Chapter 62 Woman, you successfully aroused my interest

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  Chapter 62 Woman, you have successfully aroused my interest

  in Fuso, Kyoto, and the Nan family.

  In an old house with a grandeur and grandeur covering an area of ​​several hectares, an old man stood in the corridor. His hair was slightly gray and neatly erect. He was wearing a gray kimono. The corners of the kimono were embroidered with a southern character similar to ancient seal characters. The word family pattern.

  Holding a handful of fish feed in their hands, the koi fish swung their tails and guarded the pond to fight for food.

  The old man's eyebrows were strong, and he had developed a temperament of calmness and self-reliance after being in a position of power for a long time. He opened his mouth and said with a cadence in his voice: "She hasn't admitted her mistake yet?" "Yes... the lady has been locked up in the attic for three days, and she's

  still I'm on a hunger strike."

  "I really don't know how to show appreciation." Nan Shihui said coldly, clenching the bait in his hand, leaking it from his fingers and spilling it on the surface of the pond: "Yayan... your daughter is a bit too much. There is a lack of discipline."

  The middle-aged man next to him lowered his head and did not dare to say a word.

  "However, it was originally an outside species. It took several years to correct it." The old man lowered his gaze and stared at the koi in the pond. There was an obviously thin koi inside that couldn't compete for food and was squeezed into a corner. : "I want to see... how long she can last. Let someone bring her some water. Watch out, but don't let her die... She is still useful." "Yes." The middle-aged man held his breath

  . breathe.

  "No matter what, her surname is Nan now. Since she eats from the Nan family, lives in the Nan family's house, and bleeds with the Nan family's blood, she has to do her part for the Nan family. This is the only thing she can do. It's something." Nan Shihui glanced at his son: "Go and persuade her. As long as she is willing to bow her head and apologize, I can forgive her once... Otherwise, it won't be a simple matter of suffering." He

  sprinkled With a handful of bait, the koi were allowed to scramble and roll in the water. A koi was squeezed out of the pond and landed on the pebbles beside the pond, beating hard.

  Nan Yayan bent down and sent away Nan Shihui, the head of the Nan family, as if sending off a leader.

  He straightened up, feeling a little dizzy. He called the maid at home on the way: "Go and bring some water to Mahiru." The

  maid said in surprise: "Just bring some water? The lady hasn't eaten for three days... "

  "Just bring some water." Nan Yayan said, took out a small bag from his pocket and handed it to the servant, emphasizing loudly: "Just bring some water, understand?" "...Yes."

  She Understood.

  Nan Yayan was about to walk out.

  "Why don't you go and see Miss in person?"

  "...What's the use of going?" The middle-aged man shook his head, sighed bitterly, and walked away, still as strong as a tiger after being over seventy. Compared with Xiong's Nan Shihui, he was as thin as a sick cat.

  The maid brought water to the attic and walked up. Through the wooden cage, she could see the increasingly haggard face of the girl inside.

  She was sitting on her knees on the ground. She looked very weak after not eating for several days, but her posture was still upright and her temperament became more prominent.

  Anyone who sees it will feel from the bottom of their hearts that this is a lady from a famous family.

  She is indeed a famous the eyes of people outside the Nan family.

  As if she heard something, the girl did not open her eyes, but asked calmly: "Is it Ah Zi?"

  The maid put down the water glass in her hand: "Miss, drink some water... You are ruining your body like this, I It looks very distressing."

  "Who asked you to bring water?" Mahiru did not answer, but asked: "Is it the head of the family?" "...Hmm." "


  I don't know how to drink."

  "Miss, Even if you don't want to agree, you don't have to ruin yourself like this." "

  I know this is stupid, but this is also the method of resistance I can choose." Mahiru said calmly: "Otherwise, what else can I do? Just let it be. Marrying a bride on your behalf? This is not the result I want... If I drink this bowl of water, it will represent a compromise, and I have no room for compromise now." The

  maid was very anxious, and she whispered: "You drink A little bit, no one will notice if you take a sip."

  Mahiru shook his head, how could such a little cleverness be useful?
  There is no one guarding here, but invisible eyes must exist. As long as you compromise a little or are lucky, you will definitely be seen through.

  Trying to play tricks on someone who is more than three times your age is definitely a smart move.

  "Miss, please at least hold my hand and I can feel my pulse." Azi said again.

  This time Mahiru didn't insist anymore and stretched out her hand, which was quickly held by Azi. She felt something was stuffed into her hand, and it was covered by the furisode.

  "I'll wait for you to go out, Miss." Azi said softly: "When you go out, I will buy you your favorite wagashi." Mahiru thought thoughtfully and silently took back his hand: "Thank you,

  Azi... ..."

  "The young master said it." The maid added in a low voice, then stood up, picked up the water glass, and walked away with three turns.

  Mahiru sat on her knees on the ground, with a slightly complicated look on her brows.

  My father is still as timid as ever.

  It's always been like this, never changed.

  Although he knew to ask Azi to bring pastries, he didn't dare to resist his father... Only when the other party agreed to bring water did he dare to sneak something over.

  This is not flexible... If someone had sent it secretly earlier, she could have shown happiness, but now she couldn't. She only felt a little sad and a little sad.

  This means that she expects Nan Yayan to refute Nan Shihui's impossible fantasy for her own sake.

  She also knew that her hunger strike was just a temporary measure.

  It was impossible for him to disobey Nan Shihui's wishes.

  She will eventually become a surrogate bride, marrying in place of her sister Nansha Zhiwai.

  What will happen if you marry someone in the past?

  You don't need to guess to know that it will be bad, because...

  She raised her hand and touched her eyes.

  She has no vision.

  Apart from being Nan's eldest daughter, she is simply a burden.

  In this way, she could neither become the matron of the family nor a virtuous wife, nor could she win any benefits for the Nan family. The only meaning of her existence was to serve as a victim and become the link between the interests of the two families.

  Mahiru didn't even know who she was going to marry. She had only heard about it a little bit, and she also knew the man Nanji Teru. It was absolutely impossible for the head of the family to really cooperate with each other for win-win results, and they were more likely to use each other.

  When the interests of both parties are inconsistent, they will confront each other again...then they are destined to become unfortunate victims.

  What's worse...she doesn't even have the power to resist her upcoming fate.

  She knew clearly that there was a hell of discarded goods ahead, but she could only run towards the end of her destiny like a doll lying on the conveyor belt.

  This feeling made her desperate and suffocating.

  She threw the cake in her hand heavily, feeling a little out of control. At this moment, she was angry.


  The cakes that were thrown away didn't land on the wall for a long time, melting like a mud cow into the sea.

  "This cookie tastes good, wouldn't it be a pity to lose it like this?"

  A strange voice that I had never heard before sounded.

  A bit frivolous, a bit casual, a bit chic.

  "You are the first person I have tasted the sweetness of just after we met...Woman, you have successfully aroused my interest."

  (End of this chapter)

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