340.Chapter 340 The possibility of offline base

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  Chapter 340 The possibility of offline base

  "Mr. Destiny? Mr. Destiny?"

  The shout from close range brought Bai Yu back to his senses.

  He hummed and looked to his left and right: "What's wrong?"

  "Nothing, I just see that you seem a little absent-minded." Amemiya Mahiru asked with concern, "Are you feeling unwell somewhere?" Elise

  also leaned closer and asked: "Still encountering any troubles?"

  Although in their eyes, the editor of destiny is a high-end, classy, ​​cool and awesome person, it is almost impossible to encounter any problems.

  But no one is perfect. Maybe Bai Yu is struggling with what to do if the panda at home has eaten something dirty and started to lose weight.

  No matter what the reason is, concern must be expressed in place.

  Bai Yu shook his head: "That's right..."

  Halfway through, he started to lose focus again.

  Although the number was activated on time tonight, I still couldn't concentrate and couldn't help but think about things on the other side.

  But the good news is that after the team has expanded to three people, even if only Elyse and Amemiya Mahiru are responsible for fighting monsters, it is completely enough.

  In hell, ordinary evil spirits are no match.

  He is extremely relaxed and only needs to be responsible for paddling.

  It's like directly recruiting two ashes of the King of Elden, and the rest can just hang up and watch.

  Bai Yu also succeeded in turning Chronicle of Heroes into an idle game as he wished.

  Just because of his frequent distractions and unusual silence, the two girls didn't know what to say. They wished they could be more cheerful and chatter and laugh like their peers.

  But unfortunately this is not possible.

  The tragic childhoods of Elysee and Mahiru Amamiya left them with no similar experience, and they didn't even know how to make friends.

  They are all villains in terms of setting, and villains almost have no friends, only enemies, dogs and tool men.

  After walking a few steps, Bai Yu also stopped and noticed a bench on the other side. It looked like a hollow knight. He wondered if sitting on it could provide a recovery effect.

  "Let's rest for a while." Bai Yu calculated that it had been more than an hour since he came in.

  The three of them sat side by side on the bench. Bai Yu raised his head and let out a long sigh: "I'm really not in a good state today. I'm a little too tired." Mahiru Amemiya

  asked softly: "Yes, did you encounter something?"

  Elysee But he didn't dare to speak.

  Bai Yu knew their situation very well, at least very well, but on the other hand, these two girls had almost no understanding of their own situation.

  He thought for a while, and with the current bond level, the two heroic girls definitely trusted him enough. The reason why he did not reveal his identity was because he was worried that the other party would come directly to them.

  Moreover, there is a high probability that you will not be able to find yourself.

  The timeline doesn't match up.

  This time he didn't hesitate for too long and said, "I'm currently studying at Horai Academy." "

  ?" Amemiya Mahiru was startled.

  "!" Elise was shocked.

  I haven’t heard of the former, but I’ve obviously heard of the latter.

  "Horai Academy?" Amamiya Mahiru asked.

  "One of the three major academies...as famous as the Royal Academy and the Palace of Wisdom." Elise was very happy to receive a key piece of information: "Editor, you are in Penglai Academy." "Don't be excited." Bai Yu said, "Although I am

  in Penglai Academy, but I am not in Penglai Academy in the era you are in. The time is different."

  Alice thought for a moment: "Yes..."

  The time is different, how can we find the editor?

  It would be useless even if he went there. If it were hundreds of years later, wouldn't he have to wait until he became an old woman?
  Amamiya Mahiru smiled: "I am very close to Daxia, but I have no chance to find Mr. Destiny, because I know I can't find him."

  Alice mumbled a few words, and then she became quiet.

  Bai Yu continued: "After a while, I will probably go to Rome."

  Elise's eyes lit up for a moment.

  "Go to the Royal Academy to study abroad." He clicked his chin: "It's just because our eras are quite different, so I'm not sure if I can meet the witch." Amemiya Mahiru whispered: "Is she the

  future witch lady?"

  Bai Yu said: "This is exactly what I am thinking about, because I have already said 'I will go to the Royal Academy' in advance, so what will the witch who already knows about this do in the future? It's not clear yet."

  "Time is very magical. If we really meet a witch in the future, we don't know which timeline she will be." "

  Based on this point of view, maybe we don't want to meet. That's the best choice - but there are also advantages to meeting, I can get spoilers in advance."

  Miss Elysee was lost in thought.

  Bai Yu still had a subtext that he didn't say.

  Even if Elyse saw herself, she would most likely not be able to recognize her.

  There is still a certain gap between Destiny Editor and Bai Yu. The former is very mature, while the latter is too young.

  Moreover, it is unknown what changes will occur to Elysee in this timeline over the past hundred years. Her mentality and appearance may be different. Who can guess what her attitude towards herself will be by then? ?

  What if he was imprisoned in the basement... Hiss...

  Thinking of this, Bai Yu suddenly regretted that he had told this matter too easily. This could be regarded as laying a surprise for his trip to Rome.

