363. Chapter 363 Differential Treatment

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  Chapter 363: Differential Treatment
  Ever since the last heroic spirit weaving, Bai Yu realized that he could intervene in history through actual existence.

  Rather, this method is more convenient.

  He can choose when and where he wants to intervene.

  Other times it’s like watching a movie set and you can wander around.

  But Elyse didn't think so.

  His identity is usually hidden. It is not a good thing to appear in front of the public this time. An existence that is too mysterious and treacherous can easily attract investigation and fear.

  In order to prevent her identity from being suspected, she chose a low-key lifestyle, so she had to pretend that she and Bai Yu didn't know each other...otherwise, she would definitely be asked about her during the subsequent investigation.

  But how could she explain it?

  Does it mean that the editor of fate actually traveled through time and space hundreds of years later and tried his best to come to me?

  Who would believe it?

  "I bought the drinks." Angelica took the initiative to run errands, holding the drinks in her hand.

  A group of six people were resting nearby.

  Waiting for the security department and the Knights to arrive to maintain order and further investigate and collect evidence.

  This and that... I'll have to spend most of the next day getting there.

  But in order to clear the suspicion of colluding with the evil mage, he had to cooperate.

  Jeanne hasn't woken up yet, so she can only keep her lying down. It looks like she is just asleep, so it should be nothing serious.

  On the other hand, several other roommates began to get closer to Bai Yu.

  He didn't notice the tangled look between Elise's brows at all.

  "Sir, thank you for saving us before." Angelica introduced herself gracefully: "I am Angelica Polita Venus, the director of the dormitory. These three are all my classmates. , they are..."

  "Peggy Flood." Peggy didn't want the other person to introduce herself on her behalf, so she took the initiative to speak: "I am a vampire." "

  Frederica Orlando." Fleur He also lifted up his skirt gracefully and introduced himself.

  "You can call me Yu... from Daxia." Bai Yu's introduction was very simple and clear, even too simple, so that the three of them didn't react.

  "Sure enough, he is from Daxia." Angelica felt that it was reasonable. Black hair, black eyes, and eyes as black as black gems are the symbol of pure-blood Daxia people. Anyone who has a trace of mixed blood, The eyes will not be pure black, but brown or other colors.

  Peggy blinked and asked, "Mr. Keyu speaks Roman very fluently."

  "I have a slight talent for languages." Bai Yu responded and then changed the subject: "You are all from the Royal Academy. Students?"

  "Yes, the three of us...ah, it's the four of us. Are you shy? Elysee, come here quickly." Angelique pulled Elysee, who looked obviously unnatural and had poor acting skills, and the four They sat side by side across from Bai Yu. Angelica, the head of the room, said, "We are just first-year students at the Royal Academy." "

  Hello..." Elise lowered her head and tried her best to act as if she was afraid of strangers.

  "Two second-level mages, first-year students?" Bai Yu pretended to be thoughtful.

  "Our roommates all have potential, but..." Fleur said with a wry smile: "This time the situation was unexpected." "It is good luck to

  survive. If not a miracle, at least it can be considered a fluke." Paige subconsciously touched her neck. Although the wound had healed, the fear was still there.

  "There is no need to feel ashamed. It is natural to be afraid of the strong." Bai Yu showed a faint smile, as if the surrounding sunshine had become warmer: "There is an old saying in Daxia - know shame and then be brave." "Know your

  own If there are any shortcomings, then correct them?" Angelica actually understood Daxia's proverbs, which made the two people next to her look at her.

  "Not bad." Bai Yu is sitting with his legs crossed. He is tall enough in his youthful state. This action makes him less serious and more mature. He has an adult charm to the female students: "But There are some things I don't know whether to ask or not."

  "Just ask." Peggy showed a narrow smile: "Even if it is everyone's measurements, I can tell Mr. Yu." Angelica

  puffed up her chest indifferently, Fu Lei's cheeks turned red.

  "No!" Elise suddenly objected. She looked to the left and right, and her voice lowered again: "It just can't be done anyway." Her

  roommates thought she was shy, but she was actually jealous.

  Bai Yu is not affected. If he wants to know his measurements, visual inspection is enough. Does he still need to ask? "What I want to ask is... what are your plans for yourselves."

  "Plans?" Fleur gently pinched her hot earrings to force herself to calm down and asked, "Are they plans for the future?" "

  Yes, Not really." Bai Yu shook his head, he snapped his fingers, and flames lit up on his fingertips: "You are already mages, you can be said to be extraordinary beginners, and you are so young, which proves that you have good qualifications. If you do not study in this path, but in It would be a pity to waste time elsewhere."

  "I am lucky this time. The saint with the blood of innate heroic spirits is here with me. If we encounter a similar situation next time, but without the help of kind-hearted people like us, it will be a big mistake. How to deal with it?"

  "Rome is by no means a paradise. Many dangers can be fatal even if encountered only once."

  His words brought the topic back to serious preaching, and several girls were silent in response.

