316. Chapter 316 Running in both directions

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  Chapter 316 Running to
  hell in both directions is naturally not a back garden. Taking a walk here is like picking Ganoderma lucidum in the wild, and there is a risk of being invaded.

  It's just that the danger is not the enemy jungler coming to gank, but the wild game everywhere here.

  Game from hell.

  Bai Yu looked at the werewolf with white mist floating in his mouth and took two steps back, not because of fear, but because... "

  What a loud tone." He waved his sleeves: "Ai Li, this is where..." He

  hasn't said anything yet . After that, Elysee raised her hand and snapped her fingers.

  Two rays of lightning directly pierced the eyes of the werewolf in front.

  The latter screamed and fell to the ground, then turned into a pool of blood, with no bones left.

  Intermediate magic: Thunder Fang
  instant magic, and it is instant in two consecutive spells.

  What kind of European-style Iai chop?

  Did you master it just after you got it?

  Bai Yu was about to ask about the past few days, but before he had time to speak, he only heard Elise stepping on the ground with her right foot and scolding: "Stand up!" The ground lit up with the luster of summoning magic, and

  an undead warrior roared out of the magic. formation, and directly engaged in hand-to-hand combat with a werewolf.

  This undead warrior was covered in armor that shimmered with bronze, with will-o'-the-wisps dancing in his eyes. He held a two-handed heavy sword and cut off the werewolf's head in three moves.

  The other werewolf bit the undead warrior's right leg, which had only bones left, but it had no effect.

  Even if a dog chews a bone, it will not hurt the undead warrior who is left with only a bare skeleton.

  The werewolves who tried to encircle them were wiped out in less than half a minute.

  However, their level is not high, only around level thirteen.

  It would be a trouble for the first-level transcendent, but Bai Yu and Elise were already at the second level, so naturally it wouldn't be a problem.

  "You have mastered two new magics."

  Bai Yu approached the undead warrior, looked around twice, and was amazed. Seeing this skeleton warrior always gave him a sense of déjà vu, as if he had returned to Diablo 2.

  Elise shook her head and said modestly and seriously: "It's not that I've mastered it, I'm still familiar with it... I learned these two magics naturally when I left the Library of Truth, but I know it but don't know why. I need to understand it thoroughly. Only with the core of magic can we fully master it."

  Bai Yu put his hands into his pockets: "Then I'll leave it to you. Anyway, the enemies here are not very strong, so I'll just let you train your troops."

  Elysee is responsible for spawning monsters, and I Responsible for the free prostitution experience, we all have a bright future.

  His eyes fell back on the werewolves that had turned into a pool of blood and died: "What happened to these werewolves? Are they also shadow bodies?" "

  What is a shadow body?" Elise asked doubtfully.

  "When you go to the Dragon Vein Realm later, you will know with your own eyes."

  "Dragon Vein Realm? Ah, that mysterious realm in the East!" Elise said in surprise: "I, I can go in too?" "

  I can get in. Come to hell, what do you think?"

  "This is different. As long as some Eastern extraordinary beings register with the church, they also have the opportunity to obtain amnesty certificates." Elise said: "There is a pharmacist from the East in the Royal Academy. Professor Xue said that he was of mixed race and was born in the West. Although he later went to the East, he had no chance to gain recognition at that time and was not qualified to enter the dragon vein world." The girl was very curious about this


  "Only by reaching the extraordinary realm in Daxia can you obtain the Dragon Vein Seal." Bai Yu acknowledged the professor's statement: "He obviously broke through to the extraordinary realm in another place. Naturally, he lost this opportunity. Dragon Vein is a treasure. In comparison, Come on, this hell does look shabby..."

  As he was speaking, he noticed something on the ground, bent down, and picked up a sparkling tooth from the ground.

  [Werewolf's fangs]


  [Throw it to release a close-range wolf roar]

  Is it a prop for combat?
  "Is this a dropped item? It doesn't look like the essence." Elise knelt down and took a look.

  Bai Yu threw it away casually, and the wolf fangs flew out. A shock wave was heard five meters away and directed towards the front. The power was acceptable.

  "The dropped items...are these props?"

  "Well, the dropped items of each evil spirit are different." Elise nodded: "Werewolves are a kind of group evil spirit."

