Chapter 44 Shepherd (Part 1)

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  Chapter 44 Shepherd (Part 1)
  The crystal solidifies.

  Su Ruoli looked at the young man enthusiastically and happily, smiled and said nothing.

  She closed her eyes and allowed the cyan crystal to turn all of them into sculptures and seal them inside.

  The cyan crystal exudes a gleaming luster, like firelight.

  This luster symbolizes life.

  Just like frozen sleep, there is a limit. Once this limit is exceeded, the living will become dead.

  All the students entered the cyan crystal. They did not give up their lives until the last moment. They did not give up on themselves, but chose a path to preserve themselves.

  Seek life, not death.

  Even if they fail in the end, they can still say that they have tried their best.

  As an ordinary person, as a seventeen-year-old boy, I did my best.

  They have not yet become heroes or warriors and do not have that much time, but they resolutely practice their own will and become immortal statues beside the heroic spirits.

  Bai Yu is the only person who has not been sealed in the crystal.

  He moved his gaze away from the crystal sculpture and turned to Rose Girl, who was separated by a cyan crystal barrier.

  The latter's palm pressed against the crystal barrier, and the Principle of Heroic Spirits released a hot and sharp breath, making a continuous dull roar under her palm, like countless nails colliding with the steel barrier.

  Bai Yu quietly stared at the other party's useless work, and then heard a voice coming from his ear.

  [The copy has been completed]

  [Coming back soon, countdown to thirty seconds...]

  It turns out... this is how it was completed.

  So the recommended level is level fifteen.

  'Guarantee the survival of key characters to clear the dungeon' - the prompt is given from the beginning.

  The protagonist of this dungeon is not him, but Su Ruoli... As long as she can get the conditions together, she will eventually choose this way to reverse the direction of her destiny.

  At the same time, when receiving the voice message, Bai Yu realized that he had lost the chance to reopen.

  The copy is complete.

  The fact of Su Ruoli's death will be erased.

  The crystal jewelry in Rose Girl's hand no longer exists.

  But this also meant that he could not go back to four and a half hours ago.

  History is a foregone conclusion.

  No second modification is allowed.

  It seems that this is the best he can do... Even if he risks his life, there is still a gap that cannot be crossed. At least for now, there is still a glimmer of hope.


  The children placed their hopes on Bai Yu, but... he didn't know what answer he could give.

  As an adult, he knew he couldn't close his eyes and pretend it was dark.

  The thirty-seven lives he carried included his own.

  The fingertips slowly clenched, and there was still no escape at this time.

  When we return to reality, there will be no 'one more time', it will only be an even more race against time.

  He regained his composure and raised his eyes to look at Rose Girl again.

  Bai Yu said through the crystal: "Before we meet next time..."

  He said slowly: "Remember to think about your last words."

  Rose Girl couldn't hear the words, but she could understand the killing intent and contempt in the other person's eyes... Then Contempt is contempt for her personality and has nothing to do with her strength.

  She didn't have time to get angry, because the scene in front of her made her stunned and temporarily overwhelmed her rage.

  The white elm is disappearing.

  His figure continued to become lighter and darker as the countdown to the dungeon exited.

  As if a virtual blur effect had been applied, the human body gradually decomposed and dissipated in the air, gradually returning to its source of nothingness.

  He is quitting the copy.

  The next time we meet will be in reality.

  It will be an endless fight.

  He was about to close his eyes.

  Just before exiting the copy, he saw a face across the cyan crystal screen.

  From behind Rose Girl, another new face appeared.

  When he saw this face, ripples appeared in his consciousness, memories surged, and he frantically searched for this familiar face.

  Soon, he got the answer.


  Beyond the crystal wall.

  Rose Girl said in a low voice: "You're late!"

  "Something delayed me." The middle-aged man in a blue shirt wiped the sweat from his forehead: "It's not easy for me. I heard that something happened all the way and I was so busy. Come here..."