  Amemiya Mahiru also reacted and immediately grabbed Elysee's shoulders and shook her: "You want to forget what just happened?" "

  Ah? What?" Elysee didn't understand. "Hurry up and forget about it." Amamiya Mahiru immediately shook her shoulders vigorously, as if she was shaking a fruit orange crazily.

  "I have already remembered it, how could I forget it." Elise was almost shaken but still remembered it clearly.

  Bai Yu said helplessly: "Let's do this for now. It's my fault for lack of consideration."

  Amemiya Mahiru said with a straight face: "I have an ancestral memory erasure technique. I only need to hit the back of the head with a blunt instrument..." "

  Hit the brain hard." Doing it will lead to death, right? Of course you will forget everything after you die." Bai Yu knocked Amamiya Mahiru on the head: "Don't make trouble." Amamiya Mahiru bit her

  lower lip and asked unwillingly: "What if the witch in the future What should I do if Mr. Destiny is imprisoned?"

  Miss Gorgon's eyes widened with surprise: "It's so good... ah! How could I do such a good thing!" "

  You said everything in your heart. !" Amemiya Mahiru flicked the snake hair that was wrapped around Bai Yu's arm.

  Elise said: "I don't understand, please explain to me."

  Bai Yu picked up the Lion Heart Gun and drew a line on the ground: "To put it simply, you and I are in three different situations at the same time. As expected, I should be at the farthest point in time." "Every time when

  we When entering the dungeon, dragon vein world or hell, the three people's time will intersect, exchange information with each other, and then return to their original timelines." "Do you understand


  Elise nodded.

  Bai Yu continued: "But this 'time intersection' was initiated by me, not you." "

  Then the question is: if, I mean if, if I meet the witch you tomorrow... at this time In which timeline will you be?"

  Elise thought hard and said, "It should be me tomorrow?"

  Mahiru Amamiya reminded: "A more precise statement is - after experiencing the intersection of time today, in this timeline You have been waiting for a long enough time on the timeline."

  Elysee suddenly realized: "In other words, if you meet tomorrow's me, this tomorrow's me will have to wait for such a long time because it has returned to the original time point. Meet the editor."

  She immediately asked distressedly: "That is, between the time of the editor and me, there was no intersection of time between these two points?"

  Amamiya Mahiru pursed her lips: "Yes, no It will happen again."

  Bai Yu said: "Because the occurrence of time intersection means that I actively interfere with the timeline. If I haven't interfered yet, then the timeline will not change." Even if they meet the two heroic spirits tomorrow, they will

  only They would remember today's conversation, and they never saw Bai Yu again after that.

  Alice's hair stood on end: "Then in that timeline, wouldn't I..." "I

  have to wait alone for a long time and experience a lot. Time will change a person." Bai Yu rubbed his eyebrows: "That's why I said, try not to Good meeting - can you guarantee that after this, you will still be who you are now?" "The

  me in the future is not me." Amemiya Mahiru said with certainty: "They will deny us, and we will deny them."

  Airi Xie waved his hands repeatedly: "Then it's better not to meet, let's not meet."

  Amamiya Mahiru smiled bitterly: "That's what you think now, but once the time comes and no matter how hard you wait, you will change your mind."

  Bai Yu suddenly thought of it.

  Because I am at the lower end of the timeline.

  Every time the intersection of time occurs, he changes history to a certain extent;

  every time he returns to his own time point, there is actually a Mahiru Amamiya and Elysee at the same point in time.

  Of course, they may not be waiting, or they may already be dead, at some point in the future that they don't know yet.

  Timelines will always evolve.

  And the long time between them is a long river that he cannot cross.

  It is true that history can be changed and destiny can be written, but he cannot change the time span between the three people.

  Maybe after today's happy guide ends, there will be a girl who has been looking for him for decades still wandering around the world.

  Thinking of this, Bai Yu inevitably felt some pain in conscience and felt restless.

  Although these are all speculations.

  Thinking on the bright side, maybe the above things will not happen;

  maybe even if you meet the witch, she will still be a familiar person, because she has already seen the future that she has not yet had time to start weaving.

  Bai Yu let out a breath and stopped thinking: "It's really complicated."

  He could only look at Elise and touched the snake hair on her head: "If we really meet in the future, I hope you can be merciful to me. "

  Miss Witch showed her cute fangs: "I promise not to hurt the editor's uncle." "

  Then I'm relieved."

  The editor was only focused on comforting Miss Witch's fate and did not notice the change in Amemiya Mahiru's expression on the other side.

  She closed her eyes and hid her emotions in the window.

  Unlike Elysee, her time point is closer to Bai Yu.

  The gap may be less than ten years.

  If I never see my husband again...

  she couldn't help but think.

  When the time comes, what will I do?
  She tightened her grip on the Kuaiyu knife until her knuckles turned white.

  She let go...and shook her head stubbornly.

  No, this day will never happen!

  (End of chapter)

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