Chapter 69 Listening to the Voice of Order

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  Chapter 69 Listening to the Voice of Order
  "Does Bai Shou regret that he studied late and studied diligently early?" "

  No, it's snow from Bai Xue, a bath for bathing."

  Seeing your beautiful face, my heart felt like snow.

  Snow bath...what a name.

  The girl in front of me is indeed impressive.

  But this rather old school uniform is really eye-catching.

  Bai Yu seemed to notice the logo on the clothes that was similar to that of Nanling No. 3 Middle School... Alumni?
  No, probably not, at least the color and appearance of the school uniforms are wrong.

  This is no time to be distracted.

  This red-haired girl gives people a sense of familiarity that is not easy to mess with...

  It is said that the pinker the hair, the harder the beating will be.

  Her hair was so pink that it would bleed with just one punch.

  Compared with Bai Yu's serious gesture of raising his hands, Qin Xuezha didn't make any movement at all, just stood there calmly, with his right hand behind his back and his left hand raised, palm facing up.

  This looks like a master teaching a novice.

  In movies and TV shows, if two people assume this posture in the ring, it doesn't take a guess to know that the person with one hand will win.

  But here is reality.

  Bai Yu stepped forward, one step, two steps... The other party didn't respond.

  Only their forearms touched each other, and the backs of their hands touched each other.

  The range of motion at close range should not be too large.

  This time, both sides attacked after a three-second pause.

  Bai Yu made three consecutive close bunts and was defended.

  His fist was very hard, and the opponent seemed to be prepared for it, so he chose to use a harder elbow to deal with it.

  The pain sensation at the elbow is relatively dull. As long as the angle is correct, there will be no pain when hitting steel.

  Bai Yu continued to change his boxing moves, but the opponent had to neutralize each of his previously useful moves.

  Qin Xuezhao's fighting skills are more like mixed martial arts than traditional martial arts, which means she has stronger instant explosive power and offensiveness.

  After only three rounds, Bai Yu's attack was interrupted by a punch from the opponent, and he entered the opponent's attack rhythm.

  The punch was fierce, Bai Yu raised his arms to defend, found an instant flaw, and directly grabbed the opponent's wrist, and at the same time, he faced the opponent with his back and prepared to throw him over his shoulder.

  He had used this move on Sword Demon before. Not only could he win with one move, but he could also seize the weapon at the same time.

  But this move was also seen through by Qin Xuezhao.

  Bai Yu's strength failed to throw her over.

  "Anti-fall skills." Tao Rusu saw it clearly. She held Bai Yu's waist with her left hand, unable to bend over. Without the fulcrum, she could not exert force.

  Fall prevention is also a very practical skill in mixed martial arts.

  Qin Xuezhao controlled himself from being thrown over, and used force in the opposite direction, directly pressing Bai Yu to the ground of the ring. When he fell to the ground, he added a spin kick in the air.

  The two sides once again distanced themselves.

  The attack was so fast that Bai Yu didn't even have time to judge whether he had thrown the first punch or not, and whether his critical hit rate was full or not.

  He observes his opponent and determines how he will attack next.

  Just when he thought of this, Qin Xuezha stood up on tiptoes and began to sway his body and tilt his center of gravity, causing his body to rotate slightly.

  ……Fake action?

  ...The range of movements is so large, but it may expose flaws.

  The next moment, Qin Xuezhao suddenly rushed forward, indicating that this was not a fake move, but was accumulating strength. He rushed forward suddenly, closing the distance in an instant. His whole body was spinning directly in the air, and the attack came as fast as a hurricane. Her The upper body is below, and the right leg has been raised high, rotating to drive the fierce offensive of the body.

  This is a self-sacrifice technique.

  The so-called self-sacrifice technique is an attack launched without maintaining one's own balance and defense.

  But this was not an ordinary self-sacrifice kick, but...

  Bai Yu clamped his arms. When his arm was hit, the strong impact caused him to move back half a meter, and then took three steps back again, hitting the railing. Only then did he stabilize his body.

  "...Calaboye." He breathed out: "Brazilian war dance."

  This fighting technique is a kicking technique created by black slaves to resist the colonizers.

  This kind of martial art has two characteristics, one is the fake steps of shaking the body; the other is kicking without sacrificing one's body.

  The reason for shaking the body is to avoid bullets, and the reason for not using hands is because the hands are bound by chains... Therefore, Karaboye is a martial art that focuses on attack, without considering defense at all, and every move is a self-sacrifice kick.

  Naturally, the power is also extremely powerful. In his previous life, Bai Yu saw someone on the ring kicking someone to death with a direct kick, and blood from the brain splattered from the eye sockets.

  Equal to its power, its flaws are also huge.

  Although it has great flaws, its offensive nature is too strong, and the result of a head-on confrontation may be death.

  There's a lot to be careful about now, and you might get kicked.

  It's a bit tricky.

  Bai Yu moved his sore and numb arms, thinking about how to defeat the enemy.

  At this time, he suddenly thought that although this round was the ninth round, it was actually the tenth round... because there was Tao Rusu at the front.

  So, the person in front of me is the tenth person I have fought against... I don't know if the guarantee rule has been triggered again. Well, there is no prompt at all in this thing. You have to guess whether it is or not.

  If you want to fight, it's best to do it head-on. You must judge the opponent's offensive line in advance, predict it, and then see through it.

  He held his breath slightly and watched his opponent's movements, every inch.

  Incredibly, even though he had not activated the Principle of Heroic Spirits at this moment, he seemed to have entered bullet time, and his body felt slower.

