90.Chapter 90 Going against the light

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  Chapter 90 Going against the light
  Ruan Qingxue didn’t like this brother at first.

  He is very conceited and very inferior, very arrogant and very weak.

  It doesn't look like he has received higher education in any way.

  He is obviously very smart, but he only wants to be clever... He has no purpose, and living is like a waste of social resources.

  But even so, he is still his brother.

  The only relative in the world, the one connected by blood!

  The whole world can give up on him, but Ruan Qingxue can't. This is the education she has received since she was a child. Even her parents often say that Ruan Qingshan can't hold up the wall with mud, so she needs her sister to take care of him... She remembers her parents' instructions, and she never Don't dare forget.

  So when Ruan Qingshan changed later, she was very happy. At that time, she thought that all the difficulties in the world could not hurt the brother and sister. As long as they worked together, as long as they were together, they would be able to live well.

  However, changes always come so unexpectedly.

  Ruan Qingxue was frightened by the scene in front of her. She couldn't understand what the other party was howling, and she just wanted to find her brother as soon as possible.

  In her panic, she only saw a pool of broken meat stained with blood on the ground.

  Subconsciously, she had an association, and fear spread throughout her body, followed closely by anger.

  What followed was the anger that swallowed up her rationality. She held the kitchen knife, with only anger in her eyes. The anger swallowed up her rationality and became murderous.

  She rushed towards the monster.

  Ruan Qingshan retained some rationality at this time and was not completely engulfed by the thirst for flesh and blood.

  The moment he saw his sister, he was undoubtedly awake, but after seeing the anger in her eyes, he realized that he should speak, but the sound he made when he opened his mouth was blurry and distorted.

  He was speechless.

  Ruan Qingshan thought of the barbecue he had with Brother Wang before, and his accident must be related to these...

  But before he could think more, Ruan Qingxue had already rushed forward, and the sharp knife in his hand stabbed his chest.

  He didn't dare to fight back, for fear of hurting Qingxue, so he could only evade and run away in embarrassment.

  Even if he lets his sister chop her a few times, he can't hurt her, and he absolutely can't hurt the only relative who didn't give up on him even when he was at his most self-destructive.

  Ruan Qingxue rushed forward too hard, and the blade missed and pierced the wall. It broke quickly. The blade cut her arm, and a large amount of blood spattered down.

  A few drops landed on Ruan Qingshan's face, and subconsciously, he stuck out his tongue and licked it.

  The sweet taste bloomed from the taste buds on the tip of his tongue. The moment of endless satisfaction and the endless emptiness that followed almost took away his reason.

  In an instant, he was almost overcome by hunger and thirst, and he almost couldn't help but rush up and bite Ruan Qingxue.

  But he forcibly turned his head and banged against the wall, forcing himself to wake up. He covered his face and roared, trying to drive the other person away.

  The knife in Ruan Qingxue's hand fell to the ground.

  She realized something, looked at the human demon who died in pain, and asked in a low voice in disbelief: "Brother?"

  Ruan Qingshan heard the voice, his eyes were red, and he nodded in pain and difficulty.

  Ruan Qingxue froze on the spot, with endless sadness and incomprehension in her eyes. Her voice trembled: "How could this happen?" She

  fell to the ground, and the anger she had just turned into an endless feeling of emptiness.

  She didn't know how to face her current brother, let alone what to do.

  ...Why did I become a demon?
  ...God, we brothers and sisters are already so miserable, why do you still torture us like this? Why won't you let us go?
  She opened her mouth, but couldn't ask any questions.

  Because no one can answer.

  Ruan Qingxue wiped the corners of her eyes and tried her best to squeeze out a forced smile.

  "It's okay, brother... We can find someone to help you treat your illness..."

  She didn't know the extent of this obsession yet, she just thought it was a strange disease that might be curable.

  But what happened at the next moment shattered her fantasy.

  Ruan Qingshan rushed up, his eyes were red, he pushed her to the ground and bit her neck. If Ruan Qingxue hadn't reacted quickly and raised the stool to block the opponent's fangs, her neck might have been bitten to pieces by now.

  His strength was growing, and his body was becoming more deformed.

  The human demons who have tasted fresh flesh and blood will become even more unstoppable and become demonized, becoming bloodthirsty and crazy.

  His alienation continues to worsen, and his speed is much faster and more dangerous than a normal fallen demon body.

  The rationality in his eyes was almost swallowed up by the hungry bloodlust.

  Ruan Qingxue deflected the stool with all her strength. While her shoulder was bitten, she pushed the human demon with her knees and threw him to the ground. While throwing the opponent away, she covered the wound and stood up, gasping and shouting: "Brother! Wake up!" One point!"

