Chapter 31 Killing is not guilty

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  Chapter 31: Killing without guilt

  In the boiling water room.

  Tao Rusu heard the footsteps and said, "It'll be fine later, just wait a moment." She

  turned around and saw the two people again, both tilting their heads and staring at her, their eyes looking weird. Not fast.

  Tao Rusu raised his crutch; "What do you want to do?"

  The man in the sweatshirt approached with a wheelchair: "We want to borrow something..."

  Borrow something?
  Tao Rusu was holding a bottle of water: "What is it? You can ask the nurses at the nursing station. I have just been admitted to the hospital..."

  She said, trying to distract the other party.

  But the man in the sweatshirt stared at her impartially, and then grinned: "Your life."

  Tao Rusu calmed down all of a sudden. She seemed to have changed into a different person in an instant, with eyes as cold as Siberia. Thousands of miles of frozen soil on the plain.

  "That woman asked you to come here?"

  she asked, with a bit of ridicule and indifference in her eyes, and a bit of hysterical mania.

  The man in the sweatshirt opened his mouth and let out a hoarse laugh: "Assimilate, obediently hand over your body and become one with us..."

  Saliva dripped from the corner of his mouth, like a stupid and crazy Yanan patient.

  The coldness in Tao Rusu's eyes dissipated a lot in an instant, and she murmured: "It seems not...she won't look for this kind of thing. After all, she only likes elites." As she said that, she slammed out the water bottle in her hand, and

  banged With a bang, the boiling water bottle hit the two of them. The scalding hot water was enough to make people jump.

  Tao Rusu planned to take this opportunity to run out of the boiling water room. She only had one leg and could walk. She was bound to be unable to run fast with a cane. If she was hit by a boiling water bottle, she would be frozen for at least five seconds.

  She thinks so, but this clearly underestimates the carrying capacity of the human body.

  Physical fitness cannot be generalized between people.

  The man in the sweatshirt took the kettle directly to his face, and even though the skin was torn, he directly grabbed her sleeve with one hand, a precise pull of the king.

  Tao Rusu exerted force, and the hospital gown was torn open. She was only wearing an underwear, but at this time she didn't care about walking, so she started running with all her strength on crutches.

  "Is there anyone? Is there anyone?"

  she shouted loudly.

  However, there was not a single person visible in the long and narrow corridor, and the wards on both sides were also dark, with no one visible at all.

  She was panting and felt that she had been running for almost a minute. Why hadn't she reached the end yet? Even if her leg was injured, she couldn't be so slow.

  She could see the lights of the nurse's station, and seemed to be able to see the figures over there, but the further she walked, the farther away she felt.

  She could only keep walking, and she couldn't count how long it had passed. When she had exhausted most of her energy, she finally reached the nurse's station. Under the light, she shouted to the figure at the nurse's station: "Is there anyone there? Please call the police quickly. Is there anyone?" Perverted, murderous, and insane!"

  Although she realized that something was wrong, she could only move forward as close as possible.

  The figure at the nurse's station stood under the light, waiting for Tao Rusu to approach, then slowly turned around.

  The middle-aged woman wearing a nurse's uniform, her eyeballs also exuded the same scarlet color as the previous ones, and her expression was equally dull and distorted.

  Tao Rusu's blood almost coagulated, and her heartbeat slowed down by half a beat.

  She immediately wanted to run, but the road ahead was also stuck. A man wearing an animal skin mask stared at her in the darkness, raised his hand and ordered: "Catch her." There was a feeling of impact from behind, and two people followed closely

  . The figure threw her to the ground. Tao Rusu looked around and noticed that there were more than a dozen similarly weird people.

  Some of them were wearing patients' clothes, some were wearing cleaners' clothes, some were nurses...the professions were different, but the madness in their eyes all seemed extremely real.

  Tao Rusu didn't have much strength anymore, and it was difficult for him to fight against twenty hands with both fists.

  She was pushed down on the table at the nurse's station and her mouth was covered.

  The man in the sweatshirt staggered closer to her, holding a syringe in his hand and walking towards her, chanting crazily: "Assimilate, obey, and us..."

  He raised the syringe in his hand high, and the corners of his mouth raised crazily. , laughed crazily: "Become one!"

  At this moment...

  click, click, click...

  footsteps came, and the man in the animal skin mask looked back. At the other end of the corridor, there was a figure walking slowly, In the dark corridor, only the sound of metal scraping against the ground could be heard.

  The animal skin mask took a look and determined that the person who came was not malicious. At the same time, he judged that the other person had a gun in his hand and was still twenty steps away.

  He waved his hand and ordered the man in the sweatshirt to get injected immediately.

  The spear was only two or three meters away, so how could it possibly catch up at a distance of twenty paces.

