310. Chapter 310 Ten Fierce Overlords

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  Chapter 310 Ten Fierce·The Tyrant

  Bai Yu When the other party asked this question.

  First, a question mark appeared above my head.

  What is she talking about, this little cutie.

  Then an exclamation mark appeared above his head.

  Has my identity been exposed?
  Then it turned into a line of ellipses.

  That's not right. If it's really exposed, then just expose it. It doesn't matter.

  At what age are you still checking your household registration? At most, I can’t take the civil service exam, but will it still affect me from throwing shit in front of Beiming’s house?

  As a direct descendant of the Ten Evils, Bai Yu just said, 'Ah, yes, admit it directly', but the next moment he felt something was wrong. He narrowed his eyes and looked at Mu Yaoxi: "Who do you think is a direct descendant of the Ten Evils?" Mu

  Yao Xi pointed at Tao Rushu: "Of course it's her, or you?"

  ...Is it possible that we are all?

  Bai Yu interrupted: "Wait a minute, I'm sorry, why did she become a direct descendant of the Ten Fierce People?"

  Mu Yaoxi had already expected it: "Sure enough, you don't know at all... No wonder... After I revealed my identity, she would immediately turn against me and even want to do something with me."

  Su Ruoli wiped the table and raised her head: "Did Tao Rusu make the first move?"

  "I swear she was the first to make the move." Mu Yaoxi put away her Yunluo fan and clapped her knees angrily: "They were the ones who made the first move both times! They don't show any hospitality at all!" "You must have stepped on

  her tail." Bai Yu was very angry. He said with certainty.

  "She's not a vixen, where did she get her tail?" Mu Yaoxi nodded her chin: "She probably knew that I recognized her identity, so she was anxious to get rid of me, but she still dared to attack me even though she knew I was a heroic spirit. She is a little resourceful."

  Bai Yu interrupted her boasting: "Okay, the responsibilities have been clearly identified, and you will pay 30% to 70% of the repair cost." "

  Why only 30%?"

  "30% belongs to others!"

  Mu Yaoxi She curled her lips unhappily, but she was here to win over Bai Yu to join the Shenwu Division, and she couldn't act too tough. A few credits were nothing, but she couldn't ruin the impression.

  She said: "Just pay... Anyway, I don't lack credits."

  The adaptive growth of the heroic spirit is good. It can level up even while lying down without doing anything. She really has no need for credits. She mainly wants to be a good support. Don't eat the economy, only eat the level.

  "So, what are the ten evils?" Bai Yu changed the topic back on track: "Is Tao Rusu a direct descendant of the ten evils?" "Well, the descendant of the tyrant who ranks

  fifth among the ten evils." Mu Yaoxi Nodding: "I have seen relevant information in the military's top-secret files before."

  "Can you see the top-secret files?"

  "That was compiled by my grandfather himself!" "

  So your grandfather has been eyeing Tao for a long time. Rusu?"

  "Don't make it so weird, but almost all the descendants of the Ten Fierce are included in the watch list and top secret files." Mu Yaoxi rolled her eyes and said, "Of course, not all, after all, some of the Ten Fierce Born in a big family, some of the ten evil people have a clean genealogy and only myself is the only one left, and there are not many main objects of observation." "The

  Tyrant is ranked fifth on the list of the ten evil people. His danger is extremely high. This man's extreme pursuit of power makes him the youngest fifth-level extraordinary person in Daxia's records. He reached the fifth-level extraordinary level at the age of only thirty-one. He has done many crazy things in order to become powerful, including the taboo bloodline fusion."

  "Before he completely fell into madness, he also had wives and descendants. Tao Rusu was one of them. She originally had three brothers and sisters, but she was the only one who survived in the end." After Bai Yu heard this, he looked at Su Ruoli from afar

  . At a glance, I could see surprise and astonishment in the other person's eyes.

  Tao Rusu must be keeping some kind of secret, and he knows it very well, just like a person who wears long sleeves to school no matter how hot the day is, there must be something hidden under the sleeves.

  But it is the basic consensus that normal people should not take the initiative to pull away the other party's long sleeves.

  They didn't ask further questions, and Tao Rusu wouldn't take the initiative to mention it.

  But the secrets she hides are still a bit beyond imagination.

  A direct line of the Ten Fierce Overlords.

  If what Mu Yaoxi said is true, then this overlord can be simply called a newborn and sent to squat in a cell with Herzog.

  "I think it's impolite to secretly inquire about other people's household registrations at this time." Bai Yu began to pretend to be a serious person.