  She responded with a roar from the darkness.

  Ruan Qingxue was pressed against the wall, with her back pressed against the wall. She looked at the ferocious and crazy Ruan Qingshan, and burst into tears unconsciously: "Brother... wake up..." The

  human demon's expression began to struggle and flicker, several times. , his arm began to relax, and his right hand hit his head hard, causing it to bleed immediately.

  "Let's go... Qingxue, let's go!"

  A hoarse voice came from a vague throat. Ruan Qingshan used his remaining rationality to urge her to leave quickly. He could no longer hold on.

  Ruan Qingxue covered the wound on her shoulder, gritted her teeth, turned around and rushed to the door: "I'm calling Sister Zhou, brother, you stay awake, you must stay awake!" The moment

  Ruan Qingxue stepped out, the demonic shadow behind him appeared again. Pounced once.

  But this time, just as the human demon rushed out of the door, he was pierced by arrows and nailed to the ground.

  Then came the second arrow, the third arrow...until the five arrows completely nailed his hands and feet to the ground.

  Ruan Qingxue turned around after hearing the noise. She still didn't know what was going on or what happened.

  Until I heard footsteps and saw a young man wearing a black robe and holding a black bow under the street lamp. The man exuded a frightening aura. He drew his bow and string, aiming at Ruan Qingshan, who was unable to move on the ground.

  Ruan Qingxue immediately opened her arms and tried to block Ruan Qingshan from shooting her brother.

  But the next moment, the arrow still shot through the air and penetrated her calf.

  Ruan Qingxue fell to the ground, and the pain made her hold on to the corners of her clothes.

  "If you don't get out of the way, you will die."

  Zhuang Sheng said coldly: "Don't hinder me from slaying the demon."

  "He is my brother, not a demon!"

  "If you are possessed by a demon, you are a demon. What's the difference?" Zhuang Sheng Sneered: "You think if you stand in front of the opponent, I won't let go of the arrow? At worst, I'll shoot you too!"

  Ruan Qingxue's lips trembled in fear, but she still didn't take a step back.

  Zhuang Sheng mocked: "Since you are looking for death, I will help you - if you just killed each other and died, maybe there would be no need for me to do anything." "What did you say?"

  Ruan Qingxue heard the unusual meaning. Come.

  "This is not the first time I have seen this kind of scene, but in the end, either the human demon killed his relatives, or the relatives killed the human demon... Most of them will not protect each other like you. It is a touching brother-sister relationship. ." Zhuang Sheng plucked the bowstring: "It's a pity, who made your brother ignorant of current affairs? If he had signed and agreed earlier, you would still have enough food and clothing for half your life, and you would not be in the situation where no one knows about it even if you die. "

  "It's you." Ruan Qingxue understood. She clenched her fists and took a step forward regardless of the wound on her thigh. The blood seeped into the soil and stained the gravel ground red: "It was you who hurt my brother like this... You are the Daoist. A lackey sent by the Sheng Group!"

  Of course Zhuang Sheng would not answer, he just showed his bloody gums and white teeth and laughed a few times like a man-eating demon.

  He let go.

  The bowstring vibrated, and the arrow flew towards Ruan Qingxue's heart.

  She bit her teeth unwillingly and desperately.

  In this short life of seventeen years, I have had happiness, but I have lost happiness, and faced difficulties. I have finally overcome hardships, and have narrowly escaped death. I have experienced so much, but I still cannot gain happiness. We have faced difficulties. This is an even more desperate ending.

  She didn't understand what she had done wrong, and countless revolving lights flashed before her eyes.

  I just feel that my short life is full of regrets.

  She was unwilling but helpless.

  She was too weak to do anything, couldn't protect her family, couldn't even save her own life.

  Even if she closed her eyes and prayed at this time, perhaps no god would hear her call.

  When has God ever shown mercy to me?
  The sharp arrow was about to touch her body, and the sharp airflow had already brought phantom pain.

  However, the sudden crisp sound shattered the end of her life that she was about to reach.

  The arrow deflected from its trajectory and hit the bushes a hundred meters away.

  Something collided with the arrow and then quickly ejected and fell, creating a hole half a finger deep on the ground and landing in front of Zhuang Sheng's feet.

  He bent down to pick it up and pulled out the thing from the ground. It was a Nozinya brand information terminal.

  The sound of multiple, messy footsteps sounded on the gravel ground.

  A small white-haired beast led a young man from the other end of the street.

  The truth is in front,

  the young man is in the back.

  They all go against the light.

  (End of chapter)

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