343. Chapter 343 Guardian

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  Chapter 343 Protector


  "The literal meaning of a protector is a person who protects another person to achieve enlightenment; the more extended meaning is: both parties form allies and cannot betray them for life." "Killing relatives

  . Brothers are regarded as cruel, killing parents is regarded as beasts and beasts, and betraying the guardian is worse than a beast, almost ostracizing himself from the world and from the holy way." "Therefore, the choice of guardian must be cautious, for both

  parties It's all the same."

  At the dinner table, Mu Yaoxi taught Bai Yu the basic settings of the 'Guardian'.

  She didn't know when she started coming here to get food every day.

  Mu Yaoxi, who originally planned to live in a dormitory, moved her residence nearby to pursue better living conditions - meaning she didn't have to cook her own food and could eat and drink together.

  "Guardians are usually a guardianship system specially established for potential geniuses." "

  Guardians of large families are usually relatives, relatives or elders." "

  Once you enter the holy path, you cannot become the guardian of others, so The choices are all below the fifth level."

  "The guardian means that the interests and positions of both parties are bound, and even the holy way cannot conflict, otherwise it will only be a matter of time before the breakup." "In your words... the choices

  of the guardian are relatively diversified. "Yes."

  Mu Yaoxi took a sip of milkshake, let out a sigh of relief, and said lazily: "The innate heroic bloodline is the most suitable for being a protector, and Su Ruoli is undoubtedly the best choice."

  " Of course, I can, and I am also happy to bind my interests and positions with you." "

  This also means that your position is bound to mine, and I am the daughter of the Mu family. Now half of your This butt already belongs to the military."

  "As for Tao Rusu and Qin Xuezha... they are not as strong as you, so naturally they cannot be your protectors." "

  Of course, besides the four of us, you have another choice. ."

  "Princess Phoenix."

  "She does not have a protector, nor has she ever been a protector, but her strength is completely suitable as a protector." "

  If you can get her to agree to be your protector, then you can't do it in the future. He said you can walk sideways, or at least you can walk upside down with your eyes toward the sky."

  Bai Yu raised his eyebrows slightly after listening to Mu Yaoxi's words.

  How dare you think of treating Huangshou as a protector.

  But we will definitely have a battle in the future.

  Bai Yu thought about it and realized that there was actually no other choice. Su Ruoli was the most suitable, so this question could be skipped.

  "It's nice to have a childhood sweetheart who can level up on his own just by leaving it alone." Mu Yaoxi narrowed her eyes and read out Bai Yu's inner subtext.

  Bai Yu immediately interrupted: "Don't use mind-reading skills indiscriminately! Who doesn't have a few all-purpose childhood sweethearts in this era?"

  Mu Yaoxi snorted: "Isn't he just a childhood sweetheart? I don't envy him at all."

  This sentence is Tell the truth, but only half the truth.

  There was no need for her to envy Bai Yu. It was no big deal that her childhood sweetheart was an innate hero. She was one.

  So what she envied was Su Ruoli.

  If I had such a childhood sweetheart, my life from childhood to now would probably be completely different.

  Mu Yaoxi couldn't help but start to think about this possibility.

  Daydreaming is a beauty that no one can resist. It's like everyone has thought about how they would make a lot of money, how they would live, and how they would change the tragedies and mistakes that happened in the past if they could go back to their childhood.

  Mu Yaoxi's idea was more realistic. She tried to add a childhood sweetheart to herself... Then Chang was surprised to find out in less than a minute that if it were her, she would probably be in love by now... There is no way to advance to higher education with an innate heroic spirit. Pressure, I started dating in high school and now I am just in love stage.

  She suddenly felt a little strange, why did Su Ruoli and Bai Yu not seem to have reached that step at all?
  Both of them maintained a strange kind of reserve, as if anyone who went too far was considered a beast, so they simply chose to be together and become worse than beasts.

  It would have been once in the morning, once in the afternoon, once in the evening and three times in the evening for five days.

  It's not that Mu Yaoxi is modest... After being provoked by her grandfather yesterday, why was Su Ruoli's reaction so calm?

  Such a good horse will be taken to the West for a blind date in half a year, and will be ruined by those white-skinned and golden-haired horses. If you don't hurry up and cook the rice, you will have to wait until the future to sit in the first row of the wedding and watch the bride and groom. Do you regret it when you kiss yourself and cry with tears, "Vixen, I was the one who came first"?