  "Evil spirits, Are they common monsters in hell?" "That's what the book says. Evil spirits are the aggregation of the souls of sinners in hell. There are countless sinners in hell, and their souls melt in the river of blood, but obsession and sin There is no death, the flying rain of blood is their madness; the red land is their cruelty... Hell is the execution ground from which they cannot escape. No matter how many times they are destroyed, those evil thoughts and sins will gather again and emerge from the blood-soaked earth. Reborn...these are evil spirits." Elise recited the knowledge in the book verbatim.

  "So according to the teachings of the church, when we destroy evil spirits in hell, we are also purifying evil thoughts and sins."

  ...It is probably equivalent to periodic spawning of monsters.

  Bai Yu understood it simply and straightforwardly.

  This is somewhat similar to the Dragon Vein Realm, but also different.

  The photos of the Dragon Vein Realm are the records left by the predecessors and the precious wealth left by the predecessors to future generations.

  The evil spirits in hell are a cycle that cannot be broken off by sinners in the world. The same goes for evil thoughts and sins. They gather in hell to fight and kill the souls of the living.

  There is no way to kill all the evil spirits, so the extraordinary ones use this place as a testing ground, so they all get what they want.

  "Evil spirits should have other benefits besides dropping items." Bai Yu said with certainty.

  Just like if you defeat Liu Ying in Dragon Vein Realm, you can obtain Dragon Vein Qi to temper and strengthen your soul.

  "This is it." Elise rummaged around and said, "I'm lucky, I got it the first time."

  She picked up a gray gemstone that was only half the size of a little fingernail and put it in the palm of her hand: "This is the essence. ."

  "What essence?"

  "The essence of the soul."

  "What is the function?"

  "Strengthening the soul, there is also a certain probability of obtaining certain knowledge and memory." "

  This seems to be no different from the copy." Bai Yu sighed. , are all logical chains carved out of the same mold, kill and then plunder, this is true for games, and so is civilization.

  "Whether a mage or a knight, after coming to hell, there is always only one thing to do. Kill evil spirits, obtain soul essence, become stronger, and then kill stronger evil spirits to obtain more soul essence. ." Elysee summarized the shockingly simple circular logic of the extraordinary: "Of course, if you are unlucky and are killed by evil spirits or other people, you will also explode the essence." "Huh?

  " Bai Yu was shocked. This was different from what he thought: "Can a living person be exposed to essence?"

  "Of course, people will die when they are killed, and their essence will be released when they die."

  Elise blinked cutely: "Otherwise, how can it be called hell?"

  ...This is really a hellish statement.

  ...Killed me to death and made me explode with gold coins.

  Bai Yu frowned and asked: "In the real world, will people die?" "

  There will be sequelae, maybe amnesia, or the state may regress, depending on the degree of damage to the soul." Elise said: "Anyone exploring hell must be careful. In addition to evil spirits, there are also other extraordinary beings that we need to be wary of."

  "Am I also a walking essence in the eyes of others..." Bai Yu looked at the word "hell" eighteen times before he saw two words in it. The bloody words came: "This is clearly cannibalism."

  "This is hell, and laws and other laws have no effect at all," Elise repeated the same: "Otherwise, how can it be considered hell?"

  She thought for a while: "It's just ordinary. It is impossible to encounter other extraordinary beings because hell is empty."

  "The devil is in the human world?"

  "I mean, it is very empty and very big. The first level of hell is the largest. If you encounter other extraordinary beings The probability is extremely small, and the higher you go, the higher the probability becomes." Elise patted her chest: "Don't worry about the first two hells, but the competition will be fierce later on." "Will you gradually upgrade from PVE to PVP?

  " Bai Yu understood, and warned Alice at the same time: "If you are alone, try not to go into hell to explore. It is also a realm exploration. The Dragon Vein Realm is much safer than here. There are most obstacles there, but here ..."

  When playing in the jungle, you have to be aware of whether there are other people around you, lest the wild monster you have worked so hard to kill for a long time will be taken away by the opponent's CJ and the head will be given away. Anyone who encounters it will have a nervous breakdown.

  Alisee mustered up the courage to hug Bai Yu's arms affectionately: "Of course I can't... I will only come when I form a team with you!"

  She is not stupid, why should she be alone when she can form a team? Walk?

  If it weren't for a random map every time they entered hell, other extraordinary beings would have learned to stick together long ago.

  Now she is more and more aware of the vast power of the editor of destiny... In public and private matters, in reason and emotion, she must hold on to this thigh.

  But what Miss Witch didn't know was that Bai Yu thought the same way...if he cultivated a few more powerful heroic spirits, he could lie down comfortably.

  This wave, this wave is going in both directions.

  (End of chapter)

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