371. Chapter 371 Trip to Longxiang

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  Chapter 371: Trip to Longxiang
  It’s the second day after Bai Yu left the customs.

  Yesterday I had a party with old classmates.

  The battle between Bai Yu and Jiang Yang has also been spread on the student forum.

  Students from Danding College were present at the scene and recorded the screen.

  Today's Penglai College has all the new and old students gathered together, so it is naturally more lively than before.

  It's been more than two weeks since school started, and this is Bai Yu's first battle after coming out of seclusion. His opponent is Wu Quxing. A win over Jiang Yang doesn't mean much in the eyes of the old students, but it has already established his position among the freshmen.

  Most people have little interest in the causes and consequences of this battle.

  They just started to speculate on who Bai Yu would choose as his opponent in the next battle and challenge the ranking on the ranking list.

  There are various speculations on the forum.

  But the person involved, Bai Yu, had already started packing his luggage and was preparing to go to the Dragon Country.

  It was originally for this goal that I retreated in advance to level up. When the time came, it was natural to go to the Dragon Country.

  Long Zuoyou has returned to the Dragon Country in advance.

  The person in charge is Long Mingcheng.

  Bai Yu casually asked why Long Jianquan didn't follow him.

  Long Mingcheng's answer was that Long Jianquan was still in retreat, and he would naturally be there when the water-walking ceremony officially began.

  This time, there were three people heading to the Dragon Country.

  Tao Rusu, Su Ruoli and himself.

  Su Ruoli was going to investigate the details of Ao Xuanyue's disappearance, so naturally she had to follow him.

  Others in the Qianchen Society can only stay in Penglai Academy. Not everyone can enter the Dragon Country and must notify them in advance.

  The Dragon Country still has lingering fears about the Tyrant Rebellion twenty years ago. The average lifespan of this species can reach more than three hundred years. They care more about tradition than ordinary people, are more conservative, and are less likely to forget the pain of the past. It was only twenty years ago. For the Dragon Clan, it was probably equivalent to being beaten up, robbed of the ancestral grave and running away two years ago. It is definitely a deep memory.

  A group of four people arrived at the dock.

  Bai Yu asked Tao Rusu, "Are you nervous?"

  Tao Rusu tilted her head and said, "What's there to be nervous about." "It's my

  first time going back to my parents' home."

  "You're also a monogamous couple, right?" Tao Rusu said. There was a sound.

  "Dragon Village is a good place." Long Mingcheng said with a smile: "You also have dragon blood. In fact, most of the attitudes towards you in Dragon Village are relatively kind. If you don't mind, you can treat it as another home." Tao

  Ru Su looked calmly at the endless blue sea: "I have no home for a long time, and the Dragon Country is not my home." "

  Since it is a good place, then if I go to the Dragon Country, will anyone call me handsome? ?" Bai Yu asked curiously.

  Long Mingcheng was silenced.

  He thought to himself, if you do this, you will only be said to be a good motorcycle guy.

  Su Ruoli was wearing a white dress and was going out today. She dressed up specially to look like she was in 1995... Oh no, she looked like a black-haired version of Mrs. Lexington's sister in a white dress. She was obviously a She is a young girl, but she already has a mature and generous temperament.

  I don't know if it's Bai Yu's illusion, but I always feel that Su Ruoli has grown up more than a little during this period.

  A seventeen-year-old girl will turn into a ripe peach in the blink of an eye.

  Should I say it's height, age, or...

  "Cough cough cough!"

  Tao Rusu opened her mouth slightly, gritted her teeth and made a warning sound: "Keep your eyes closed. I can look at you at home, but come out." Just look at it, is it cheap or not?"

  Bai Yu suddenly became very poetic: "You see me, or you don't see me, I am there, neither sad nor happy."

  Su Ruoli also followed suit and said: "You may miss me or not, Love is there, it doesn't come or go."

  Tao Rusu was stunned: "What riddles are you doing here?"

  "It's just a modern poem." Bai Yu read it out before to coax Su Ruoli. .

  "This poem is my favorite. It's simple and easy to understand, and it also has artistic conception." Miss Su raised her lips with satisfaction. She liked this kind of inadvertent possession.

  If Mu Yaoxi were here, she would probably bite her handkerchief in jealousy.

  But Tao Rusu was a maverick Lin Daiyu. She was buried with overlord flowers and plucked with weeping willows, and she had no appreciation for poetry.

  She really couldn't disturb the affection between the two childhood sweethearts and their love was as solid as a rock.

