Chapter 54 Like a new life

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  Chapter 54 is like a new
  breath, breathing in and out.

  Adjusting the breath is a basic skill in martial arts. At this time, Bai Yu is actually using his body to get used to and feel the breath adjustment method from the second-level martial arts.

  For Lao Zhang, this kind of breath adjustment is already an instinct, but for Bai Yu, it is still new. He needs to consciously perceive and control his instinct.

  It's like people who read this sentence will turn their breath into a manual transmission.

  The battlefield here was specially chosen by Baiyu so that no one would disturb it, especially in this windy and rainy weather with lightning and thunder.

  The reason why he was sure it was here was that he found the organization's temporary stronghold from the shepherd's body... The system also marked this location very thoughtfully.

  In short, when the shepherd was killed, the clues and the missing shadows were automatically sorted out.

  The system is like an incredible black box. As long as you enter the conditions, the results can be derived.

  This bamboo forest was the only way for her to go to the stronghold. Bai Yu waited here in advance. He had enough time to adjust his physical and mental state to wait for work, and even entered the stronghold in advance to conduct a wave of searches.

  Rose Girl fled all the way in embarrassment. He should have had the absolute upper hand, but the gap in strength was still not enough to be completely filled.

  It still takes a lot of effort to kill the opponent completely.

  He didn't find it troublesome, but rather satisfied.

  If the opponent is too weak and dies suddenly like this, he will feel extremely disappointed.

  What he wants to cross is not a step that can be crossed by lifting his feet, but a high wall that is difficult to reach even if he jumps.

  Only by crossing over can there be new life!
  Raising the Lion Heart Spear, Bai Yu took a step forward. His true energy was strong and undulating like a tide. The tip of the spear seemed to have a roaring shadow of a lion. Although it was only for a moment, it already proved that this weapon was absolutely perfect. A bargain that comes with buying fashion items.

  In the bamboo forest, a fallen leaf fell.

  Rose Girl suddenly started to attack, almost at the same time as Bai Yu.

  The movements of both sides were in no particular order, and the bluestone bricks beneath their feet cracked directly, and the broken stones flew out, hitting the green bamboo and leaving a hole that penetrated it.

  In a curtain of rain.

  The rippling silver energy on the gun was accompanied by bursts of low roaring dragon roars.

  The thorn whip exuded the fragrance of roses, and bursts of metallic sharp sounds erupted.

  Collision, intersection!
  The two second-level ones were attacking without any effort, only offense, no defense!

  Because he is holding a weapon and maintaining a mid-range attack, every attack is accompanied by a crisp clang and sparks flying everywhere.

  Bai Yu raised the gun with his right foot, and the Lion Heart Gun pulled out a curved arc, and immediately rolled and rotated forward on the ground, like a spinning wheel. He stepped heavily on the ground, and the earth and stones were pushed to the back of the arch of the foot by the pressure. Like a wrinkled carpet that has accumulated into a wrinkle on the ground.

  He grabbed the spinning spear, lifted it upside down, and dragged the spear away. The thorn whip fell directly on his shoulder, piercing the suit and scraping off a layer of flesh.

  The spear follows the human figure like a gust of wind, striking first and arriving later.

  This blow swept across and hit accurately. Bai Yu felt the solid feel and clearly heard the sound of Rose Girl's bones cracking.

  The opponent is always wary of the tip of the Lion Heart Spear, but...even without the tip, it can still stab someone to death. It can be used as a stick!

  Rose Girl spurted out a mouthful of blood. Her sternum had been broken. She rolled around a few times and then got up. The capillaries in her eyes were broken and blood was flowing out.

  She was dying.

  Not only was she aware of this, Bai Yu also knew it very well.

  She was reaching her limit. Even when she stood up, she was still shaky, and she was already close to death.

  The time has come to decide the outcome.

  Finally came to the last resort.

  Rose Girl wiped off the blood and helped Qingzhu stand up: "I have to admit... It's amazing that you pushed me to this point, but it was your biggest mistake that you didn't kill me just now." Bai Yu said: "

  This Are they your last words?"

  Rose Girl sneered a few times, and then said in a low voice: "There are three apostles and ten cadres in the organization... I am just an executor under the cadres. The organization has no name, and everyone in it has left. The path is not the extraordinary path that you are familiar with...the extraordinary path we walk is called 'outside the world' each of us can obtain the blessing and mystery at this level, whether we are an animal tamer or a shepherd People...these are blessings from the outside world. This is the real reason why officials from many countries can't find us, because we almost don't exist in their eyes." Bai Yu

  paused: "Outside the world..."

  He I know very little about the mysterious system, and these advanced knowledge cannot be found on the Internet. Because I don't understand it, I don't know what the other party means by the extraordinary path, so I can only write it down silently.

  "Why are you saying this?"

