Chapter 139 Desert Steel Legion

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  Chapter 139 Desert Steel Legion
  hung up the video. With a smile on his face, Russell sent the equipment Laura wanted to Arthur. After asking Arthur to send it to the other party, he started busy again.

  When Laura called this time, in addition to telling herself what she was busy with now and reporting her work to her boss, she also showed her gains.

  A clock.

  In addition, she also complained about the boring old man who told her about archeology knowledge, as well as some small discoveries of her own.

  The whole chat process seemed very pleasant.

  Russell, who was so busy and dizzy, also relaxed a lot because of the chat, which made the subsequent work much smoother.


  Time moved its own pace, and a month passed quickly.

  This month, compared to the previous one, passed very smoothly, at least nothing major happened.

  After completing his work plan, Russell rarely wastes time on other things, and even goes out of the door very well. It can be said that he is very consistent with Laura's evaluation of him as a homebody.

  However, Russell has gained a lot in the past month. With the materials obtained from SHIELD, he now has almost one-tenth of the materials that he can synthesize by himself.

  Although they are all basic and simple materials, this can be regarded as a very big progress.

  In addition, he spent a lot of achievement points. If it weren't for this month, he used shadow to complete some achievements and got a little more than 5,000 achievement points. His previous achievement points would have bottomed out. .

  Of course, Russell did not use the legendary achievement points.

  All in all, Russell's achievements this month are not small.

  If Tony hadn't called him, he would still be obsessed with his research.

  "What? You want to ask me to go racing?"

  Hearing Tony's words, Russell's heart moved and he put down the tools in his hands.

  If he remembered correctly, a villain with very shabby equipment, Deathwhip, appeared in a car race involving Tony.

  Seeing that Russell didn't say anything, Tony, who thought Russell didn't want to go, said, "You're not afraid of losing to me, are you?" With a raised eyebrow,

  Russell directly ignored Tony's clumsy provocation and said, "Listen to your squeaking. "Have you encountered any good things recently?"

  "Ha!" Tony on the other end of the phone turned around in his chair proudly and said, "Not bad, we solved a fatal problem."

  New elements were discovered and developed The new reactor was built and the palladium poisoning was solved. For Tony, it was indeed a fatal problem.

  However, if he hadn't found the message left by his father in his father's items brought to him by Nick Fury, and found the architectural expression of his father in the office of Stark Office Building, He will not succeed so quickly if he leaves behind new element models.

  "No wonder your tail is raised!"

  Tony said matter-of-factly: "We have solved a big problem, shouldn't we celebrate?"

  "Living in this world, in addition to working, we must also learn to have fun. I Friends!"

  "That's life."

  Russell laughed and said, "Okay, don't give me lessons. I've been busy for a while, and I just happened to go out for a walk."

  Tony smiled and said, "This That's right."

  "I'll send you the time and place."

  Russell stood up, stretched, and said, "I got it."

  After turning off the virtual screen, Russell asked Artemis to save his work progress. Left the laboratory.

  Since he was going, he had to make some preparations in advance.


  At the same time, in the Middle East far away from New York, in a base built in the desert.

  A man wearing camouflage uniforms with slender eyebrows was looking at the row of steel armors in front of him with excitement, clenching his fists hard.

  "Don't get excited! Zach." A bald man with the same fiery eyes patted Zach Stan's shoulder and said, "This is just the beginning."

  Zach Stan took a deep breath and looked at the silence around him. The silent man said: "Don't forget what you promised us, Raza!"

  Raza nodded with a grin and said: "Of course I won't forget it. Tony Stark is also my enemy. I can kill him, and He can also expose what his Stark family has done to the public and make him stink. Only in this way can he relieve his hatred! And..." Pointing

  to the steel armor, Raza said excitedly: "As long as I have These steel soldiers, my team will be invincible, even if we rule a country here, it will not be a problem! What does a Tony Stark mean?"

  Back then, Tony Stark relied on an ugly steel suit. The scene of breaking out of their siege and severely injuring them was still vivid in his mind, so he had a deep understanding of how strong these steel suits were.

  Moreover, it is now an upgraded version.

  When he thought of this, he trembled with excitement.

  Reluctantly calming himself down, Raza said: "I'm going to gather my most elite warriors and let them adapt to this steel armor as soon as possible!" After saying that, he couldn't wait to

  leave quickly.   After Raza left, Zach Stan looked at the

  man beside him who had been silent all the time, just holding a toothpick and chewing it gently, and said: "Ivan, is our steel armor ready?"

Wearing a white vest, a tall and burly figure, with long shawl hair mixed with some white hair, and tattoos all over his body, this middle-aged Russian man standing next to Zach Stan does not look like a man with coveted skills. scientist, instead looks like a middle-aged rock singer.

  However, this Russian man who looks more like a rock singer than a scientist is indeed a genuine scientist.

  His name is Ivan Vanko, and he also hates Tony Stark to the core.

  When he was young, Tony's father, Howard Stark, drove his father out of Stark Industries and worked with the U.S. government to deport his father, which not only made his family impoverished, but also ruined their lives. His sudden decline made his father die in depression, so he hated the Stark family.

  In his opinion, if Howard Stark hadn't used despicable means to steal his father's research and expel his father from the country, Tony Stark's life should belong to him now!
  Therefore, when Zack Stan came to him and explained his intention, he immediately agreed to his proposal and went to the Middle East with him to cooperate with terrorists and use the steel left by Tony. The remains of the suit were used to create steel armor.

  Ivan Vanke bit the toothpick in his mouth to the other side, raised his chin, and said proudly: "Come with me, let you see my masterpiece." (End of Chapter


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