Chapter 35 The cold rain tempers the bones, and the killing intent boils

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  Chapter 35 The cold rain tempers the bones, and the murderous intent boils.

  "Finger... bone..."

  Bai Yu took out the gold bracelet in his pocket.

  Notice that a total of seven crystals are embedded in the gold pendant.

  Each crystal is polished to be crystal clear and looks like a round oval.

  I can't tell what material it is made of at all.

  It was impossible for Bai Yu to figure it out at first, but the reminder from the Chronicle of Heroes came in such a timely and hasty manner.

  The moment he touched it, memories came flooding back.

  He saw Su Ruoli's back and the scene where she was swallowed by the sea of ​​flowers.

  "She has..."

  Bai Yu covered her mouth with one hand, holding back from saying the next words.

  You can’t be wrong if you see it with your own eyes.

  Being selected by the 'Chronicle of Heroes' proves that she is dead, and the finger bones left on this gold bracelet are also perfect proof.

  There is extraordinary power left in the body of the heroic spirit, and these powers are her dead body turned into crystals. These crystals come from her fingers. After the bones inside are taken out and polished... Bai Yu unconsciously begins to think about it

  . A strong feeling of nausea came over me.

  An adult's heart shouldn't be so fragile. This nauseating feeling is more like an autonomous reaction of this body.

  ...I should save her.

  ...I have to save her.

  A strong uncontrollable impulse is driving the body, and an unprecedented anger is roaring in the shackles of rationality.

  ...You all must die!

  It was difficult for Bai Yu to suppress this impulse, and he didn't want to suppress it. His emotions would not naturally spread out, but would only accumulate in his heart.

  At this moment, a hand suddenly passed through the rain curtain from behind and pressed on his shoulder.

  It also suppressed the anger deep in his soul that was about to come out of his body.

  "Where are you going?"

  Bai Yu turned his gaze sideways and looked at the hand pressing his shoulder, wearing a lady's glove with a rose pattern embroidered on it.

  His palms looked particularly cold in the cold rain, and his fingers were slender, but in his eyes they looked like a scalpel on the dissecting table, almost cutting open the flesh of his shoulders and piercing into the bones.

  "Give me back my things first."

  When Bai Yu heard this, he froze in place. His body slowly turned around and looked at the figure behind him.


  Thunder exploded, and white light illuminated the two people on the roadside.

  Rose Girl stood in the rain curtain holding an umbrella. Water fell from the edge of the umbrella, and the droplets of water formed a string of beads. Each drop of water reflected her cold and heartless eyes.

  Bai Yu's body almost lost control in an instant.

  He knew this woman and would never admit her mistake.

  The memory showed her identity extremely clearly, and the remains also proved who she was.

  He is a member of that organization, and he is a higher level than the animal trainer...more dangerous, and more deadly.

  The entire Shadow World incident in Grade 1 was planned by people from this organization!

  Su Ruoli also died by her hands.

  His body was roaring, his sensibility roaring, wanting to punch this damn woman.

  But Bai Yu knew clearly that he had to control his movements and expressions.

  He is no opponent.

  He is far from a match for this woman.

  I'm afraid that the next time she showed hostility and raised her fist, she would be killed by her.

  If you want to vent your anger, you can...but never now.

  Take control, take control!
  The pouring rain poured on his face, constantly cooling down his blazing anger.

  Bai Yu needed to thank the heavy rain. The rain blurred his expression and blurred the hostility and murderous intent that could barely be concealed in his eyes.

  "What are you still waiting for?" Rose Girl urged again: "Give me the thing."

  Her tone was already a bit impatient.

  Bai Yu forced his arm to move. He had never thought that exchanging things back would be so difficult.

  For such a simple action, he had to rack his brains and brains to complete it with all his heart.

  His heart was already roaring angrily.

  ...Are you kidding, these murderers, criminals, and criminals on death row!

  ...and have the guts to walk openly in the city, these wretched beasts are worse than beasts in human skin!

  The fire in his heart and the freezing of his expression almost tore Bai Yu's personality in half at this moment. The conflict between reason and sensibility has never been so intense.

  He raised his hands, as if what he was raising was not his arms, but his knees... Or perhaps, this humiliation was above his knees.

  Beyond the anger, there was an intense layer of shame.

  This was obviously Su Ruoli's relic, but it was going to be her trophy, to be made into a jewelry and hung on her wrist to show off.

  Rose Girl took the jewelry that was slowly handed over from the other person's palm and stuffed it into her pocket casually.

  "You're lucky, kid...if you hadn't stood there waiting for me."

  The eyes behind the sunglasses revealed cruel malice: "You saved your life."

  Hearing these words, Bai Yu felt extremely It's...ridiculous.

  He clearly knew that it was unnecessary, but he still took the initiative to add a follow-up question: "You don't know me?"

  Rose Girl didn't bother to look at the embarrassed boy washed away by the rain, turned around and walked away, her high heels making a crisp sound on the blue bricks of the street. sound.

  "No impression."

  After a faint response, she completely disappeared from sight.

  Bai Yu stood in the rain. He raised his head and pushed his wet hair to the top of his forehead.

  "No impression..."

  "Good, no impression."

  This is really a ridiculous thing.

  Rose Girl had been talking about "the boy must die" not long ago, and gave the shepherd an order to kill him.

  However, even though Bai Yu appeared right in front of her eyes, she didn't recognize him at all.

  It is not difficult to recognize him, because Bai Yu's appearance is not ordinary, and good-looking people are always easy to remember.

  She had never seen Bai Yu at all, and didn't even remember his photo. She just remembered a name. Maybe she didn't remember the name at all, just replaced it with 'boy'... It's like human beings don't remember every name. The name of a cockroach.

  Yes, cockroaches.

  In her eyes, there is no difference between ordinary people and cockroaches. They are both low-level and dirty creatures, not worth remembering.

  This extreme arrogance makes her disdain to remember every life she kills. Only certain valuable prey can leave a part to make decorations.

  Bai Yu should have been grateful that she was so arrogant, otherwise he might have died by now.

  But he didn't feel lucky, he only felt that more violent anger was about to burn through his belly.

  What is more difficult to accept than death is the contempt and humiliation that penetrates deep into the soul.

  "You don't even remember the target of your murder... Should I be grateful for your inhumanity and absurdity, or should I hate your cruelty for despising human life."

  Bai Yu let out a feeble laugh.

  He lowered his head, rain dripping down his face. In the thunderous rainstorm, he saw his blurry face in the small puddle under his feet.

  He walked across the cross streets, his fingers tightening in his pockets little by little, and his bones made a creaking sound.

  "No matter what..."

  "You are serious..."


  "It pissed me off!"

  He slowly read out the dark will that overflowed from the depths of his soul.

  "I swear...I'm going to kill you."

  (End of chapter)

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