365. Chapter 365 jump

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  Chapter 365:
  There’s nothing much to say about jump, just equip the equipment with gifts.

  Then there are the heroic spirit talent evolution points.

  Just a little bit at the moment.

  However, the talents of the two heroic spirits are at the lowest purple level. To upgrade from purple to red, three evolution points are needed.

  Currently, Amemiya Mahiru's 'Intuition' needs to be upgraded to red, with a gap of two points.

  Gorgon's 'Purple Lightning' needs to be upgraded, with a gap of three points.

  Neither one is enough.

  The heroic spirit's exclusive talent evolution points cannot be used by himself, so he has to store them temporarily.

  The evolution points you can gradually gain by doing Destiny Weaving a few more times always feel like they are not enough.

  "I really hope there will be talent evolution points for sale in the next event store."

  Bai Yu clasped his hands together, hoping that the prayer would be useful.

  Swallow a Bigu Pill to replenish energy.

  Currently, the fastest way to upgrade is the Liver Dragon Vein Realm and Hell Realm.

  Dungeons produce various items, but they don't help much in leveling up.


  After Bai Yu chose to log in to hell again.

  The three-man team regrouped.

  A day has just passed in Elysee.

  "Is there a way to enter the second hell?"

  "Of course there is."

  Elise recalled the knowledge in the book: "It's just that hell can only go down but not up. Once you enter the second hell, you can't go back to the first." It’s too heavy.”

  “Most people will choose to lay a good foundation in the first hell, and then consider entering the second hell.” “The

  second hell is more dangerous, and there is also a gradual probability of encountering other extraordinary beings.”

  “ The third level of hell is the most dangerous. You need to at least collect the suit before entering."

  Mahiru Amamiya had no objection: "I listen to Mr. Destiny."

  Elyse also had no objection. For the trio, the first level of hell is nothing. It’s extremely difficult.

  With a three-person team, they can beat even a third-level demon, let alone an ordinary swarm of monsters.

  The three of them swarmed up and started killing each other randomly. She was responsible for them.

  Rather than wandering around in hell, it would be better to take pictures in the Dragon Vein Realm.

  There are various styles of photo-taking bodies, which is called fresh. They range from male, female, old, young, both male and female. It can be said that there are all kinds, and there is always one that suits you.

  After she visited the Dragon Vein Realm, she gradually began to dislike the four hells in her homeland.

  Because the number of monsters here is unstable, the strength is unstable, the map is too big and tiring to walk, the explosion rate is also ridiculously low, and there are high-level monsters running around all over the map, and there are even sins that contaminate the brain. A vicious byproduct of boiling.

  Comparing it, Dragon Vein Realm is better no matter how you look at it. The difficulty is a little higher, but the rewards are really great.

  Therefore, it is our duty to restore the glory of hell!
  Let’s head towards the second level of hell today!

  "So, how exactly do we get down?" Bai Yu asked.

  "First, we have to find the center of hell."


  "Then just walk towards the center. There you can find a leaning tower that runs through the four levels of hell. Just walk down from the leaning tower. We have reached the second level of hell, but we can only move forward and not look back."

  "It doesn't sound too difficult." Amamiya Mahiru held an umbrella and walked in the swaying rain of blood. The scene had a Japanese-style tragic beauty.

  "No, it's actually very difficult. Only less than 30% of extraordinary people can reach the second level of hell within five years." Elise further explained: "First of all, hell is too big. Whether you can reach the center of hell depends on luck. Entering The first level of hell is different every time."

  She made a circle with her finger: "The distance between each transcendent who enters hell and the center of hell is fixed. The higher the realm, the closer the distance, but the landing point is completely Randomly, it's like turning a compass in a circle, wherever it stops. Moreover, although the stronger the strength, the closer it will naturally be to the center of hell, but there is still a distance after all." "To reach this distance, you only need

  to You can walk."

  "It is mentioned in the book that the fastest record is seven days." "

  And you cannot leave hell during these seven days, otherwise all your efforts will be wasted."

  "Too many mages and knights will be on their way to the second hell because If you are injured or have reached your mental limit and are forced to give up, once you give up you have to start over."

  After hearing this, Bai Yu replied: "This is not a problem for us."

  "In a team of three, just push all the way across. The danger is almost negligible."

  "Omit these times, and you can reach the center of hell in about three days."

  Amemiya Mahiru hesitated slightly: "Three days?"

  If it is three days, she may need to prepare for retreat in advance.

  "Three days is for me." Bai Yu added: "I happen to be in retreat recently, so I can concentrate on exploring hell, and you only need to log off on time to rest. With me as an anchor, you don't need to start over. Come again."

  "So that's it." Elysee clapped her hands suddenly: "That's great!"

  Amemiya Mahiru asked hesitantly: "But then you need to stay awake for three days in a row, is that okay?"

  " Who am I?" Bai Yu confidently raised his thumbs up as if he was reincarnated: "A real man, cute big breasts." It's only been

  three days since I've had sex, but I'm a man who can play thirty-two ranked games in a day. !
  "Without further delay, let's set off now." Bai Yu gave the order.

