338. Chapter 338 Reading Machine

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  Chapter 338 Reading Machine

  Now Su Ruoli just had an idea.

  ——Is the map of Yan State so long?

  It turns out that we have gone around in a big circle, and all we have to say are personal things, but in the end we still have to figure it out.

  Bai Potian had prepared this letter before he came, and as long as he took it out, Bai Yu wouldn't be able to refuse it.

  The words he said before all showed his peaceful and easy-to-talk side as an elder. Now he took out this letter to express his determination. The two juniors should not change too easily.

  Su Ruoli was in a bad mood.

  There is only one letter of recommendation, and it definitely does not belong to her.

  Therefore, he will be forced to separate from Baiyu in half a year.

  This made her, whose name contained the word "li", feel as if a fire was burning in her heart.

  She doesn't like separation.

  "How long will you study abroad?" Su Ruoli asked proactively.

  "One year." Bai Potian replied.

  "It's too long, half a year at most!"

  "Girl from the Su family, this is not a bargain. What can you learn in half a year?"

  Bai Potian laughed: "Studying at the Royal Academy is a very precious academic qualification, and I am watching. Stay."

  The old man said earnestly: "After one year of studying abroad, he can go pick up his mother!"

  Su Ruoli raised her eyes, a little angry and aggrieved. She wanted to scold her loudly, but her last words left her speechless. All spaces of resistance are blocked.

  Bai Potian didn't mention anything about the blind date, but instead talked about Bei Mingyao. How could she object?
  Being taught by the calligraphy sage's words and deeds will definitely make progress faster than slowly exploring on your own.

  Bai Yu has worked so hard since he was a child, isn't it just to reunite with his family one day?

  Do you want Bai Yu to give up the opportunity to study abroad because he is reluctant?

  Isn't this equivalent to being selfish and asking him to wait a few more years before taking his mother home?
  How could she object?

  But she didn't believe that Bai Potian would really do nothing during this year.

  Blind dates will definitely be arranged at least several times a month.

  It's not that she doesn't believe in Bai Yu's determination, but just thinking about it makes her feel jealous!

  I couldn't think of a way to break the situation for a while.

  Bai Yu put his hand on his forehead and said, "You should at least discuss this matter with me." He

  was not dissatisfied. Sooner or later he would have to go to Rome, and by going to the Royal Academy, he might be able to find traces of Elysee.

  But being arranged directly like this, it feels a bit abrupt and a little bit rough - it's really just for me to use this trick on a blind date.

  The old man crossed his arms and sat down with a golden sword: "Don't blame grandpa for not discussing it with you in advance. I just want to leave another impression on you." "Once adults with social resources are in control, adults with social status begin

  to You have planned well. You have no background, no family background, and no elders to protect you. It is difficult to resist." "

  This is a principle I learned in the past ten years in Daxia. I almost hit a wall everywhere... In Daxia, Just because your accent is not local, even the roadside stalls dare to sell you breakfast for a few dollars more." "

  You can't even accept the tricks of an old man from Rome like me. If we really encounter it, Wusheng Pavilion's difficulties are met with those groups of thousand-year-old families... How can you resolve it?"

  He said earnestly: "Although your future is infinitely bright, your future and potential cannot be converted into the present. It is at most a bargaining chip, and There are always some old guys who don't cherish their talents

  very much and will take action." "Although Penglai is relatively peaceful, it is not always so peaceful." "

  When you enter the Shenwu Division in the future, you will gradually see that family background is very important, and so are the elders. It is very important, otherwise even if the White Tiger Hall has declined, it will not be the turn of a little girl to be the leader."

  Mu Yaoxi blushed: "I defeated it by my own ability!"

  Tao Rusu thought deeply: " If you were not the daughter of the Mu family, you would not be able to sit so firmly and securely in this position." "

  Grandpa, when I come here this time, I don't really want to give you a long lecture." The old man felt a little ashamed: "But at this point, no It's not appropriate to say anything. It's grandpa. I will tell you in advance what I want to do next time. This is a rare trip, but I can't give any gifts. You don't like these girls. I originally planned to You won’t be able to use the things I have to strengthen your foundation... I can only think about waiting for you to go to Rome and let you see how strong my family background is. By then, you will have everything you want. ."

  He was embarrassed both inside and outside of his words. He spoke loudly, but he still seemed embarrassed.

  Bai Yu wouldn't be angry, but just smiled with relief: "If you want to give me a gift, why not write a message for both me and Ruoli." "Okay!"


  Potian agreed decisively.

  As a saint of calligraphy, he was worth a fortune for every word he wrote, but when his grandson asked for words, he still felt dissatisfied even though he was scribbling a copy of the Lanting preface.

  "I'll get the pen and ink!"

  Mu Yaoxi was unwilling to give up the opportunity to read the original work of the calligrapher.

  This is a close-up view of the holy way!
  Sure enough, good things will always happen when you get together with Bai Yu!
  Bai Potian also saw with his own eyes that Mu Yaoxi stood firmly on Bai Yu's side, so he didn't mind the girl taking a look at his calligraphy... In fact, Bai Potian also had some issues with the Mu family, although it was a long time ago. It's a matter of fact. It's not a bad thing if two juniors can establish friendship.

  After removing the dining table, spread rice paper. Daxia is already a modern country. Because of the existence of extraordinary people, the protection and inheritance of traditional culture are equally important. In the past, there were scholars who could read and become saints.

