Chapter 42 No solution

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  Chapter 42 No Solution
  "I came back to my senses..."

  "Why are you distracted again?"

  A white palm waved in front of his eyes.

  Bai Yu pressed his eyebrows and shook his head: "Using too much power will put some extra burden on the spirit... So, what did we just talk about?" "

  We are preparing to transfer the wounded..."

  Through Su Ruoli's statement, Bai Yu Yu realized that this time he entered the dungeon and landed directly on the second anchor point.

  This anchor point is the moment when two second-level extraordinary beings were killed after drinking the shadow spider poison.

  …that’s fine too.

  Originally, there was nothing to adjust at this point, and the time spent was still within an acceptable range.

  He pondered slightly.

  Next, while racing against time to save people, continue to look for the shortest route available, and at the same time search the entire lair to find the missing shadow.

  "The time is only four and a half hours... No, there are less than four hours left now."

  Bai Yu said to Su Ruoli: "I killed the logistics in advance, so there will be a round of regular reports every four hours We will definitely expose the secret, and the executor of the organization will arrive in half an hour at most."

  "The executor..."

  "Third-level transcendent, we have no chance of winning at this stage." "

  Then we should race against time. Right?"

  "Yeah, time waits for no one." Bai Yu said, "Are you ready?"

  "...Hmm!" Su Ruoli clenched his fist: "The goal is for everyone to survive!"

  Bai Yu said at the corner of his mouth Grinning slightly, he didn't think there was any trouble this time.

  Anyway, it has been repeated so many times. It is not unacceptable to improve the pursuit a little and turn it into an injury-free ending where everyone survives.

  He turned and walked deeper into the lair.

  Four hours later...

  Bai Yu walked out of the nest, carrying a student wrapped into a rice dumpling on his shoulders. After putting the student down, he saw a conspicuous red petal.

  "How many people are there?"

  "Including Liu Neng in your hand, the total is..." Su Ruoli replied: "Twenty-nine." Bai Yu murmured to

  himself: "There are still eight missing."

  Turning around, Momo pointed the muzzle of the gun at his temple and pulled the trigger.


  [Dungeon reset]

  [Consumption of one destiny point]

  [Current destiny point: 76]


  "Recovered, why are you distracted again?"

  Hearing this, Bai Yu shook his head: "It's okay."

  Again Once, all over again.

  He exhaled, repeated the necessary explanations to Su Ruoli, and then turned towards the Shadow Spider Cave.

  It was the third time we went deep, and the distance measured by our footsteps began to become familiar and clear, and a feasible map gradually formed in our mind.

  While walking through a fork in the road, he turned his head and looked down.

  "...There is still a shortcut here."

  "Well, there is indeed a lot of room for optimization."

  Four hours passed.

  Bai Yu walked out of the lair and brought out two people this time.

  "So there are thirty-one people in total."

  Su Ruoli took over the two students Bai Yu put down and cheered with clenched fists.

  The more students she rescued, the more obvious her smile became. Although it was inevitably stained with blood and stains, her sparkling happiness could not be concealed.

  "Fortunately, you were able to discover that route!"

  "...There is a better route."

  Bai Yu said, "It's a pity that I just found out that I can't catch up this time."

  The rose petals fell, and the time came again.

  He walked toward the lair, and then a gunshot rang out.


  [Dungeon reset]

  [Consumption of one destiny point]

  [Current destiny point: 73]


  "Now there are thirty-three people in total!"

  "This route is closer! And the general distance can be handed over to other students to carry it !"

  "This saves us a lot of time!"

  Su Ruoli jumped up happily, gave Bai Yu a high-five, and rushed to hug Ruan Qingxue, who had just sent the person back.

  She was so immersed in the joy of saving people that she didn't realize how much time had passed.

  "There are still four missing..."

  Bai Yu raised his foot and stepped on a falling rose petal.


  [Dungeon reset]

  [Consumption of one destiny point]

  [Current destiny points: 69]


  Collapse area, Shadow World Square, everything was quiet.

  Bai Yu didn't hear the previous footsteps and running sounds.

  He smelled a strong smell of blood.

  When I walked near the camp, I saw Rose Girl sitting on the collapsed rocks, with her legs crossed and a soft sword emitting green light in her hand.

  "It seems I'm back late."

  "Earlier or later has no effect on the result. It's just a difference in letting you breathe a few more breaths of air."

  Rose Girl said calmly: "Those little lambs are already obedient. Next, It's your turn..."

  As she was talking, she suddenly saw a rather unpleasant scene: "You...why are you laughing?"

  Bai Yu smiled: "It's nothing, I just feel very fulfilled."

  He put down the student on his shoulders: "This is the thirty-fifth one."