  The three-man team began an unstoppable rapid march.

  In order to speed up the process, I would not fight any monsters I could avoid, and I would try my best to deal with the wild animals blocking the road with one move. I would stop and deal with them only when I encountered high-level demons. After all, the explosion rate of demons was really high.

  Time flies by six hours.

  At this time, the scenery in the center of hell can be seen.

  In the center is a huge crater, surrounded by a large number of ravines.

  The air here is more humid, accompanied by bloody rain and strong winds, as well as some unusually weird weather and climate, such as tornadoes and thunder and lightning.

  While walking along the way, I accidentally touched a corpse.

  More than ten kilometers away, I saw a mage flying up, and then was split into two pieces by bloody lightning in mid-air, dropping a piece of equipment and a piece of essence.

  Bai Yu licked the bag with tears in her eyes.

  "In hell, you are not allowed to take off." Elysee crossed her arms and said: "Once flying, it means that your feet leave the ground. This behavior is regarded as leaving hell and yearning for heaven, and will inevitably attract the punishment of hell. Anyone, Regardless of whether it is a mage or a special race, once it flies above a certain height, it will be killed by hell."

  "No wonder I don't see anyone flying to get around."

  "A certain level of low-altitude flying is okay, but low-altitude flying also means that you will be intercepted, it won't be faster, and it won't actually be much safer." Elysee said calmly : "There is also an unwritten rule in Rome. No one is allowed to fly if they are below the third level. Even if you learn to fly, you need to get a pilot's license. Otherwise, if you fly without a license, even a third-level mage will have to pay a large fine."


  Bai Yu thought that it was indeed a foreign country. Taxes were everywhere, and there was even a flight tax.

  But flying is indeed something that normal people want to do.

  Bai Yu added: "Remember to learn flying spells after you reach the third level." "

  This is a compulsory course, of course you have to learn it." Elise said confidently: "You can't learn it before the third level because the magic power consumption is too high. , it can only be used without load after the magic heart is formed at the third level."

  Bai Yu said: "The magic heart is not as efficient as your own magic heart."

  Elise thought for a while, and the snake hair on her head swayed lazily. Said: "It is true... My bloodline is special and cannot be exposed yet. It is best not to learn it now to avoid being discovered."

  She was born with the characteristic of a third-level mage, "Magic Furnace Heart". Once upgraded to the third level, she will be dual-core. With blessing, the magic power is almost endless.

  Not only does it mean that her magic power extraction efficiency and total storage capacity are several times that of others, but the output efficiency is also the same. If someone else releases a spell, she can release two or even three.

  During this kind of conversation, Amamiya Mahiru found that she couldn't get in the middle of the conversation, and she felt a little regretful.

  Fuso's extraordinary system is too superficial, but it does not have the distinctive development characteristics of Western systems.

  In fact, the further she goes on, the further away she will be from the witch.

  Even if they were equal in strength, the Gorgon's role would definitely be stronger than hers.

  Before Amemiya Mahiru can master the technique of defeating all magic with one sword, the Gorgon must be the strongest countermeasure card in the three-person team.

  In reality, she can't use Gorgon's talent, but here she doesn't need to worry so much and can directly activate the snake-haired form.

  What's important is that she hasn't fully activated her bloodline yet. Once her bloodline is activated and the mystery of the 'Petrified Demonic Eye' is revealed, she will have one of the strongest field controls from now on.

  However, she still had some hesitation about this. Activating the bloodline was accompanied by risks...risks of exposure.

  The three of them maintained a tacit silence, stopped chatting, and moved on.


  Eighty-one hours later.

  Slightly half a day later than expected, Bai Yu arrived at the center of the First Level Hell.

  Not far ahead, you can see a majestic and huge pure white tower at an angle of seventy-seven degrees with the ground, piercing into hell.

  It was like a crooked nail that penetrated hell and fixed it in one place.

  Only then did Bai Yu realize that the fourth level of hell did not exist from the beginning.

  The existence of the Dragon Vein Realm is based on the Daxia Dragon Vein.

  So on what basis were the four hells created?
  Is it not a gift left by the predecessors?

  Countless sinful souls are decomposed and reorganized here, like a self-contained ecosystem, full of deliberate coincidences everywhere.

  This answer may only be known by going to the bottom of hell.

  Bai Yu stared at this pure white leaning tower whose style was incompatible with hell.

  You can reach the Second Hell by going all the way down the Leaning Tower. You can only advance but not retreat.

  It's just that the leaning tower is closed and obviously cannot be entered.

  In other words, did you walk to the back of the Leaning Tower?
  Bai Yu tried to walk around it, but found that it was impossible.

  The Leaning Tower is so big that it would take at least three days to walk around it.

  Maybe you don't have to go in at all, but...

  "Just jump down."

  Elysee said.

  Taking advantage of Amamiya Mahiru's absence during her shift, the witch lady stared at the young man and spoke softly.

  "You jump, i jump."

  (End of chapter)

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