Chapter 25 Shadow Alien Species

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  Chapter 25: Shadow Alien

  Species When he reopened his eyes, Bai Yu found that he was in a strange street. The style of the buildings here seemed to be Western style, and he couldn't tell which one they were.

  There was white mist floating in the air. Judging from the position of the moon, it must be late at night.

  My own clothes have also been completely replaced with those of the vertical painting in the game.

  It's just that it doesn't match the boy's self, it's more like his future appearance... The similarity is very similar, but the difference is also very different.

  A line of flame text appeared in front of his eyes.

  [Novice training camp has opened]

  [Rule 1: In the training camp, you will have unlimited lives, and you will be resurrected nearby within ten seconds every time you die] [Rule 2:

  Please pass within 72 hours If this level cannot be cleared within seventy-two hours, it will be deemed a failure]

  [Rule 3: There is a 300% experience bonus in hell-level intensity training]

  [Please choose one of the following as a weapon]

  [1. One-handed Sword; 2. Two-handed heavy sword; 3. Spear; 4. Bow and arrow; 5. Books with horns]

  Choose one of the five. By the way, does this type of weapon look familiar...

  "Can I change it?"

  Bai Yu said, paying attention. At the last item of weapon selection, there is a 'refresh' button. Click it and a new batch of weapons will be refreshed.

  [1. Knife; 2. Double knives; 3. Flying knives; 4. Guan Dao; 5. Sickle]

  "Oh? You can also use Guan Dao."

  Bai Yu has never touched a few genuine cold weapons in his life. I just had a wooden sword to play with when I was a kid.

  The weapon pool is being refreshed here, which is great fun.

  Suddenly, his heart felt cold.

  He looked down and saw something pierced out from the middle of his chest, stabbing him from behind. When he turned around, he saw a dark alien monster grinning at him.

  "Your...don't talk about martial arts, sneak attack..."

  "I haven't chosen a weapon yet, yet..."

  Bai Yu felt like he was playing a game and didn't buy any equipment. He stayed in the spring, but the other party rushed in for no reason. In the spring water, he stabbed himself and got some blood.

  Three seconds later, Bai Yu resurrected on the spot, and his original body disappeared. He randomly clicked on the weapon column and selected a Guan Dao.

  The next moment, the civilization staff in his hand directly changed its shape and stretched. The lion opened its mouth and spit out a sharp blade, and a majestic Guan Dao fell into his hand. handsome!

  Bai Yu was overjoyed and thought that who else should I be afraid of with the Guan Dao in hand?

  He immediately prepared to pursue the alien species, struck first, and then took one step...two steps...ten steps.


  Guandao fell to the ground, and he was stabbed in the back again.

  Guandao is not easy to use, nor can he hold it with his arm strength. Although it is powerful and heavy, it moves too slowly and is too heavy. It weighs more than thirty kilograms. How can he swing it like the wind casually? .

  This time I learned the lesson and changed to a different weapon.


  "It doesn't fit the hand."

  "This one is too heavy."

  "This one is too light."

  "This one is too short."

  "This one is too soft."

  After changing more than ten weapons in a row, I finally got a weapon to hold. It feels just right, neither heavy nor light, and feels quite solid.

  This is it, no need to replace it.

  Bai Yu selected a long spear.

  Although he prefers swords in appearance, swords are too light and too floating for him to control... For novices, knives are easier to use than swords, while guns are battlefield weapons and are equally suitable for fighting.

  After choosing a weapon, Bai Yu once again found the alien species that had killed him ten times in a row.

  After entering the state of destiny editor, Bai Yu can also clearly see the opponent's level number.

  It seems that this level mark is not the ability brought by the heroic spirit projection, but the ability of the character 'Editor of Destiny'.

  [Comprehensive Level: 10]

  The numbers are marked in bright red, which means that this is not an opponent he can defeat at this stage.

  But they still have to give it a try, toss and turn to death, and hone their skills in death. This is the mentality that players should have.

  "But playing games is playing games. This is another story. This is clearly a game hitting me."

  Bai Yu touched his chest. This bitch likes to deal with people. If you are not familiar with everyone, you have to give some trouble. The heart-wrenching friendship... is too passionate and overwhelming.

  Although he got the spear, it didn't mean that Bai Yu, a rookie who was barely at level 5, could touch Ci, a master of level 10 Dzogchen.

  Theoretically, level ten has already entered the realm of the first level of the extraordinary, but this alien species should not have entered the extraordinary level yet... The feeling of oppression is very strong, but not so strong that it feels like it cannot win.

