Chapter 117 Ready to go

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  Chapter 117 Ready to go
  "Aren't you interested in him?"

  Faced with Nick Fury's question, Russell said expressionlessly: "No."

  Nick Fury looked helpless and said directly: " The military is hunting Bruce Banner. If Bruce Banner is stimulated and turns into that irrational monster, it will be a disaster for New York."

  In fact, in Nick Fury's speculation, Bruce Banner Banner was stimulated not if, but definitely.

  As long as the military does not give up capturing Bruce Banner, then the other party will definitely become that monster, and... "

  I don't think the military can control Bruce Banner, even if the military also buys your colonial clothing. Russell

  raised his eyebrows, gently kneading the colonial ring on his finger, and said, "So?" "

  So, I want you to go and see it together, and when Hulk appears, take action to stop him."

  The colonial suit in Russell's hand was much stronger than the colonial suit and super soldier currently on sale. He wanted to see how powerful the colonial suit in Russell's hand could be.

  Russell smiled and said, "So, I'm a little interested."

  Russell is naturally interested in Hulk, because the appearance of Hulk represents unfinished achievements, and achievements represent achievement points.

  He just said that because he was dissatisfied that Nick Fury clearly wanted to get him to take action, but still wanted him to take the initiative to speak and was grateful for the other party's attitude.

  As for Nick Fury's thoughts, Russell also guessed a little bit. It was just to estimate the power of the colonial suit when he took action.

  Russell doesn't care about this, because Russell has more than one set of colonial clothing, and properly demonstrating the power of colonial clothing can stimulate customers' desire to buy.

  Hearing Russell's words, Nick Fury was a little helpless.

  The tricks he used on others had no effect on Russell...


  Nick Fury looked at his right-hand man standing next to him.

  Hill nodded and said: "After Bruce Banner arrived in New York, General Ross applied for a hunt. The military agreed to General Ross's application and is now mobilizing manpower. If nothing else, the two will meet within a few hours. They met later and had a conflict."

  "Agreed to pursue, these idiots, don't you know how much casualties that guy will cause if he appears in downtown New York?"

  Nick Fury yelled angrily, which surprised Russell. .

  It seems that the other party still cares about ordinary people, at least more than those who approved the capture of Bruce Banner.

  In other words, in the eyes of the military, the value of Bruce Banner is much more important than the ordinary people who lost their lives in capture.

  Moreover, even if the Hulk appears and causes casualties, if the military subdues the Hulk, it can win cheers and gratitude for the military. Even if it fails, it can still suffer misfortune in exchange for a lot of sympathy.

  Look, our military subdued the monster and avoided greater casualties.

  Look, how dedicated our military is and how brave our soldiers are. Do you admire them or not?
  Hill continued: "The military warned us not to let us participate, saying that every hair on Hulk's body belongs to the military and has nothing to do with our SHIELD."

  Nick Fury said coldly: "This I've already guessed that Hulk has become the inner demon for Ross, an old guy. However, if you have the guts to eat it, you have to eat it well." "Don't conflict with the military, but make sure that when the situation gets out of control

  , We can intervene at any time!"

  Hill nodded and said, "Okay, I'll arrange the manpower now."

  "So, before you can't intervene, you plan to use me or Tony as a means of intervention?" Looking at the other party sideways, Russell said: "If we can subdue the Hulk, can you jump out and use our status as consultants of SHIELD to make a fuss and let SHIELD have ownership of the Hulk?" Russell and Tony's

  identities Specially, billionaires, genius inventors, and many forces are involved. They can intervene in military battles in their own names without worrying about the dissatisfaction of the military.

  In the case of capturing Hulk, SHIELD can intervene as they are advisers to SHIELD. In the case of Hulk escaping, SHIELD can also remain on the sidelines and have nothing to do with it.

  After all, they did it themselves, and we can't control them.

  Nick Fury said solemnly: "It's not so much about ownership, but it's about wanting Bruce Banner to join my plan." "

  In General Ross's view, Bruce Banner's success can be copied, but for me For one guy like this, one is enough. If there are too many, it will be a mess."

  Looking at Nick Fury in surprise, Russell scanned it from beginning to end and said, "Why don't you speak in a secretive way this time? ?"

  Nick Fury sighed and said: "I think if you do that, you will pat your butt and leave directly." "

  Well..." Russell raised his eyebrows and said: "Am I that important? Let me You value me so much."

  Nick Fury confessed affectionately: "It's more important than you think."

  Russell shuddered and said, "Don't say that, being valued by you is very stressful."

  His expression After stiffening, Nick Fury coughed lightly and said, "Let's go and take a look at those materials."

  "So proactive?" Russell narrowed his eyes and said, "Don't be thinking of something else."

  Nick Fury Fury said with an ugly face: "You are overthinking."

  Why is it that when he is sincere and wants to be a good person, he is always suspected by others?
  What's wrong with this world.

  Looking at Nick Fury's face, Russell raised the corner of his mouth and said, "Let's go then! I don't want to go back empty-handed. I hope there is something I can use." Russell didn't know how many places SHIELD had to store materials

  . But in the storage room under the SHIELD headquarters building, Russell found a lot of useful materials, which surprised Russell.

  The storage room was very large, and there was a possibility that Nick Fury had hidden some of it. Due to time constraints, Russell did not finish reading those materials.

  Moreover, although SHIELD's materials have names, they are called internally by SHIELD. Even though the materials are indeed a type of material in the system, because the names do not match the numbers in the system, Russell is needed. To distinguish one by one.

  Of course, Russell was unprepared when he came this time. When he comes next time, these tasks will be handed over to Artemis.

  Artemis has data on all materials in the system, and the scanning and comparison speed is many times faster than him.

  Time passed little by little, and after Hill informed them that General Ross had begun taking action, Russell took the materials he found, took a SHIELD plane with Nick Fury, and rushed back to New York.

  (End of chapter)

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