  Bai Yu continued: "Take Miss Angelica, for example, what you are good at is the magic of status blessing. There are three kinds of magic to bless Miss Paige, which are to increase speed, endurance and reflex nerves. This is certainly good. But it drained away your own magic power in the first place, causing you to completely lose your ability to resist. This is the first mistake you made. No mage should squander all his magic power. Using the basic rule of seven and three, wouldn't you? Understand?"

  Angelica was speechless, and her toes in her shoes moved: "But, I am only an auxiliary system, so I can't help much. Even with magic power, I can't escape from the third level. "

  The power gap is obvious, so whatever you do is in vain.

  Bai Yu shook his head: "Then why don't you think differently? Since you are good at auxiliary magic, instead of squandering all your magic power at the beginning, it is better to observe the situation in the middle and then selectively strengthen the state. In fact, if you can do more By retaining a trace of magic power, Miss Paige will be able to persist longer... But you give me the impression that you are too reckless and all-or-nothing. Such a personality is not suitable for controlling continuous gain magic."

  Angelica Lowering her head, she was usually not so well-behaved, and it was the eldest lady's pride that she would not reflect upon the teacher's scolding. But Bai Yu was different. Faced with the teachings of this genuine 'strong man', she felt it was necessary to humbly ask for advice.

  "Don't be nervous." Bai Yu smiled suddenly: "Since you are not good at auxiliary magic, you should change it... They say that the country is easy to change and the nature is hard to change. Since you can't change it, why not obey it? ?"

  "My suggestion is to switch to more aggressive and explosive magic, such as explosion magic, and pursue destructive power and release speed... Treat recklessness as a type of power, then critical hit flow can be regarded as a wonderful method. Choice, as long as you can end the battle within five seconds or create an opportunity for victory, it doesn't matter whether you retain the magic power or not."

  Angelica's eyes lit up. She had been an assistant for so long, and no one had ever told her that she could switch to another major. In fact, switching to another major was very risky, because the properties of the second-level magic power would change. , rushing to practice will cause confusion and conflict between the nature of magic power and the magic being practiced.

  She actually didn't doubt what the other party said, because she was really not interested in auxiliary magic, or because her family asked her to learn it from an early age... It was like being taught how to play the piano when she grew up, and then she found out that she actually liked it when she grew up. It's rock music, it's a drummer!

  The editor of fate looked at another girl: "Miss Frederica, you have excellent judgment, but unfortunately you are not calm enough. You tried to analyze the situation but were overwhelmed by the gap and despair, so you did not make any effective decisions. "Resistance."

  Fleur smiled bitterly. Her performance was indeed not good, even worse than Angelica, because the magic she mastered was of a mediocre type, and she has not found a magic system that she is good at. She is a standard mediocre type. Higher-level students can master most of the professor's knowledge, but they are not top-notch.

  "The suggestion I give you is... the control system." Bai Yu said with a smile: "Just like the evil mage before."

  Fleur's face turned pale, she didn't want to become that kind of pervert.

  Bai Yu changed his words: "I'm not talking about the madness of the evil mage, but his thread -" He nodded his neck: "The advantage of the control system is that it can coordinate the whole scene. It can even be said that in a team, the control mage She is the soul of a team. She is the one who coordinates and judges the situation. Everyone must revolve around her. If she advances, she can drive others to work for her. If she retreats, she can even contain the blood of a heroic spirit." Fleur's eyes were filled with brilliance as she listened

  . Everything else doesn't matter, but she likes being the "soul" and "absolute core" of a team and "driving others"... This eldest lady has this desire to drive others to treat her like a dog.

  "As for Miss Paige." Bai Yu looked at the last one.

  "Just call me Peggy."

  "I actually have nothing to say to you." Bai Yu deliberately restrained his evaluation: "Although you have lost from the conclusion, your talent is undoubtedly the best. The saying "Shame before courage" does not apply to you. You already know the path that suits you best. If you follow it all the way, you will become a strong man sooner or later." Paige was stunned, she did not expect that she would

  get For such an evaluation, in fact, she was suppressed in less than seven rounds in the hands of the Golden Knight Vulture. Her performance could be said to be a mess. Why was she considered by the opponent to have excellent talent and a promising future?

  It’s true or false, I don’t believe it myself.

  She didn't know that Bai Yu's judgment was completely reasonable, because she, like Amamiya Mahiru, was a fighting genius with amazing fighting intuition. If she was given a little nutrition, she would sprout and grow like a potato. Roots hundreds of centimeters long find their way into the soil and penetrate into the earth.

  Paige arranged her hair unnaturally and looked away.

  "Thank you, thank you."

  Under the afternoon sun, her lazy and gloomy temperament and dark circles under her eyes seemed to have faded a lot.

  Elise looked at this silently, feeling increasingly unhappy, as if her treasured snacks were being shared among her friends.

  She boldly raised her eyes and looked directly at the editor of destiny: "What about me?"

  Bai Yu smiled, but her tone dropped a few degrees: "Miss Alice, you need to practice more seriously." You

  are really good at it, I Miss Witch!
  I am still too kind to you. You must at least have the self-protection ability before the third level to be considered barely qualified.

  Alice lowered her head in grievance: "Oh."

  (End of this chapter)

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