Chapter 17 Shadow Realm

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  Chapter 17

  There is a trap ahead of the Shadow Realm.

  But Bai Yu didn't notice.

  After coming to this world, his thinking still stayed in the original society, and he did not have such keen insight.

  Living in a safe society has formed a habit. Of course, you will not think about what will be under your feet. Just like ordinary people walking on the street, they cannot prevent themselves from stepping on a bear trap. They will step on at most one thing under their feet. A thumbtack, this is already bad luck.

  Walking without looking at the soles of your feet will cost Bai Yu a lot.

  Danger lurks in the shadows - this is written on the cover page of the textbook.

  It's not that he hasn't seen it, it's that he doesn't care.

  Bai Yu's steps had already been raised, and he was about to step on the shadow crack.

  Is it possible that he realizes that?
  he can not.

  So can he avoid it?
  The answer is...yes.

  Because a shoulder hit his back hard, sending Bai Yu flying more than three meters away.

  The boy weighed more than 60 kilograms and was nearly 1.8 meters tall, almost an adult. However, the force coming from behind made him fly into the air.

  boom! Bai Yu didn't fall hard immediately. He rolled on the spot and landed smoothly. He propped himself up with one hand, with doubts in his eyes: "You..."

  Before he could ask "What are you doing?" The scolding was thrown at him, and Tao Rusu shouted: "Look at your feet as you walk, do you want to die? You idiot!"

  Bai Yu didn't notice the threat under his feet, but Tao Rusu did. After seeing it, A sprinter rushed to save people.

  The fissure in the shadow was located three meters directly in front of Bai Yu's line of sight.

  This time he lowered his head and saw it. He couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. His lack of common sense prevented him from telling what this thing was. It was like a bug posted on the ground. He could only guess from Tao Rusu's reaction. This may be similar in nature to the previous shadow world, but the size of this crack is not very large, only less than half a meter.

  Tao Rusu held her knees and panted. She was very tired from running all the way. Although the distance was not long, it consumed a lot of physical and mental energy.

  Just as she bent down, the shadow crack that was originally only half a meter wide suddenly expanded.

  A weird-shaped, flexible, several-meter-long strip covered with bone spurs popped out of it.

  He swept directly around and tied Tao Rusu's calves with incomparable precision.

  The moment he touched it, Bai Yu saw blood splattering and heard the sound of bones breaking.

  The human body could not resist the force of breaking bones. She fell to the ground and was dragged towards the cracks in the ground at an extremely fast speed.

  All this happened so fast that Bai Yu only had time to take half a step forward... This sudden situation was completely beyond the scope of his imagination, just like a crocodile biting out of a manhole cover on the ground. It's astonishing for people.

  Half of Tao Rusu's body submerged into the ground in the blink of an eye, but she did not ask Bai Yu for help or extend her hand.

  The severe pain made her frown, and before her body completely disappeared into the shadows, she uttered one word.


  The shadow spread out with ripples.

  The crack did not heal immediately, but Tao Rusu disappeared as if he had sunk into a pool.

  Bai Yu's body was stiff and his thinking was a little confused. The next moment he raised his left hand and gave himself a slap to regain his soul.

  No matter what the situation is now, calm down... analyze the situation and make a judgment.

  There are two options.

  1. Leave and find someone to rescue; 2. Jump down and rescue yourself.

  Choice one, it may be too late to call the teacher. How many seconds can Tao Rusu survive facing a monster that can easily break human bones? She is not an extraordinary person. With a broken leg, she cannot even escape or delay.

  Option 2: You need to have enough combat power. No one knows what the situation will be like, or even what level of monster it is... If you jump, you will not be able to save yourself, and you may even die.

  ...there is hope only when we are alive.

  ...You have died once, do you want to die again?
  Cowardly thinking runs rampant in the cage of reason.

  Bai Yu fell into hesitation. He is an ordinary person and cannot get rid of this hesitation. This is natural. It is the instinct of living things to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Human beings are self-interested creatures. Human nature cannot stand the test. He is neither a hero nor a strong man. , what’s wrong with protecting yourself wisely?
  Yes, ordinary people cannot jump without hesitation, even if it is the benefactor who saved them.