  Damn it, even I feel a little bit cheated when I think about it!
  Mu Yaoxi gritted her teeth unwillingly, quietly burning with jealousy, and then suddenly realized that she didn't have such a childhood sweetheart... That would be okay.

  Without giving Miss Mu a chance to ask questions, Bai Yu had already finished breakfast, drank baby milkshake, tidied the dining table, and then stood at the door of the house lost in thought. Mu Yaoxi asked, "Are you going out?"

  Bai Yu asked, "Am I going out?"

  "?" X2
  The two of them looked at each other.

  Bai Yu fell into deep thought: "I seem to want to do something, but I can't think of what I want to do when I go out... Thinking about it carefully, it seems that I have been quite free recently."

  Mu Yaoxi: "... Me too. "

  The two looked at each other.

  Su Ruoli and Tao Rusu went out early in the morning. The former continued to search the archives of Qianchen Club, while the latter said that he had an insight after studying calligraphy for a night and wanted to develop a magical power that would make him famous.

  So there were two wastes left in the room just waiting to die, staring at each other.

  "Who is this waste who is just waiting to die?" Mu Yaoxi retorted dissatisfied.

  "Tsk, I accidentally said what was in my heart." Bai Yu rubbed his eyebrows: "What should I do next?" The

  hundred-day guarantee has passed without any danger.

  The next big guarantee will be three months from now.

  How about giving yourself a holiday today?
  After all, he kept spinning like a wheel all day long. During the day, he had to study in Penglai, and at night, he had to go to the Dragon Vein Realm, the Fourth Hell, and the Library of Truth to work overtime.

  Ever since I became a transcendent, I seem to have no time to sleep. I am either 007 or 996. As expected of me, a true capitalist even exploits himself.

  Then a voice was heard.

  The door opened, and a figure jumped down from the second floor and hit Bai Yu smoothly.

  With quick eyes and quick hands, he perfectly caught the woman who jumped down, and the latter also seized this opportunity to give her a hug.

  Bai Yu asked in surprise: "Senior sister, are you finally out of seclusion?"

  Qin Xuesha closed her eyes: "Hiss... ha..."

  hugged her and took a breath.

  Like sucking a cat.

  Bai Yu didn't react, even a little used to it.

  Qin Xue took a bath for a while before opening her eyes and gently letting go of her hand.

  Energy replenishment completed.

  "This retreat has yielded a lot."

  She raised her hand and waved, and a dark red shadow flew out of the room. A sword flew into her hand, and the blade spread out, like a pet snake wrapped around her body. Wandering, the sharp blade avoided the body without scratching the skin.

  "I have mastered the Snake Belly Sword." Qin Xuezha let go of the hilt of the sword, and it automatically floated aside.

  "It's so heavy, how come it floats?" Bai Yu stretched out his hand to press the sword's edge, and it shook its head vividly.

  "This is the latest research result of the Weapon Refining Academy. Weapon spirits... Blood sacrifice type weapons mostly have the risk of losing control easily, because there are spirits inside that need life to support them." Mu Yaoxi reminded: "It is easy to lose lifespan."

  "No." Qin Xuezha was very confident: "It can't affect me, and I don't force it to recognize its master by dripping blood." After seven years of

  fusion with the zombie inner elixir, Qin Xuezha is the most suitable one. This kind of soldier.

  Bai Yu marveled: "What a spiritual weapon. It's really good."

  He had no shortage of weapons, but he couldn't help but be interested. Who doesn't want a flying sword and a panda that can ride? I really envy the people of Sichuan, every household has them.

  Watch Fairy Sword.JPG
  "If you want, you can also go to the Weapon Refining Academy to customize one." Mu Yaoxi said generously: "I can help you get a cost price!"

  Bai Yu touched his chin: "Actually, I I'm quite curious."

  "In the dispute between the two major systems of Yuling and Chuanwu, the Weapon Refining Academy is also on the same page as Chuanwu." "

  But Yuling Academy is making progress, but Chuanwu is still standing still, even With all the internal fighting going on, has no one ever considered the evolutionary direction of the martial arts system?"

  Mu Yaoxi suddenly said, "That's right, you haven't been to the Weapon Refining Academy yet, right? Just now, Senior Sister Qin has also finished her retreat. Wait. After she washes up and has breakfast, we will go to the Weapon Refining Academy to check the status of the Snake Belly Sword on the one hand, and to let you know about the Weapon Refining on the other." (

  End of this chapter)

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