302.The area below Chapter 302

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  Chapter 302 The area below...

  On the stairs of the library, three people were sitting at different heights, looking at each other in silence.

  Holding his hand, his eyes were speechless and choked with tears.

  The girl, who is considered beautiful and delicate in Eastern and Western aesthetics, was staring blankly at the two people in front of her, her eyes full of unspeakable sorrow and sorrow, as if she had been betrayed.

  Her eyes were dark and silent.

  Elysee sat on the ground like a broken doll, holding her knees with her hands, and her eyes were as dull as the hypnotized girl in the book.

  Her expression couldn't be said to be in pain, it could only be said to be filled with grief and anger.

  In contrast, the young man scratched his head in embarrassment and the blind Fuso girl lowered her head in embarrassment, almost burying her chin into her chest.

  It is simply an entanglement of grudges, love and hatred that cannot be expressed in just a few words.

  After a long time, Elise said: "It turns out that you can be resurrected."

  The young man bowed his head sincerely: "I'm sorry." "

  I thought you were dead... I rushed up and died with them."

  Mahiru Amemiya also lowered her head: "Red bean paste private Marseilles" !"

  Elise didn't hear the two people's apologies at all, but smiled weakly and said: "I rushed up like a crazy woman, punching, kicking, scratching and scratching... and finally blew myself up." She covered her head and rushed up

  . She said with a face: "Ah -"

  Thinking of the previous scene, she couldn't help but punch down hard.

  Since he won’t die, then tell him earlier!

  Why don't you say it!
  Grandma, you want to play with me, right?

  Bai Yu apologized awkwardly: "It wasn't intentional, I just didn't expect that the Xiti group would be destroyed in this first exploration... Who knows how that thing came out, I was on guard, but with a snap, it was very Hurry, just send it back to the spring water."

  Elise raised her dull eyes and said, "Uncle Editor, is this an apology?"

  Bai Yu didn't dare to explain anymore, and said sincerely: "My...my problem. "

  Amamiya Mahiru said in a low voice: "I wanted to say it at first, but this kind of thing only becomes more real after personal experience, right?" Elise raised her eyebrows


  Amemiya Mahiru immediately sat upright: "I'm very sorry, it's my fault. I shouldn't have left without saying goodbye, and it's all my fault that I was so angry." Looking at the two

  people sitting on pins and needles in front of her, Elysee couldn't lose her temper anymore. , I can only sigh heavily. This is certainly a very bad prank, but fortunately the results are within control. Although it is disgusting to deliberately not tell myself that it makes her look embarrassed, but even if I tell her in advance, once I see it, In that situation, she would probably be so angry that she would lose her rationality.

  However, the fact that he will not die is really strange.

  If it was a dream, he should have woken up by now.

  "Is there a limit to the number of deaths?" she asked.

  "I haven't tried it." Amamiya Mahiru shook his head.

  "Theoretically it doesn't exist. If you can't bear it mentally and the fatigue value reaches the limit, this dungeon guide will end." Bai Yu has figured out the mechanism: "So it's okay to commit suicide here at will."

  Elysee Understanding, she whispered: "No wonder your strength has grown so fast." You are

  constantly tempering between life and death every day, how could you not take off.

  "You will also become stronger in the future." Amemiya Mahiru replied: "You will get used to it if you die dozens of times, just like me." "Dozens of times?" Elise said tangledly: "That's how it is

  . How many times?"

  "It also depends on the individual's talent and the difficulty of the dungeon." Bai Yu sighed: "It is more convenient to have a team now. When I conquered the dungeon alone before, it was a disaster, as if I had gone to Warm Hospitality. Yanan Street, everyone on the street has a heart-to-heart friendship with me."

  He patted the dust on his knees: "It seems to be similar here, the monsters will directly launch a desperate charge when they see people, and they will not kill them. If you don't look back, you won't be able to let go of the hatred value once it's locked, and you still need to be prepared for the justice coming down from the sky."

  Elise asked tangledly, "Is it so painful every time you conquer the dungeon?"

  "Dungeons are always more difficult . That's great." Amamiya Mahiru smiled helplessly: "It would be much better to switch to the Dragon Vein Realm, because we have a numerical advantage."

  Bai Yu touched his chin: "Hmm... Then maybe the Hell Realm can also be visited?"

  Elysee Suddenly his eyes lit up: "Then I can try to lead the way!"

