Chapter 158 The Truth (Please subscribe!)

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  Chapter 158 The Truth (Please subscribe!)
  "What's your name?"

  Throwing away the microsyringe in her hand, Black Widow looked at the middle-aged man whose eyes were dull because of the SHIELD confessional, and asked with a smile.

  "Carter Kunin."

  Black Widow smiled slightly: "What are you doing here?"

  "Doing research."

  Black Widow pointed the miniature camera on her chest at the other party and said, "For whom?"

  "Damaschino Si."

  Black Widow's eyes flashed, and when she felt lucky that she had found the right target, she continued to ask: "Tell me, what is the master of this place, Damaskinos, planning to do." "

  He wants to make up for it. The DNA weakness of all vampires."

  "Oh?" Black Widow asked, "What weakness is it   ?


Black Widow hurriedly asked: "Has he succeeded?"

  "Not completely successful yet."

  "What do you mean?"

  "Based on the previous experimental results, there is still sunshine and stronger blood addiction that has not been overcome. However, for blood addiction, What the master doesn't realize is a shortcoming."

  "Previous experiments?" Black Widow asked confused: "What experiments have been done before?" "

  He used the DNA of his son who is closest to him to do a DNA completion experiment." "

  His own Son?" Black Widow suddenly remembered the R variant that appeared recently, and guessed: "Chad Norman?" "


  "So, now Chad Norman is taking revenge on vampires because of his father?"

  Black Widow I feel that the current plot is turning towards family feuds.

  "Yes." Carter Kunin nodded and said, "He hates his father and the vampires here." "

  Very good." After getting the information she wanted, Black Widow smiled with satisfaction and said, "Now , come with me."

  "No, don't!" Under the influence of the confessional, Carter Kunin expressed his current mood very honestly.

  Black Widow looked at the time and saw that the time for the confessional was almost over. She grabbed the man's arm and said, "It's not up to you. You'd better cooperate. Otherwise, I don't mind killing you." As she said that, she

  used A pistol was gently pointed at the opponent's waist.

  Seeing this, the man could only helplessly cooperate, cover the black widow, and slowly leave the vampire lair.


  On the other side, the heavily injured Blood Guard and Midnight Sons teams also left the House of Pain.

  Carrying the body of an R variant.

  Originally, when Blade caught the R variant, although he had lost the ability to move due to serious injuries in the battle, he was still alive. However, he was going to Blade's workstation, planning to dissect him with the help of the equipment there. He just died on the way to study.

  Based on Nissa and Blade's understanding of vampires, they came to a shocking conclusion.

  The R variant is starved to death.

  The R variant is much more addicted to blood than ordinary vampires. The reason is that if the opponent wants to survive, it needs to suck blood more frequently, otherwise, it will consume its own blood.

  Returning to the workstation, Scud and Whistler, who were staying behind at the workstation, were shocked when they saw a team of many people.

  But they were relieved when they discovered that most of the missing people were just vampires.

  After carrying the body of the R variant onto the workbench and seeing a group of people gathered around to look at it curiously, Russell, who was not interested in it, and Daredevil, who couldn't see it at all, turned around and went upstairs to the Blade Workstation, one by one. After getting into a room, he walked in.

  After closing the door and making sure there were no cameras or anything like that in the room, Russell took off his mask and exposed his watch. After reaching out and pressing it twice, a virtual screen popped up and linked to Alte. Miss.

  After checking the message left for him and the work progress of Artemis, Russell was about to turn off the virtual screen when a communication request appeared on the screen.

  Russell's lips curled up, and he quickly picked up without any hesitation.


  Looking at the pretty face that appeared on the screen, Russell smiled and said hello.

  "Are you back from the paradise?"

  Ada nodded lightly and said, "You are back, but it's a pity that the young master is not here."

  "I will go back soon."

  Ada looked at Russell's surroundings and noticed Russell's body. After taking off his clothes, he raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "Master, are you going to be a superhero again?"

  Russell said with a smile: "I am not a superhero, I just have an old friend asking for help."

  " Help?" Ada leaned back lazily and said, "Are you asking the young master to solve some super criminal?" "

  No, this is a major event that concerns the entire human race!" Russell blinked at Ada mysteriously, "Do you want to hear it?"

  "Okay." Ada looked at Russell gently and said, "As long as it's what you say, I want to hear it."

  "Ahem!" Russell coughed lightly and greeted Ada's With his eyes, he told about the R variant.


  At this time, the Blades downstairs, after dissecting the R variant and obtaining some data about the R variant, the Blood Guard Team returned to the vampire lair after bidding farewell to Blade for the time being.

  They brought some of the data from the anatomy of the R variant back to the vampire lair to see if they could find a solution and see if there were any suitable weapons to deal with the R variant.

  Just when the vampires returned to their lair and the remaining ones went to rest, Bullseye installed a black tracker in the vampire lair and activated it.

  This thing is used by vampires to track the R variant, but Bullseye gave the matching tracking device to Chad Norma.

  After looking at the activated tracker, Bullseye sneered, returned to his room, prepared the things he wanted to leave with, and decided to leave alone when he went out for action tonight.

  During such a long period of time, Bullseye completed many missions for Kingpin, allowing Kingpin to gain a lot of benefits. Even, at Kingpin's request, Bullseye used the reason for his research to eliminate Sunshine's weakness, allowing him to Even the vampire research results were stolen.

  However, Kingpin had no idea of ​​letting him come back, solving his weaknesses, and sharing some benefits with him, which made him secretly hate Kingpin.

  However, Kingpin was far away in New York and there was nothing he could do against him.

  But coincidentally, during this operation, he actually met his old rival and one of the murderers who turned him into a vampire.

  So, when he was caught by Chad Norma and was about to be killed, in order to save himself and to avenge his enemies, he did not hesitate to sell the information about the vampire lair to Chad Norma.

  As long as Chad Norma leads people to attack the vampire lair, the Midnight Sons team will definitely come to the rescue. When the time comes...

  one by one they can take revenge.

  "It's a pity that one of them has been killed."

  (End of this chapter)

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