Chapter 187 Do you need a bat machine?

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  Chapter 187 Do you need a Batplane?

  "In addition to the three trains, there are also two planes flying to other cities."

  "One is flying to New York. In addition to vampires, there are a large number of ordinary passengers inside." "

  One Flying to France, except for the flight attendants, all the people inside are vampires." "

  The three trains are leading to Washington, Metropolis, and Las Vegas!"

  Tony's tone was full of seriousness, and he paused. Finally, he continued: "In addition to these, there are still some vampires hidden in Gotham City. Although there are not many, they are very scattered. They will leave Gotham at any time and escape our detection range." No need to think about it, just

  leave Exploring the scope, it will soon become a new source of infection, and a large number of S variant vampires will be born soon.

  Therefore, all threats must be eliminated in Gotham!

  "Russell, leave the train to you!" Tony, who was in Wayne Tower, said in a very confident tone, looking at the dark sky in the distance, and said quickly: "I will intercept the plane bound for France and fly to New York. The plane is in charge of SHIELD."

  "As for the vampires scattered in Gotham City, SHIELD's colonial troops will be responsible for them!" "

  I'll go first! The plane is about to leave Gotham!"

  the voice said After falling, Tony's voice disappeared, and he had obviously entered a state of full speed pursuit!
  Russell glanced at the anxious Batman, made a wait gesture, and asked Artemis, who was responsible for his communications, to connect to Nick Fury.

  "Russell, I already know the situation!"

  As soon as the call was connected, Nick Fury's cold but anxious voice rang. He was trying to find Russell, but he didn't expect Russell to connect to him first.

  When Tony told Russell about the situation, he was also connected to Nick Fury, so Russell and Nick Fury knew the news at the same time.

  "Well, I know!" Russell replied while making a gesture to Caesar in the distance.

  At the beginning of the battle, although Caesar did not participate in the battle, he remained hidden in the battlefield and paid attention to Russell's situation.

  Whenever Russell is in danger, he will definitely rush out to save Russell immediately.

  Seeing Russell's gesture, Caesar walked over expressionlessly, and Russell continued to say to Nick Fury: "Nick, although Tony has scanned out all the S variants in Gotham City, these are really all Is that all?"

  Nick Fury was silent for a moment, and then slowly said: "I'm not sure, but these must be resolved immediately."

  Russell nodded and said, "Of course I know that this must be resolved immediately. , but..."

  "We must solve the source!"

  "You mean Kingpin?" Nick Fury instantly thought of the source Russell was talking about, so he immediately said: "When I came, I had asked Nata Sha and Barton went, I believe there will be results soon."

  How could he ignore the fat man!

  If it weren't for that fat man, we wouldn't be in trouble today!

  Sure enough, he should have killed the opponent earlier. Even if the dark forces would become chaotic again due to the loss of Jin Bin's suppression, he should have killed the opponent earlier.

  "Very good!" Russell breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Then follow the distribution method Tony said." "

  Leave the train to me! In addition, prepare a Quinjet for Caesar."

  After hearing this, Nick Fury Taking a deep breath, he said solemnly: "Please and Caesar!"

  After hanging up the phone, Russell turned to Batman, who was looking at him eagerly, and after telling the story quickly, he said: "Are you okay now? ?"

  Batman felt his physical condition and said with a wry smile: "I'm out of strength. I need some time to recover."

  Although he really wanted to control the thunder and fight alongside Russell like before, but he always has more reason than emotion. But he understands that if he forcibly uses the power of the God of Thunder now, it will only make his body worse! Delaying your recovery can buy you time.

  But now, even if they fly to the battlefield in front of them, they are unable to stop the train of vampires.

  Therefore, instead of doing this, it is better to recover here and then join the battle.

  Russell understood the other party's words very well: "Then you take a rest first, and Caesar and I will kill the two targets first."

  As he said that, with a thought in his mind, Russell restored the colonial attire on his body, the Shibuki Arashi, into a ring, and put his hand in his pocket. He took it out, actually took out a ring with a hint of white light from the system backpack, handed it to Caesar, and said: "Caesar, this is for you, and the train to Washington is handed over to you." Caesar took it

  . Then, put the ring on your finger.

  He never asks how difficult the task is, but after getting the task, no matter how difficult it is, he will try his best to solve it, and so far, he has never failed a task.

  Because he is still alive, this is the best proof.

  For him, failure means death!

  "Caesar, Nick Fury has prepared a Quinjet for you! Just take it."

  As he said, Russell pointed to the Quinjet flying towards them and told Caesar: "Be careful. Some."

  Caesar nodded silently and said to Russell: "Master, if I guessed correctly, the breeding suit you just had has no energy."

  Russell was stunned for a moment and smiled: "I really can't hide it from you."

  Raising his finger, Caesar said: "You gave it to me, what about you?" Of course, Caesar

  also knew very well about the colonization suit, and he naturally understood that even if the colonization suit was soaked in energy liquid, it would require a certain amount of recovery time.

  Russell smiled slightly, put the Xibuki Lan ring on his hand back into his pocket, put it back into the system backpack, took out a new colonial ring, put it on his finger, and said, "I Be prepared."

  A smile appeared on Caesar's lips and he said: "Young master, be careful."

  Russell promised: "Don't worry, I won't risk my life."

  Caesar nodded, turned and walked towards the fallen Quinjet. .

  "Be careful!" Batman warned Russell, his eyes swept over the new colonial ring on Russell's finger, and he couldn't help but feel a hint of curiosity.

  Each of Russell's colonial costumes is unique, and as Russell displays more and more colonial costumes, the power of the colonial costumes becomes stronger and stronger.

  For example, the set just used can be said to be at the level of strategic weapons.

  And what kind of colonial outfit is this set that you are taking out now? How strong should the power be?

  "Do you need my Batplane to take you there?" Batman asked.

  Russell shook his head, raised his fingers, and said, "No need, it's enough." As

  soon as he finished speaking, a cold air came out of Russell's body. In Batman's surprised eyes, a pair of frost wings appeared. With Russell soaring into the sky.

  (End of chapter)

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