  He saw the students in the crystal wall and hurriedly approached. Just as he was about to approach, Rose Girl grabbed her by the scruff of the neck and threw her back: "You want to die?" "No, no

  , I just want to see it up close." The middle-aged man suddenly started to shed tears from a distance: "These are all good seedlings, why have they become like this? These children are all good children!" he

  said After saying a few words, he suddenly started crying in frustration.

  "Okay, shut up!" Rose Girl was extremely irritated: "I don't have time to take care of your mood. How can we complete the harvest in this situation!" "Notify your superiors." The middle-aged man said with tears streaming down his face: "I just left

  . What happened to the person?"

  "I don't know, it's a mouse." Rose Girl gritted her teeth: "Next time I see it, I will trample it to death!" "

  Poor child..." The middle-aged man blew his nose. : "It's so sad that you don't want to give up your life even if you

  become like this." "Are you done yet?" Rose Girl kicked the wall angrily.

  "They are all children whom I personally educated. Of course I will feel sad." The middle-aged man knelt on the ground, the grief on his expression was very real: "There is nothing sadder than seeing them suffer." "But you still feel sad

  . To harvest them, cats cry and mice pretend to be compassionate!"

  "...The investment is real. I am an educator, and I work hard to take care of every child." The middle-aged man raised his hands with a sad look on his face: "But For a better world, some sacrifices are necessary... Soldiers will take good care of their weapons, but when it is time to use them, they will never hesitate even if they know they may break. This is the value of their existence... And I can be more It's not hypocritical to show their value well!"

  Rose Girl was completely fed up with this mess of theories. She spat: "Get out of here! I'm in a very bad mood right now, don't use this body again. You disgust me, I will kill your shepherd dog right now!"

  After driving away the shepherd, Rose Girl stood in front of the crystal wall, staring at Su Ruoli in the cyan crystal.

  "In seven days at most, your life will be extinguished..."

  "No one can come to save you!"


  [Cleared the copy of 'Shadow Spider Lair']

  [Fate Points + 60]

  [Fate Editor character level increased to level 10]

  [Reward for clearing the copy: 1 talent evolution point]

  [Items obtained: Bronze extraordinary fragments x 5; Silver extraordinary fragments x 3]

  [The dungeon will be closed permanently after clearing the level]


  It is already dark.

  Bai Yu sat up from the bed, failed to control his balance, and rolled directly from the bed to the ground.

  He got up immediately, not even paying attention to the series of notifications he had just received.

  Just head to your computer, find the web address, and start a quick search.

  On the official website of Nanling No. 3 Middle School, he found the teacher education column and carefully confirmed all the names.

  "Zhou Du...yes, that's him."

  There was only a name but no photo, but when he saw the name, Bai Yu remembered that the face belonged to Zhou Du.

  He had seen it before. During the spiritual enlightenment ceremony, he was also present, but his presence was not very strong.

  He was sure that he could not identify the wrong person... Zhou Du was the dean of students, and the Mediterranean Sea was a very distinct personal symbol.

  The entire collapse area is the organization's sheepfold. It is impossible for anyone without insider knowledge to get in. He must be the last of the three executors!
  Codename, Shepherd!

  This makes sense. There is indeed an insider in Nanling No. 3 Middle School. This harvest was arranged by the insider, and he also dealt with all traces afterwards.

  "I found you..."

  Bai Yu held the mouse, his hands covered in cold sweat with excitement: "This is the last chance."

  If you catch the shepherd, you can know the coordinates to the shadow world...!
  This is the last chance.

  Don't miss this opportunity.

  But he must not be alerted, he must be caught, and he must be captured accurately and surely.

  The shepherd didn't know his strength, so he probably wasn't a third-level didn't even look like it from the outside.

  Considering the strength level of the beast is most likely that the shepherd is a second-level transcendent, but one must also consider the possibility that the other party is a third-level transcendent.

  "He is also the one who controls the lackeys."

  "A head-on disadvantageous."

  "I have to think about what to do."

  Three minutes later, he dialed a phone number.

  "Way, is it a demon spirit? I want to report it..."

  (End of this chapter)

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