  "Not now." Bai Yu interrupted: "You can only get rewards by clearing the dungeon, otherwise you will basically only get encouragement rewards."

  Miss Witch had a complicated mood, and she agreed to be relaxed and comfortable What about your long trip?

  Why did it suddenly become a copy of the Li Zhan King?
  One person got mad, and the other two people quickly went back. The cat car was almost out of shape.

  She asked again: "So, what about tactics?"

  "Just cut it off." Amemiya Mahiru said something completely different from her intellectual appearance: "There is nothing that can't be cut with one sword. If there is, then two swords can't cut it." Sword!"

  As expected, those who wield swords and swords are all reckless men. Is there no difference between the swordsmen in Fuso and the knights here?

  In fact, Fuso's samurai are more brainless than Western knights... at least the latter can use some tactics, while the former can't do anything except frontal jade smashing charge.

  The result was that they were beaten into pieces by machine guns, and the death squads who never retreated finally retreated.

  There is nothing to look forward to here, and Miss Witch can only look at Bai Yu, hoping that the editor can give some reliable ideas.

  Bai Yu also spread his hands and said, "I just got up and was knocked out by a move. What else is there to say?" He didn't even see

  who made the move. He was knocked out just as he entered the boss room. What else is there that is not tactical?
  Let's go back and brush up the level again.

  At this time, Amemiya Mahiru noticed something again.



  The atmosphere became tense.

  Bai Yu was prepared in advance this time, because he already knew the opponent's attack direction, so he could easily determine the escape route.

  "No!" Amamiya Mahiru's expression changed: "Elysee, be careful, this time it's..." Elise didn't

  hear the next words clearly, she just raised her head and saw a big stone butt falling down.

  A series of voices echoed in my heart unconsciously, 'Watch out! watch out! watch ou...fuck! '


  Amemiya Mahiru: "..."

  Bai Yu: "..."

  Looking at Elysee who had turned into a two-dimensional beautiful girl, Bai Yu couldn't help but have a headache. He could imagine Elysee pulling him to rest and crying later. The scene where Rika Daiyu shouted, "I won't fight anymore, I want to go home, I want to go home."

  Should we say that these two gargoyles have learned to be smart?

  Actually, Elysee was defeated at the beginning of the game.

  The two people's backs were touching, and the two gargoyles reappeared, but the strange thing was that the wounds on the newly injured gargoyles' heads had not been restored, which showed that they would not recover, but the weak point was not in the head.

  "Mr. Destiny, I will try to buy as much time as possible." Mahiru said, planning to use her speed advantage to pull.

  Gargoyles are huge and not very flexible. What's more troublesome is that their attack power is too terrifying. They can lose half of their health if they hit them, and they will die instantly if they hit them head-on.

  Bai Yu said: "O Jaguar K."

  The gargoyle in his hand might have a chance to kill alone.

  One minute and thirty seconds later.



  After two sounds, the entire library returned to calm again.


  "Let's explore the area below later."

  The seventh time the dead came to life, Bai Yu sat on the head of the dead gargoyle guard and drank a sip of unified ice black tea.

  Why choose Uni-President? Because this name sounds better than Master Kong.

  Good news, the gargoyle with the big butt cracked before has been killed.

  Bad news, there aren't just two Gargoyle Sentinels.

  Two ordinary gargoyles were killed, and then a more powerful gargoyle with more complex patterns appeared. The shape was somewhat like the Sentinel's Sorrow before Galio's redesign.

  Not only does it have extremely strong magic resistance, but it is also difficult to attack with physical attacks. Bai Yu used all the bottom-pressing moves, and finally dragged him to the ground with a ground attack and beat him to death after the battle.

  This also consumed all his fatigue points, and he was no longer able to continue to open up wasteland.

  It's still unclear how many of these high-level units there are. Bai Yu looked at the exploration rate, which was only less than 30%, and lamented that it was really difficult. It was quite difficult to open up wasteland with two girls.

  However, after sending it seven times in a row, Elise has gradually become accustomed to being in the second dimension or acting separately. She can even think humorously - if her identity is exposed, she will be guillotined and say contemptuously, 'That's it, how about that? Have some excitement'.

  "Don't leave in a hurry." Bai Yu stopped the two of them: "Because there are more people in the team, we will have to add a link to divide the spoils in the future." "Didn't you say before that

  these are all garbage?"

  "Garbage is considered dirt. , so it is to divide the dirty parts."

  (End of this chapter)

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