  "Don't you think it's too late for you to speak after you've finished listening?" Mu Yaoxi wanted to kick him in the knee.

  "Even if she is the descendant of Tyrant, she won't become Jerry across the street, right?" Bai Yu didn't understand: "Who she is, and what does it have to do with who her father is?" "The problem is not her father... ...In other words, the fundamental trouble is not the Overlord." Mu Yaoxi said: "The whereabouts of the Ten Fierce are a mystery. The last time the Overlord appeared was two years ago, but no one knows whether he cares about this descendant. , will he come and take her away? After all, he is a madman, and he also treats Tao Rusu's mother..."

  Before he could finish, Mu Yaoxi suddenly paused as if biting his tongue.

  She did not continue.

  Bai Yu patted her shoulder politely: "What's wrong? It's stuck? Can I change the wifi channel for you?" "

  No, no." Mu Yaoxi looked around and said to him: "I just suddenly forgot my words. ."

  Bai Yu looked at the heroic lady, his eyes changed from doubt to concentration, then to thinking, and finally he looked around, and then changed to doubt again.

  After thinking for a moment, Bai Yu looked at the sleeping Tao Rusu.

  Mu Yaoxi raised her eyebrows and was about to say: "I..."

  Bai Yu walked directly to Sleeping Beauty and struck her on the forehead with a knife.

  "Ouch!" Tao Rusu shouted and immediately stood up: "What are you doing!" "You are

  really pretending to sleep." Bai Yu flicked his wrist expressionlessly: "I really believed your nonsense ."

  Tao Rusu covered her head and hesitated: "I just woke up." "

  According to your temperament, even if you just woke up, it is impossible for you to listen to the other party's gossip in front of you and remain indifferent." "

  I I'm just more open-minded." She said harshly.

  "So you really heard it." Bai Yu said hoarsely: "Do you think I will believe it?"

  He glanced at the two of them: "You guys colluded in advance, right? You deliberately made up a story to deceive us."

  Mu Yaoxi lowered her gaze, embarrassed to look up.

  Tao Rusu admitted simply and generously: "It's not all a lie. At least the fact that I am the daughter of the Overlord is true... I just didn't find a chance to tell you. I took this opportunity to mention it casually, just because I was afraid. You don't accept me because of this identity. You see, we have known each other for so long. Isn't it inappropriate for me to hide it?"

  Bai Yu said with an expression of 'I don't even bother to expose you': "You are not only insulting My personality, and insulting my IQ?"

  He said angrily: "Am I such a gullible person?"

  Without giving the two a chance to refute, Bai Yu began to analyze and reason on his own.   "You may not be serious, but it's true that Senior

  Sister Qin went crazy." " How could she go crazy without any reason when   she was in seclusion?" "It must be because of some unexpected situation that made her unable to do anything. Continue to retreat."   "Since the two of you can collude in making confessions, it is most likely the home where you invited Mu Yaoxi into Taozi." "   In this case, even if you are not happy talking to each other, even if you say it to break your face, you should not If you take action, it is even less likely that a fight will cause gas leakage and thick smoke." "   If you had not taken action, it would not be true that Senior Qin   became possessed." "The door upstairs was not broken, but was opened from the inside. Open it. If she really went crazy, she should break out the door directly, so she should be forced to break out due to outside influence." "   Then I can judge from this... there is a fourth person at the scene."   Bai Yu pointed out Looking at Mu Yaoxi and Tao Rusu: "This is also the real reason why you colluded to hide it, and you have to hide the secret even if you take the blame." Su Ruoli was not in a hurry to get angry, but asked curiously: "In the   end What's the secret that you don't want us to know so much?"   "This..." Mu Yaoxi hesitated.   "Taozi took the initiative to tell the secret that she is the daughter of the Overlord, undoubtedly to hide another thing, and if Mu Yaoxi hadn't just let it slip, I probably wouldn't have guessed it." Bai Yu's simple deduction method   backtracked After reviewing all the previous conversations, he said to the point: "Someone from Tao Rusu's mother clan came here just now and had a head-on conflict with you... right?"   Mu Yaoxi raised her eyes, looked at Shen Fei and said: "You've seen through this. Hey, it turns out that a temporary lie can't be concealed."   "That's unreasonable! The other party came to open the gas valve in my house, and they had to hide it for them!" Su Ruoli held the artifact pan: "I I have to go and ask for an explanation!"   "Don't go!" Tao Rusu suddenly shouted. She suppressed her emotions and voice, leaned on the sofa, and covered half of her face with the back of her hand: "It's the Dragon Clan." (End of Chapter   )


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