Chapter 185 Thunder Hurricane

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  Chapter 185 Thunder Hurricane
  In the quiet port of Gotham, a breeze slowly began to blow at some point.

  Batman stood on the top of the lighthouse in Gotham Port, looking at the cruise ships lying prone in the port like giant beasts in the distance. Thinking of the thousands of vampires, he felt for the first time the power of an individual, in such a big world. In the face of the catastrophic war, there was some weakness.

  "Perhaps, setting up a team is a good choice."

  For some reason, such an idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

  Suddenly, a gunshot broke the tranquility. The twenty cruise ships that he was heavily suspicious of seemed to be alive and moved slowly. While the sound of fierce battles rang out in the cruise ships, one after another swift figures, Like a group of exploding honeycombs, they jumped off the cruise ship one after another and fled around.

  "Hold on!" Coulson shouted anxiously, and took the SHIELD members around him to participate in the vampire encirclement and suppression operation.

  However, there were only more than 200 people. Even if there were dozens of elite warriors in colonial uniforms, the operation of encircling and suppressing tens of thousands of vampires still seemed very funny.


  Looking at the battle that took place, Loki laughed happily and said with a ferocious expression: "Kill, kill! It would be better if they all died!" Hearing this,

  Thor, who was boiling with blood, looked at Loki and said : "They are dead, and the thing around your neck cannot be untied."

  Loki's face darkened.

  At this moment, the breeze began to pick up. Thor and Loki, who seemed familiar with the wind, changed their expressions and looked to the right of the port.

  In the blink of an eye, several rotating hurricanes blocked the right side of the port like a wall of wind reaching the sky, blocking all the vampires on the right.

  The vampire screamed and panicked. His physical strength, which was far beyond that of ordinary people, still seemed very small in front of this terrifying storm. He was like a powerless duckweed, being sucked into the storm and flying higher and higher.

  "Is this really a power that a mortal can master?"

  Looking at this terrifying scene and noticing a figure standing in the hurricane, Loki murmured softly.

  Thor also sighed, but after seeing a large number of vampires giving up the idea of ​​running to the right and turning to the left and rear of the port, a trace of worry flashed in his eyes.

  At the same time, Thor was not the only one who noticed the movements of those vampires.

  Russell, Coulson, and Batman all noticed the movements of these vampires, and their eyes also changed slightly.

  Batman watched the vampires running towards the lighthouse like a wave. Although he wanted to stop them, there were so many vampires that he could not stop a few with his own strength.

  If so many vampires break through the port blockade and rush into Gotham tonight, the Gotham he has been protecting... will be destroyed!

  Thinking of this, Batman's eyes flashed with determination, and he called for Thor's hammer in his mind.

  The moment he picked up Mjolnir, he established a strange connection with Mjolnir. Although this connection continued to weaken as he gave up the power of Mjolnir, it still existed.

  And just when Batman called for Mjolnir, the Mjolnir placed in the research base began to tremble slightly under the astonished gaze of a group of researchers.

  Then, before they could react, Mjolnir soared into the sky and quickly disappeared, leaving behind dumbfounded researchers.


  Thor's hammer moved very quickly, with a whistling sound that pierced the air. It eagerly followed Batman's call and landed in Batman's hand.

  The next moment, surrounded by lightning, Batman flew up, and the Thor's Hammer in his hand surged with violent current. As Batman's rapidly falling body, it slammed to the ground.


  The ground cracked, and blue currents spread out along the ground like a huge electric grid, enveloping all the vampires rushing in, turning them all into coke.

  "Thor's hammer, Batman, is it him!?"

  Seeing the familiar electric light, Thor screamed, looking at Batman's eyes became strange.

  "No wonder, no wonder Mjolnir would recognize him, so that's how it is..."

  Loki, who was also shocked that Mjolnir was mastered by others, looked at Thor strangely and said, "Do you know who that person is?"

  Because Because Batman is wearing the Batsuit, his face cannot be seen.

  "Batman, everyone in this city knows it." Thor said lightly and continued to look at the battle in the distance. At this moment, he was also a little excited and wanted to join this war of protection.

  At this time, as Batman picked up Mjolnir, the left side of the port became a point of no return.

  Now, except for the sea in front of the port and the land behind the port, there is no other way to choose. Therefore, those vampires who are forced back by hurricanes and lightning can only choose the direction behind the port.

  However, before these vampires could break through and leave, a huge shadow broke through the clouds. With terrifying pressure, it slowly appeared, like a small island, appearing in the direction behind the port.

  Looking up at the space carrier appearing above his head, Coulson wiped the blood from his face and finally showed a relieved smile.

  The Space Carrier is the technological crystallization of S.H.I.E.L.D., an aerial fortress that can move at will and become invisible!

  As the aerospace carrier appeared, figures in colonial uniforms jumped off the low-altitude aerospace carrier and faced the vampire army.

  Suddenly, the third gap in the port was also blocked.

  Hurricanes, lightnings, and fighting crowds are taking shape like a rich oil painting at this moment.

  The smell of blood became stronger and stronger, and corpses were scattered all over the port like abandoned garbage.

  Listening to the sound of wind and thunder, Thor's heart beat violently, and his blood boiled with enthusiasm as he listened to every roar he made to protect the world.

  At this moment, he suddenly understood, understood his father's painstaking efforts, and how stupid he was for wanting to provoke a war between the two worlds!
  As a result, blood surged up, and Thor roared angrily, running wildly from the safe position of watching the war.

  He wants to fight, fight with these people who protect the world!
  "Damn, this idiot! Doesn't he know that he is just a mortal now?" Loki cursed in a low voice. After seeing that Thor was almost entering the battlefield, he gritted his teeth and rushed out with Thor.

  I'm not protecting him, I just can't let this idiot die before I prove that I am my father's best son!

  Without him, without this idiot, how could I be able to support my greatness and wisdom?
  Yes, that’s it!
  Roaring softly in his heart, Loki appeared next to Thor.

  Thor was surprised, then smiled slightly and said, "We are fighting side by side, brother!"

  "Tch!" Loki whispered disdainfully, but a complex look that even he didn't understand flashed through his eyes, and he joined Thor together. fighting.

  (End of chapter)

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