  For example, if a person holds a watermelon knife in his hand, you will feel that you still have a chance; but if the other person holds an AK47 in his hand, then you can only raise your hands in a French military salute or directly change to the enemy. I was buried richly in military clothes.

  The two sides began to deal with each other, and Bai Yu began to run around in the alleyway.

  Spears are not easy to use in lanes, but if you think about it from another perspective, in lanes, the opponent's attack route is single. In this case, every inch is longer and every inch is stronger. As long as you hit the opponent with one shot, you will make progress.

  It's just that the opponent's speed is too fast, and the moonlight visibility in the lane is too low. Bai Yu can see the red numbers above the opponent's head, but once he gets faster, it will become an afterimage, making it difficult for him to hit.

  "Gana, no, I can't beat him."

  Bai Yu squatted on the ground and scratched his head irritably.

  He can't fight head-on, he can't use the terrain, he doesn't know how to shoot, and he can't draw hot weapons in the weapon bar, they are all cold weapons.

  Extraordinary people should indeed use cold weapons.

  If it weren't for the ban of the heroic spirit projection in this mode, Bai Yu would have summoned the old man to possess him and start Wushuang.

  After experiencing several deaths...

  Bai Yu's mind began to gradually cool down. At first it was excitement, then fear, then depression, then anger, then red temperature, and now it is gradually starting to calm down.

  Faced with unsolvable problems, he is unable to accept it at first, then becomes incompetent and furious, and in the end he is either calm or numb.

  Bai Yu wanted to be numb, but this path was his own choice, so he had to stay calm.

  Being able to stand up again almost infinitely, he had almost nothing to lose in this battle. He just had to bear some pain, and he got used to it.

  "I can't do it head-on, and I can't do it with a little cleverness, so I have to choose a weapon in a very short period of time, and at the same time master the combat skills of using the weapon... It would take an ordinary person several months to learn to get started."

  "Can it be done?"

  "...No, if you can't do it, you will die. If you die, you can start over, that's all." After dying

  so many times, he didn't even know whether his thinking was rational or impulsive.

  But there is no doubt that after being killed so many times, if his anger cannot be dissipated, it will definitely depress his spirit. He needs a window to vent, and now there are many opportunities to vent.

  So the question is, how many deaths is enough to turn a person into a warrior?
  The shadowy creature once again appeared in front of Bai Yu's eyes, and the moonlight couldn't illuminate it.

  When it appears, it means that there are less than ten seconds left in this breath.

  Its attack route is changeable, and it's impossible to predict if you can't see it clearly, so you can bet on luck...

  No, this kind of gamble is meaningless. I need a more accurate chance of winning.

  See more clearly, judge more clearly, and use your body more smoothly.

  See with your eyes, know with your heart.

  For the first time, after dying twenty-six times in a row, Bai Yu defended himself against the attack. The lion spear transformed from the civilization staff hit the alien's claws and smashed its forelimbs into the ground.

  The alien missed a hit, his weird smile tightened a little, and then he jumped back.


  Bai Yu breathed out. In the moment just now, he seemed to...precisely control this body.

  It is not a perfect control, but a further control of the body's movements, without wasting any more energy and without any sluggishness.

  He felt that he had just watched and manipulated from a higher perspective, as if he had given himself instructions. His body would act on its own, and he only needed to make a judgment.

  [Log in with the 'Lion Heart Spear' and have started gun skills training]

  [Please complete the following training to unlock basic gun skills]

  [Block the gun (3/100)]

  [Straight thrust (0/100)]

  [Upward pick ( 0/100)]




  There are nine basic actions in total. Complete each one a hundred times to obtain basic gun skills.

  Bai Yu glanced at the number of training times: "I just completed one defense, why is it displayed as 3?"

  He glanced at the character bar, which showed a row of status bars.

  [Experience acquisition efficiency increased, currently 300%]

  "It's getting better."

  What Bai Yu fears most is standing still. Now that there is a possibility of improvement, he naturally no longer worries about wasting time without gaining anything.

  It's just that this reminder came a little late, and he had to wait until he died so many times before coming? Or does it mean that it took more than twenty deaths to activate an effective defense?
  Damn it, you are worthy of being a novice on hell difficulty level.

  Since marksmanship skills can be obtained, and there are so many other weapons, does this mean that basic skills proficiency can be improved in the novice training camp?

  Bai Yu shook his head and concentrated first, it was about to attack again!

  [Block the gun (6/100)]

  "Get better!"

  (End of this chapter)

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