  However, heroic spirits can.

  [Projection activation]

  ...Old man, please help me.

  The moment the heroic spirit's projection covered his body, the so-called confusion was dispelled. Ren Xia's tenacity of will and determination to save people even omitted the period of thinking. His instinct directly drove his body towards the shadow crack that had begun to shrink. Jump down.


  It hurts, it hurts so much.

  Tao Rusu saw that her left leg had been broken and twisted, with several bloody holes on it, and dark-white bone spurs piercing the flesh.

  This was the first time she had experienced this kind of pain, and the pain did not make her conscious immediately.

  The moment she fell into the shadow realm, she was thrown out and her body hit the wall. She suffered tinnitus and dizziness, and suffered a concussion on her brain.

  In the chaotic vision, she could barely make out the appearance of this disaster beast.

  As a student with excellent academic performance, she had learned similar knowledge, so she recognized him at a glance.

  This is a beast.

  The size of the beast is similar to that of a bull, and its body is covered with bone spurs. It is one of the more common ancient disaster beasts.

  It has a bad temper, is extremely aggressive, and eats carnivores.

  What bad luck.

  But what I encountered was a beast... a beast usually does not appear in the shadow layer.

  The shallowest layer in the shadow world is the shadow layer, which is closer to the real world, and the surrounding scenery completely reproduces reality one-to-one, just like the shadow of the real world.

  There are disaster beasts and shadow species active in the shadow realm, but most of them are unqualified bastards... However, even some bastards still need extraordinary people to hunt them down.

  Normally, extraordinary beings of the same level cannot defeat disaster beasts of the same level, and must be suppressed by levels.

  Tao Rusu realized that he was going to die when he saw the beast.

  Although the Pit Beast is only a first-level disaster beast, it is very aggressive and will not let go of its prey. If it catches it, it will be eaten by them.

  Her legs were broken, and she had no time to escape... and she didn't have that much strength anymore. The fall almost made her unable to move, and she was unconscious... The human body is so fragile.

  She could feel the beast's breath close to her, and its smelly breath came out of its open mouth.

  Death is near.

  Tao Rusu's expression looked calm.

  She didn't know if it was because of her head injury and concussion, but she felt calm and without hysterical fear.

  Although she was a little unwilling, she would not regret it. She had no regrets about saving people, even if she lost her life because of saving people...

  She knew that she was not such a great person, so the reason why she rushed over to save people desperately was, It's because she realizes she has to do this...

  she can't make the same mistakes again.

  A few days ago, she was in the corridor and saw the Shadow World swallowing up the entire Grade 1 class.

  As the first witness, she should inform others and immediately call everyone to leave the teaching building. The dangerous shadow world may expand at any time, and the entire school may not be able to survive by then.

  But she didn't do anything. Instead, she was so frightened in the corridor that her legs went weak. Then she immediately ran out of the teaching building and ran to the playground alone.

  When she came back to her senses, she realized her ugliness.

  Although it did not bring serious consequences, it still became a source of pain that tortured her for several days and was unable to sleep. It was an inner nightmare that she could not avoid.

  So she knew that she would definitely rush over... She needed a chance so much, a chance to forgive herself, a chance to prove that she just made a mistake but could still make up for it.

  However, she underestimated the variables in the shadow world.

  The price is her life.

  Tao Rusu's eyelids became heavier and heavier, and the only thing she could do to comfort herself least she didn't make the same mistake again, and at least she saved one person. This was not a meaningless sacrifice.

  She thought to herself, and then she was about to close her eyes and face her end.


  Sparks burst out, and dots of warm blood fell on her cheeks. One of the beast's eyes was shot through. It roared in pain and rolled on the spot. Its body was huddled up like a pangolin, leaning on its thick skin and The bone spurs on the body serve as a defense against the incoming bullets.

  Tao Rusu's blurred vision was fixed on a figure.

  Wearing a dark suit, he held a gun in both hands and fired while walking.

  The footsteps beat the drums, and the sound of gunshots matched the beat, like a metallic symphony whirling loudly in the ears.

  She didn't see who it was.

  I only remember that silhouette deeply.

  (End of chapter)

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