants." After saying that, Russell took out his mobile phone and called

  on After clicking on it, Tony's face was displayed and Tony's communication was connected.

  "Eh?" Tony looked at the people around him and said in surprise: "Have you finished solving it?" "

  It's done, I'm waiting for you."

  A trace of depression flashed across Tony's face, and then he said: "I'm rushing back."

  He thought he would be the first to complete the task, but now it seems that he is the last.

  Too much time must have been spent chasing.

  Muttering secretly in his heart, Tony looked at the people in the conference room, especially the armored Thor, and said, "You can continue your family meeting." After saying this, he quickly hung up the communication

  . .

  The entire conference room was strangely silent for a moment, and Nick Fury slowly said: "Now that Tony has solved the target, the remaining S variants, as far as we know now, are only some distributed in Gotham City. There's another one on the plane."

  "So, where's Kingpin?" Russell asked.

  "The results will be available soon." After saying this, Nick Fury turned to look at Thor and said, "I think we can take this time to talk about the two of you." Thor said seriously

  : "What do you want to talk about?"

  "I want to..."

  Loki said with a smile, disdainfully: "Want to talk about a better posture when you bow at our feet?"

  Nick glanced at Loki coldly. Fury said: "Can you please make him quiet?"

  Thor whispered an apology in Loki's incredible eyes, then looked at the collar around Loki's neck threateningly, and whispered to him: "Do you still want to take it off?"

  Loki's eyes flashed, his lips curled disdainfully, and finally he closed his mouth.

  Nick Fury tapped the table with his fingers and said with satisfaction: "Of course it's your purpose for coming to Earth. As for other things, you have to see and let me know your purpose before we can continue talking." Thor smiled sarcastically

  . , said: "You mean, you don't rule out the intention of treating us as enemies after knowing our purpose?" "That's

  right." Nick Fury said calmly: "And we definitely have the strength."

  Pointing at Russell, Nick Fury said: "Did you see it? Russell is our advisor to SHIELD. As long as we ask him to, he can make sets of powerful colonial suits, and each set of colonial suits will... Become a powerful warrior."

  "I believe you can see the power of that colonial suit."

  Russell rolled his eyes, a little dissatisfied with Nick Fury's bullshit performance, especially the one who described him as S.H.I.E.L.D. His tone was like that of a wage earner...

  But this was not the time to make trouble. After all, Nick Fury was talking to Thor on behalf of the Earth at this time. However, afterward, he felt that it was necessary for him to find Nick Fury again. Rui, let’s talk about what a consultant is and the cost of a consultant.

  Thor nodded and said unabashedly: "I know Russell is very strong!"

  After a pause, he continued: "But I also know that there must be many restrictions on the breeding equipment with that kind of power. Russell and I are friends, so , he also told me some things about colonial clothing."

  When did I tell you about colonial clothing? I do not know how?
  Seeing the praising look Sol looked at him, Russell twitched the corners of his mouth slightly and decided to secretly write down the matter of Sol pulling the tiger's skin.

  It seems that this seemingly reckless Thor is not as reckless as he appears.

  Nick Fury looked at Thor deeply.

  Just when Nick Fury and Thor were talking non-stop and the conversation between the two was getting better, Tony walked in yawning.

  He glanced at the two of them boredly, sat next to Russell, and said, "How are things? Has Jin been killed? Or was he caught?" "

  No news yet." Russell looked at the time and said, "It should be soon. ."

  As soon as he finished speaking, Coulson ran in and said, "Director, Agent Patton sent a message." "

  Huh?" Nick Fury smiled slightly and said, "The matter should be resolved, right? Where is Kingpin?" "

  Colson opened his mouth and said, "Let him talk to you himself."

  As he said that, Coulson took out a communicator, placed it in front of Nick Fury, and pressed the call button.

  Looking at Coulson's attitude, Nick Fury had a bad premonition and said, "How's it going, Barton?" "

  Director." Hawkeye's voice was a little tired as he said, "The situation is out of control. We killed a Kingpin, but we found nothing about the S variant."

  Nick Fury frowned and said, "Killed a Kingpin? What does this mean?"

  "Natasha She feels that the Jin Bin we killed is not the same person as the Jin Bin she saw when she was investigating the S variant."

  Hearing this, people in the conference room had a look of astonishment on their faces, while Eagle Eye continued. : "Based on this, we checked and found that the Kingpin we killed was just a stand-in, and the real Kingpin... disappeared!" (

  End of this chapter)

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