  It was as if a ray of lightning flowed down his back.

  Like a finger holding the undulating water.

  An extremely clear world appeared in his eyes.

  Everything is so harmonious and orderly.

  Bai Yu looked at the other party. In his eyes, Qin Xuezhao was like a sophisticated machine. What her next move would be, the trajectory and route of her attack were all visible to him.

  Therefore, as she exerted strength, her entire body made a clear sound like a music box, and everything worked in harmony.

  Bai Yu also enjoys this indescribable sense of harmony and order.

  It's like watching the operation of a mechanical clock. It rotates, the gears mesh, the axle rotates, and the second hand moves in an orderly manner.

  Because it is well organized, it is easy to predict... You can see that her power point is still in her feet, her fists are the cover, and kicking at her own risk is the goal.

  However, amidst this orderliness, a few discordant notes still came from her movements... like a fallen copper pillar in a music box or a tragic scratch in a vinyl record.

  It is very disharmonious, and the disharmonious tone comes from the excessive shift of the opponent's body with the center of gravity, which results in excessive sharing of pressure on the left leg, and the time for exerting force and accumulating force is lengthened.

  This discordant note is precisely the most vulnerable link in this attack.

  Just reach out your hand to stop its movement.

  So he stretched out his hand and pressed on Qin Xuezha's shoulder. Her body sank, the center of gravity of her left leg was completely lowered, and she unconsciously lost her balance.

  But at this point, she didn't try to give up the self-sacrifice kick, and still tried her best to exert her strength. As a result, she lost control of her body. Not only was she inaccurate, but she also kicked herself off the ring.

  "Winner, big star!"

  The staff took the lead in applauding.

  The veterans below also applauded.

  Tao Rusu tilted his head and widened his eyes, completely unable to understand what was going on with the move just now.

  "This girl is pretty good, but she still didn't make it past the tenth move."

  "Yeah, look at the way she flew out. As I said, this platform is very slippery. If you're not careful, your feet will slip."

  "Really? Is it really that silky smooth?"

  Qin Xuezhao stood up after falling, glanced at Bai Yu, then hugged his fists and was about to turn around and leave.

  Bai Yu looked at the latter's back and asked, "Are you a student of No. 3 Middle School?"

  "Probably, I don't remember much."

  She responded vaguely, walked out of the gate of Heishui Martial Arts School, and her back disappeared. .

  Bai Yu walked down from the ring and told the staff about the prize he had redeemed. The other person nodded: "Please wait."

  After a while, he returned and took out a box the size of a mobile phone packaging box: "Your prize... please sign for it.

  " Yu wrote down his name and registered as a member here... which was also a free one-month membership.

  At this time, the event ended and the crowd dispersed. Tao Rusu approached and asked, "What was your last move?"

  Bai Yu replied, "Stress reaction."

  "Who has such a normal stress reaction? "

  Is your stress reaction very intense?"

  "Usually the stress reaction will directly stimulate the person to release a power beyond the original... and this power will become a unique skill after being familiar with it." Tao Rusu said seriously: "This is the origin of extraordinary skills. This is a unique skill that belongs to every extraordinary person. It is almost impossible for others to imitate it. I remember that there was a peerless master whose extraordinary skill was called Holding the Head and Crouching to Defend, which can resist All attacks are impenetrable."

  "I don't know about that." Bai Yu spread his hands.

  However, the second stress reaction lasted more than twice as long as the first time.

  If this is also a unique extraordinary skill, it can be called weakness detection.

  It’s just that the current experience is too little to fully exploit the potential of this extraordinary skill.

  I always feel that it should have more uses...

  Breaking through the extraordinary is to turn it from an occasional stress response into a permanent active or passive skill.

  "I still want a good beating." Bai Yu raised a finger: "A few more times will definitely help me get a quick response." "

  It can't be that easy." Tao Rusu rolled her eyes and complained: "It depends. Luck, if being beaten can cause stress, then there must be a market for Didi's beating of people now. I remember there was a knight in the West who successfully entered the extraordinary world by being struck by lightning three times in a year. This is also considered stress. Do you want to hold a lightning rod and try to chase the power of thunder and lightning?"

  Bai Yu also knew that he was whimsical, so he changed the subject casually: "By the way, that Qin Xuezha just now..." "

  I also think this looks familiar, but I forgot where I heard this name." Tao Rusu tilted her head: "But I can't remember it for a while, maybe it's some kind of cognitive impairment?"

  Bai Yu nodded and was about to speak when he suddenly saw something in his eyes. A scroll on the screen, and the text on it immediately made his eyes freeze.

  "What's wrong with you?" Tao Rusu waved her hand in front of him.

  "I remember that the number one record in Nanling City only took four days, or was it one person seven years ago?" "


  "Then do you still remember her name?" "

  I seem to remember it. Yes..." Tao Rusu said and turned back to look at the screen.

  The two of them looked at the scrolling screen at the same time, and there were three words written on it... Qin Xuesha.

  Tao Rusu was stunned for two seconds and then immediately shook her head and said, "It's just the same name. How could they be the same person, and the age doesn't match up? She's not an extraordinary person either." Bai Yu was thoughtful, and the school uniform on the other party seemed to be the same

  . Old style school uniform.

  But there is no point in guessing now. Write it down and ask the teachers at school when you have time.

  He has outstanding talent and can be ranked first in Nanling City. It is impossible for him to remain unknown.

  Now, let's see what kind of notes Su Ruoji left.

  (End of chapter)

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