  And Bai Potian is also a calligraphy sage who relies on calligraphy, which shows that this path still has great advantages over martial arts.

  Martial arts is like the Yangguan Avenue, anyone can follow it, while small paths such as reading, writing, and playing the piano need to be built from the bottom up.

  Sometimes, the trails are less crowded than the main roads and can go faster.

  In short, the cultural atmosphere of Daxia has influenced poetry and songs.

  There are special courses in compulsory education, and poetry and songs are indispensable for childhood enlightenment.

  This is the cultural identity in the blood of a nation.

  Bai Potian practiced calligraphy and wrote countless popular masterpieces, copying the calligraphy of ancient masters over and over again.

  "What should I write?" Bai Potian was lost in thought.

  Although he is a saint of calligraphy, he is not a saint of poetry. He is not good at poetry and can only borrow the wisdom of his predecessors.

  Fortunately, Bai Yu didn't intend to embarrass the old man. After thinking for a while, he said: "Write a song "Lime Song"." Thinking of the time when he was

  killed by a car in his previous life, he also thought about the last two sentences of Zhu Shi. He only regretted that he didn't Can quickly format the phone.

  "What lime chant?" Su Ruoli asked doubtfully.

  "You haven't heard of it?"

  "No." Not only Su Ruoli, but also several others shook their heads.

  Bai Yu touched his chin.

  Isn't it? Has such a famous poem not been handed down?

  Is it because the name has changed?
  He thought for a while and took the initiative to recite: "Thousands of hammers carved out the deep mountains, and the fire burned them as if it were nothing."

  Bai Potian's eyes lit up. It was indeed a poem he had never heard before. He never thought that his grandson could still recite poems and compose verses?
  "You really haven't heard of it?" Bai Yu asked.

  "Where's down there?" Tao Rusu also urged the lower half.

  It seems that there really is no Lime Yin in this world, and I don’t know where the generation ended.

  Bai Yu continued to read without feeling any psychological pressure: "Don't be afraid of being shattered into pieces. You must leave your innocence in this world."

  He added in his heart, "If I had known, I should have left a suicide note at home and asked my relatives to format my computer hard drive. As soon as I know, I set the browser records to be cleared within a fixed period of time.'

  "Song of Lime", "Bamboo and Stone" and "Horse Poetry" are three ancient poems in the sixth grade primary school textbook.

  The former two are from the Ming and Qing Dynasties, while the latter is from Li He in the Tang Dynasty.

  Is there no poetry from the Ming and Qing dynasties here?
  Bai Yu recalled it carefully, and it seemed that it was possible, but not completely.

  He immediately noticed Mu Yaoxi's big twinkling eyes beside him, and was surprised and excited: "You, you can also write poetry?" "It was

  n't written by me." Bai Yu explained: "This was written by a poet from the Ming Dynasty. "Poetry."

  "What Ming Dynasty?" Tao Rusu complained: "Can you make it more like it?"

  Bai Potian became more energetic and started writing quickly.

  The cursive script is in regular script, so the writing of the calligrapher is naturally extraordinary.

  The seven-character quatrains written vertically from right to left are quite ancient and are completed in one go.

  It seems like there is a dragon snake swimming on the white rice paper. From the poem, you can vaguely see the burnt lime and the white left after burning.

  There is naturally a Taoist rhyme hidden in the poems written by the calligrapher.

  After finishing writing in one breath, Bai Potian breathed out: "This poem has the spirit of sacrificing one's life for charity. It has a good line, 'Don't be afraid of being shattered into pieces, but you must leave your innocence in the world'!" "It is indeed a famous line that can be sung through the ages

  . In ancient times, integrity was the most important thing for literati. For example, Wen Tianxiang's sentence, 'Who has never died in life since ancient times, will leave a loyal heart to illuminate history', which established his status in the literary world!" Mu Yaoxi immediately said: "I must write this down. When I look back, I will I can make you famous in the imperial capital!"

  "Are you still a fan of poetry?" Bai Yu didn't expect Mu Yaoxi to have this new attribute.

  "I'm not the only one!" Mu Yaoxi said seriously: "Don't you know that most of the capable scholars in the world gather in the imperial capital? Popular articles can become famous all over the world if they spread in the imperial capital! Just this song "Song of Lime" , I don’t know how many people are going to make a name for you in the imperial capital! Literary people have the highest integrity!"

  Bai Yu interrupted the excited little girl and asked, "Aren't you from a military family?" "

  ???" Mu Yaoxi had a headache on his head. He raised a question mark, and then stamped his foot angrily: "I'm so angry. Do you think that today's soldiers don't study, and only those who become generals should study hard! In ancient times, many people became civil servants when they picked up a pen, and became generals when they mounted a horse. Then They are the real Confucian generals! How many frontier poems and military poems are written by Confucian generals!"

  Bai Yu thought to himself. A group of generals in modern times all have outstanding poetic talents. When teachers were young and won great battles, they would flourish in poetry. Even Foreign five-star emperors also left many classic quotes. After all, poems and famous aphorisms can quickly increase their popularity.

  "My..." Bai Yu raised his hand.

  "What's the use of apologizing!" Mu Yaoxi grabbed Bai Yu's sleeve, her eyes shining: "A few more! This time a frontier poem!"

  Bai Yu: "???"

  Do you think I am Backgammon point reading machine?
  If I go on, I will even tell you who dares to draw a sword immediately.

  (End of chapter)

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