  Fire burst out and gunshots pierced the eardrums.

  The man in the sweatshirt fell down, the container in his hand was broken, and there were blood holes between his eyebrows, his mouth and his hands.

  Three shots in a row, with different targets, all hit.

  After hearing the gunshot, Tao Rusu opened her eyes wide. Although she couldn't see, she already felt something. She made a whining sound and began to struggle.

  The corners of the animal trainer's mouth twitched slightly under the mask... The other party was actually using two guns.

  However, this marksmanship was so exquisite that the animal trainer immediately had related associations. He whispered: "So it's you...!"

  Bai Yu blew the smoke from the muzzle: "You know me?"

  "Kill me. You are the one who refuted the beast." The beast tamer stared at him with violent eyes. He thought he was just a passing transcendent, but now it seems that it is not at all... because the coincidence will never happen again!

  Bai Yu glanced at the level 20 level above the trainer's head, raised his eyebrows slightly, and said calmly: "This matter is considered confidential information in Changye Division. It only lasted a day or two. How did you know about it? ?"

  The animal trainer asked in a low voice without answering: "Who are you and why are you meddling in other people's business?"

  ... This person seemed to regard me as some kind of mysterious person.

  ...You might as well try to fool him and test the information.

  ...just pretend for a while.

  Bai Yu said lightly: "You might as well take a guess, why should I meddle in other people's business?"

  He deliberately said: "I'm curious, why don't you directly attack the official target, but you want to embarrass someone who has nothing to do with this matter? Little girl."

  The animal trainer's expression suddenly changed: " much do you know!"

  ...Guessed it right.

  Bai Yu's eyes quickly turned cold and serious.

  Sure enough, the other party's real goal is to kill himself, so the previous speculations are almost established. The entire Shadow World incident in Class 1, Grade 3... is almost certainly man-made!

  Bai Yu said coldly: "If you don't want others to know, you have to do nothing yourself."

  The animal trainer's fingers moved unconsciously, making a clicking sound.

  He secretly thought that everything was arranged, everything was perfect, and it was impossible for anyone to know...

  Why would a transcendent suddenly appear and even know that he planned to get rid of the young man secretly...

  Could he have always been there? Protected in secret?

  Is the purpose just to seduce him into showing up?
  Then didn’t I fall into his trap? !

  Thinking of this, the animal trainer even wanted to quit.

  ...He seemed to be afraid.

  Bai Yu shared the experience of the heroic spirit and could see the trainer's intention to retreat from the subtle body movements.

  ...No, he cannot escape here.

  ... He may be afraid of me, or he may be afraid of my 'power behind'.

  "I'm the only one here." Bai Yu pointed out.

  The animal trainer didn't believe it and kept looking around.

  "There's no need to look for it. I'm really the only one." Bai Yu dragged the spear and took a step forward: "I am a lone activist. Before confirming your tricks, it would be a waste to send out a lot of manpower. I have only caught you so far. A tail."

  The animal trainer secretly gritted his teeth: "You are indeed targeting our organization..."

  ...and you took the bait.

  Bai Yu spread his hands and smiled lowly: "It's just a slight investigation at the moment. The progress here is pretty good. Who told you that your handling method is too rough? Do you really think that the shadow world can cover up all traces?" Beast

  Tamer Bai Yu asked with a hoarse voice: "Since when did you focus on us... Are you a member of the official organization?"

  Bai Yu did not answer, but lost the question and let the other party make up his mind: "It doesn't matter who I am. , as for when you noticed something was wrong - you have to ask yourselves, after all, this is not the first time you have done such a harvest, right?" The animal trainer's scalp was numb, the last time was in

  Europa In this era when information is cut off from different countries, how could anyone detect something strange...

  unless the other party's organization is bigger than you imagine!
  No, the information must be reported!

  No, wait a minute...I can't withdraw yet.

  Retreating at this time means that the third mission has also failed, and I will be killed...Rose Girl will not let me go...

  but if we can catch this person, or kill him, and take the body back , handed in the information, that would be making up for the past!
  And just like what this man said, there is indeed no third party around here... He came alone.

  The fear in the trainer's heart gradually calmed down, and turned into murderous intent and pursuit of achievement. He had no choice of retreat.

  The original purpose of capturing Tao Rusu was to transform her into a running dog and then use her as bait to attract young people.

  But now the priority is obviously upside down. The boy can be killed at any time, but the important thing... is that this man must not be allowed to pass information back to the organization behind him.

  "It seems you have made up your mind."

  Bai Yu said, his voice accompanied by the sound of the metal being dragged along by the spear.

  "And my thoughts are consistent with your conclusion."

  "If you don't die."

  "I feel uneasy!"

  (End of Chapter)

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