  "If you don't say it, there will be no chance to say it again." Rose Girl pushed her hair to the top of her head and looked up at the sky: "You want to know, and I just want to say...that's all." She turned pale

  . His face was filled with an indescribable madness and depression: "Perhaps, this is the only thing I can do, revenge on those bastards who distorted my life." Bai Yu was silent for three breaths, and raised the weapon

  again : "I won't sympathize with you...because I know that if you can kill me, you will also go back to your past life without any psychological burden. You don't understand what guilt is, and you are destined not to become a normal person - —So I will kill you to prevent you from harming more people."

  "You are so kind." Rose Girl narrowed her eyes: "But this kind of kindness will kill you."

  Both sides fell silent at the same time.

  His eyes became calm, and the previous crazy look gradually faded away, becoming cold and rational.

  Before life and death, don't act on impulse!
  Stay calm, think, judge, anticipate, make decisions, and initiate.

  The moment the two sides' eyes met, another thunder exploded in the sky. When the order was given, the thunder light arrived, but the thunder had not yet arrived.

  At this moment, both sides broke through the ground and sprinted towards each other. What drove both sides was no longer hatred but rationality, but more essential and purer reasons.

  The swaying of the bamboo forest stopped at this moment, and they collided with each other again in the rain.

  Ten meters away, Bai Yu let go of his right hand, let the spear fall, and then raised his leg to volley.

  The Lionheart Spear flew diagonally, passing through the rain, leaving traces behind.

  It penetrated Rose Girl's shoulder directly... Her galloping body came to an obvious pause.

  It's not a throwing gun but a kicking gun. Although the speed is fast, the accuracy is much worse.

  But Rose Girl was still sprinting forward.

  All she needed was a chance to get up close.

  Even if they die together, as long as they can touch each other, she can release the curse buried deep in her body without any scruples... The news just revealed is the prerequisite for the curse to explode, which is the mystery used by the organization to keep silent. , once you tell them, you will almost certainly die, unless you can kill the people who heard these secrets!

  She wanted to use the power of the curse to kill the other party, although she might have died prematurely from the poison of the curse.

  This was a gamble, maybe they would die together, but she had no choice.

  She wanted to get closer, but struggled to get closer, and the distance was less than the last three meters.

  However, she saw the other party stopped moving, lowering his right hand and raising it, with a dark pistol in his empty hand.

  Rose Girl had no time to dodge.

  She looked at the dark muzzle of the gun and saw the other party's always cold eyes.

  She understood that she had no chance of winning from the beginning.

  That was not a human being, but an evil spirit crawling out of hell...fighting evil with evil!
  The trigger was pulled.

  Gunfire erupted, and the short distance was spanned.

  The sound of the gunshot was carried by the belated thunder, swept into the air, immersed in the rain curtain, and became invisible in the gentle trembling of the bamboo leaves.

  Rose Girl's body followed the inertia and walked forward for several steps, brushed against Bai Yu's side, and then fell into the mud in the bamboo forest. The soil was dyed red with blood, and there was no breath left.

  Bai Yu didn't look back.

  His chest rose and fell, his breathing changed from rapid to slow, and his eyes changed from cold to calm.

  The mood changes from cathartic to relieved and peaceful.

  He raised his face, looked at the sky, raised his hands, and let the heavy rain fall on his shoulders and cheeks, washing away the bloody smell all over his body.

  It's like going through a baptism.

  The old self dies and a new self is born.

  "I have crossed over."

  "I have crossed over the predetermined fate."

  "I have crossed over the test of life and death."

  "I have avenged my revenge; I have cleared my hatred." "

  I have taken back everything I owed. "

  From now on, things are clear... I can finally feel a little more relaxed."

  He raised his hands to the sky, slowly clasping them, looking at this not-so-beautiful but boundless world.

  He doesn't like this world, not at all.

  This place is dangerous, barbaric, cruel... everything will cause him pain.

  But there was still something that tied him to the world.

  The young man lowered his head and looked at the shadow appearing under his feet. The young man's reflection emerged from the puddle. He seemed to be smiling.

  Revenge is avenged and grudges are settled, but kindness cannot be repaid.

  "I've forgotten to say hello to you all this time."

  Bai Yu is an adult, but he can't cry like a teenager to vent his emotions.

  He looked at the lost shadow and added something he should have said long ago.

  "First meeting, boy."

  I will live as two Baiyu.

  For myself and for you.

  Starting now will be our new life and an unknown journey.



  walking out of the bamboo forest, facing the lightning, thunder, wind and rain, he softly hummed a melodious song.

  "the way, To celebrate..."

  "I'll be waiting, Till we make it..."


  "We will see... Come with me take the journey~"

  Let us look forward to it, you and me Time to embark on a journey together.

  (End of chapter)

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