  Then he urged another person: "How to get to the Dragon Country next?"

  "It will take several days to go directly, so we take a shortcut."

  Long Mingcheng clapped his hands, and there was a wave of water under the water at the pier. Huge waves arose, the water was pushed away, and nearby ships swayed. The considerable movement also attracted members of the ground handling department stationed at the pier.

  The first dragon turtle to emerge from the water was not that huge, but it was still the size of an ordinary yacht.

  Behind this dragon ao, there are unique sedans, which look to be more than fifty square meters in size, floating on the water, exuding water-colored light.

  Long Mingcheng jumped on Long Ao's back: "This Dragon Ao is a spiritual beast raised in the Dragon Country. Let it lead the way. It only takes us two hours to reach the Dragon Country." "Please get in the sedan.

  " Tao Rusu put her hands on her hips and said, "Take advantage of me, right?"

  The honest man from the dragon tribe scratched his head: "Huh?"

  Bai Yu jumped into the sedan, turned around and sat down: "It feels pretty good, quite transparent."

  "As long as you are satisfied, everyone, sit tight, we will set off immediately."

  Long Mingcheng clapped his hands, Long Ao swung his limbs and dived into the sea. The light instantly became dim. Fortunately, there was a light source for lighting in the carriage.

  Su Ruoli immediately closed the distance, looked around, and frowned slightly: "I don't like places that are too dark and deep."

  Tao Rusu nodded: "Me too, I have a phobia of the deep sea."

  Bai Yu was caught by the two Caught in the middle, it was probably a little hot, so he shouted: "Um..."

  Long Mingcheng opened the drawer numbly: "Snacks and drinks are all here, you're welcome, please do it yourself."

  Bai Yu shook his head, and then made a request .

  "It's too stuffy here, can you open a window?"


  Open the window under the sea, are you awake?
  Long Mingcheng's CPU was almost dry-burned.

  Two hours, four hours, it's not too long, it's not too short.

  When you are bored, you can only start to pass the time through simple entertainment activities.

  "Yes three!"

  "I can't afford it..."


  "I can't afford it."

  "I'm confused, the national scholar is unparalleled!"

  "My turn, draw a card!"

  "Then I will be invulnerable and the Southern Barbarians will invade!"

  After a brawl.

  Tao Rusu pulled out the card emotionally. The edge of the paper in her hand was too sharp and cut her finger.

  Blood spattered and landed on the back of Bai Yu's hand.

  Su Ruoli held her wrist and said, "You're bleeding."

  Tao Rusu hadn't reacted yet and said strangely, "I'm not a relative."

  Miss Su choked speechlessly and took out a paper to wipe her bleeding. thumbs up.

  Bai Yu remained silent, because...

  [The mysterious fangs are trembling slightly]

  The mysterious fangs that had been unresponsive after Wanjian Mountain began to move again.

  What did it perceive?
  Bai Yu thought for a while, felt it in his pocket, and took out the fang from his belongings to take a closer look.

  But the moment it left the space, it immediately burst out with a strong force, trying to break free from Bai Yu's hand.

  He immediately grabbed it tightly.

  It just couldn't stop the strong killing intent it released.

  The fangs tore a gap in Bai Yu's palm, and even if he wanted to throw it back into the inventory, it was a second too late.

  "Be careful!"

  His body flew into the air.

  The fangs broke away from his hand, and there was an explosion in the air. The force of the shock caused Bai Yu to take several steps back. Long Mingcheng held his back with both hands to stabilize his body.

  The mysterious fangs flew straight towards Tao Rusu's eyebrows, and the murderous intent surged, clearly aimed at killing her.

  At this time, Tao Rusu was completely locked by the meaning on the mysterious fangs, and there was no way to escape.

  At the critical moment, a palm was raised, and the cyan crystal turned into a sword light, which landed on the tip of the mysterious fang.

  Su Ruoli's opened eyes reflected the infinite patterns of a kaleidoscope like cyan crystals. With a flick of his finger, the meaning on the mysterious fangs was repulsed.

  A layer of cyan crystal surrounded it, restraining the crazy killing intent on the mysterious fangs. It trembled twice and stopped moving.

  "What the hell is this?" Tao Rusu was so frightened that she broke into a cold sweat and almost thought she was going to die.

  "Sorry, my..." Bai Yu apologized. He didn't expect this fang to be so crazy.

  At this time, Long Mingcheng stared at the fangs piercing the table and blurted out: "...Dragon fangs."

  (End of this chapter)

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