  He stretched his sore arms and said, "Finally there are only two people left."

  Rose Girl couldn't understand at all: "How can a dying person be fulfilled? You should feel unwilling to do so. That's right, because of your fallacious judgment, you also lost your life."

  Bai Yu coughed lightly: "So, since I am a dying person, can you tell me, what is your organization?"

  Qiangwei The woman said coldly: "When you go to King Yama, you can ask for details slowly."

  "I see..." Bai Yu mocked happily: "You are also a 'lackey' who is controlled by others in a sense."

  Qiangwei The woman's eyes narrowed, and Bai Yu's head fell to the ground on the spot.


  [The copy has been reset]

  [Current Fate Points: 61]


  "How did you find this route!"

  "It's so perfect. The size of the shadow spider cannot enter this route at all. With this road, you can avoid the shadow spider almost all the way. The route will be moved!"

  "I just confirmed it."

  "Thirty-six people... have been rescued, not a single one is missing!"

  Su Ruoli's hands were shaking. She looked at the last person on Bai Yu's shoulder, After counting over and over again, and confirming that it was correct, she rushed forward, held the young man's hand tightly, and shook it vigorously, with the corners of her eyes reddening.

  "Thank you, thank you..."

  "Thank you for saving everyone, saving everyone."

  Most of the students could not move yet, but those who could move were already laughing.

  Some people's palms were covered with bloodstains during the transportation process, and some students were injured and grinned when they touched the wounds.

  The girls hugged each other, no one cried, only some silently wiped the tears from their eyes.

  A rare sense of accomplishment arose in Bai Yu's heart.

  It was really not easy to bring all thirty-six people out of the lair.

  Bai Yu did not immerse himself in this sense of accomplishment for too long, because he clearly knew that escaping from the shadow spider's nest was the first step.

  "There is still one missing..."

  He rubbed his eyebrows: "I didn't find Bai Yu's shadow."

  If you can't find the shadow, you won't know how to leave here.

  There was no way to leave, which meant that if the thirty-six people were brought out, they could only join hands in singing and wait to die.

  Bai Yu thought that the shadow should be somewhere in the lair, but it would be difficult to find it without a location.

  At present, all students have no relevant clues at hand. How can they find it in the year of the monkey?

  And will the shadow stay where it is, and what form will it take?
  I don't know at all, if it will shrink to the size of a coin, if the shadow will blend directly with the background?
  Bai Yu has checked the relevant information.

  There have been cases of recovery from agnosia in history. Although there are not many, there are more than a thousand cases.

  Patients with amnesia will fall into a coma and be unable to move, and the shadows are retrieved by others. However, there has never been a case of the main body looking for the shadow.

  However, according to the reporter's investigation, there is a certain induction between the shadow and the body. This induction will form a mutual guidance effect. A piece of hair can be used as a shadow needle.

  There are plenty of white elm hairs, but it's a pity that they don't move.

  Time... how much longer?
  He was thinking of checking the time.

  The petals have fallen.

  At this time, less than three minutes had passed since he walked out of the lair.

  Death is always timely.

  But the God of Death is always one step behind him.


  Sitting up from the bed, Bai Yu walked to the kitchen, turned on the faucet, and took a sip of filtered water.

  The time is now five o'clock in the morning.

  There are currently 60 destiny points left.

  After thirty times of trial and error, I still couldn't find the perfect way to pass the level.

  “I can’t make ends meet,” he laughed at himself.

  "But there are still sixty times, which should be enough..."

  "Before that, I have to sleep first."


  After a few hours of short rest, it was already dawn.

  The lack of fatigue and energy can be filled with fatigue potions.

  Continue to reset the copy.

  However... the situation has completely fallen into meaningless repetition.

  The destiny points gradually changed from sixty to fifty, forty, thirty...

  By the time the sky turned from dawn to dusk, Bai Yu had repeated it thirty-nine times.

  No shadow found.

  Every time it was the same result.

  He tried various methods to overcome the obstacles, and even gave up looking for the shadow midway and started looking for the exit directly, but naturally he couldn't find it.

  This is a cage, a tight pocket, one can get in but cannot get out.

  When the fire clouds in the evening cast the room into a bright red, Bai Yu was lying on the floor of the living room, almost completely exhausted.

  A huge pile of failures had completely wiped out his original confidence and calmness.

  The more you repeat it, the more you realize that even if you have done your best at this stage, there are still obstacles that cannot be overcome.

  When you face a fire but can't find a drop of water or a grain of sand within a hundred miles, the outcome is doomed from the beginning.

  Reality forces people to admit its cruelty.

  "This copy, with my current ability..."

  "There is no solution at all."

  (End of this chapter)

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