Chapter 172 Recognized (please subscribe!)

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  Chapter 172 Recognized (please subscribe!)

  "Try the hammer?" Tony raised his eyebrows. Seeing Russell's eyes smiling and looking like he was watching a good show, he said, "What's so special about this hammer?" "Try it

  . You'll know."

  "Just try it!" Tony raised his chin and walked towards the hammer.

  Thor looked indifferent, and there was even a hint of contempt in his eyes. He never believed that his Mjolnir would recognize other people, especially the man who looked like an embroidered pillow.

  Russell looked like he was watching a good show, which made Bruce beside him also curious.

  Tony took a deep breath, stretched out his hand to hold the hammer, and lifted it hard.

  Tony raised his eyebrows in surprise.

  Although I exerted my strength silently, the hammer remained motionless.

  Tony looked calm, as if nothing had happened, and released the hammer.

  A trace of contempt flashed in Sol's eyes, Russell secretly laughed, but Bruce asked strangely: "What's wrong, Tony, is there anything strange?" Tony looked solemn and said to Bruce: "I can't tell, you'll know if you try

  . Now."

  He just wanted to see Bruce's expression when he couldn't lift the hammer.

  Bruce looked strange, but he still walked towards Mjolnir, and under the watchful eyes of everyone, he grabbed Mjolnir.

  Then, with gentle force, he lifted Mjolnir under the stunned eyes of the three people.

  Shaking it gently in his hand, Bruce asked doubtfully, "Is there anything strange about it?"

  He thought it would be a bit heavy, but he didn't expect that he could lift it up without much force at all.

  I'm so excited! ! !
  Russell roared in his heart, looking at Bruce who looked relaxed, he was shocked. He didn't expect Bruce to be able to lift Mjolnir.

  However, when he thought of Bruce's other identity, Russell felt that it was not impossible to accept it.

  However, Russell knows, Sol does not!
  When he saw Big Bruce lifting his Mjolnir easily, he felt that his heart stopped beating and the whole world became blank!
  He is the one who knows best what this means!
  But because of this, he felt that he couldn't accept it.

  Because while he was still thinking about how he could be recognized again, others were easily recognized by Thor's Hammer.

  In other words, as long as the other party wants to, he can immediately replace him and become the new Thor.

  "Can you lift it up!?" Tony also looked at Bruce with a surprised look on his face and said, "I didn't realize that you are very strong!"

  Bruce was stunned for a moment, feeling very strange, especially the expressions on Russell and Nasol's faces. , which made him even more confused.

  It seemed like he had done something incredible unintentionally.

  Wait, so far, he has just lifted a hammer without any weight, so... it

  has something to do with this hammer?

  However, he did not feel the weight of the hammer in his hand.

  While guessing in his mind, Bruce smiled and said: "Haha, I do a lot of fitness during this period."

  Hearing this, Russell's mouth twitched.

  If this thing could be mentioned for fitness, I don’t know how many people in this world would meet the requirements.

  "Ha!" Tony waved his hand indifferently and said, "If I was wearing a steel suit, I might be able to lift it up." "Steel suit?"

  Bruce tossed the hammer in his hand with a strange look on his face and said to Tony "Weren't you acting just now? Do you still use a steel suit for such a light thing?"

  "Light?" Tony said speechlessly: "I just tried so hard and didn't even lift it." "

  But..." Staring at Bruce closely, Tony said doubtfully: "You are taking it too easy."

  Seeing that Tony didn't want to be joking, Bruce's heart skipped a beat.

  Did he go too far?

  Is this hammer really heavy?
  So, he lost his playboy and frail persona in front of others?
  Russell looked at the two of them speechlessly, feeling a little unsure of how to speak.

  That's Mjolnir. You thought you could just take it if you wanted...

  "Are you kidding me! That's Mjolnir!" Thor screamed, pressing his heart, glaring at Bruce and saying, "This is something that can only be taken by someone." Only those who are recognized by Mjolnir can lift Mjolnir!"

  Upon hearing this, Bruce and Tony looked at Russell with disbelief on their faces, waiting for Russell's answer.

  Russell nodded and said, "What he said is true."

  "How could..."

  Before Tony could finish his sigh, a bolt of lightning fell from the sky, like a beam of light, and landed on Bruce, shocking Tony. Fly out.

  Somewhat embarrassedly, Tony stood up from the ground and looked at Bruce with his mouth wide open.

  At this time, Bruce was surrounded by lightning. A patterned armor stuck to Bruce's skin and quickly spread from his limbs to his chest. Finally, a matte-colored armor was formed on his chest, covering his body. Cover it all.


  As the electric current flashed, a red cloak appeared behind Bruce, supporting the other person's figure in the electric light even more majestic.

  Seeing this scene, Thor had a bitter look on his face, and Tony swallowed in shock.

  But Russell reacted very quickly. When the lightning fell on Bruce and knocked down the building that was just to block the line of sight, a blue priest costume appeared on him. With a flick of his finger, a strong wind rose up, forming a A hurricane of dust swept around the four people, temporarily isolating this space.


  Bruce's body flashed with electric light, and he was horrified.

  He thought it was just a joke.

  However, he can now feel the power flowing in his body.

  That is the power of Thor.

  Now, it belongs to him!
  "Are you kidding..." Tony looked at Bruce and murmured: "How can a playboy like me be recognized by Thor's hammer and get the power of Thor?" "

  I must not have woken up, or that was not possible at all. Not the real Bruce."

  Well, you guessed it right, the real Bruce is the superhero known as Batman, a playboy or something, it's just his appearance.

  Russell murmured in his heart, and laughed secretly in his heart when he saw Sol's shocked look.

  It seemed like the other party was hit hard.

  Bruce stretched out his palm and shook it hard, feeling the explosive power contained in his fist, and his eyes flashed.

  The next second, a trace of determination flashed in Bruce's eyes.

  Released his hand, and under Thor's disbelieving gaze, Bruce put Mjolnir in his hand back to its place again.

  And as Bruce moved, the lightning and armor on his body disappeared.


  gave up the power of Thor!
   PS: Thank you for your tips and monthly votes!

  (End of chapter)

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