291. Chapter 291 What is the antonym of local necrosis?

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  Chapter 291 What is the antonym of local necrosis?

  "The title of this elixir fight is...Purple Extreme Pill."

  Sister Wu from the Law Enforcement Department directly announced in front of everyone: "You have three hours to refine this elixir, and you will be evaluated based on the productivity and quality of the elixir."

  She raised her head Hand: "We invited Professor Shi, the honorary professor of Danding College, to be the referee and bet on the honor of his thirty-year academic career." "First, never act out of


  "Second, never make a wrong decision Missed a judgment!"

  "Third, the referee's fairness is absolutely beautiful!"

  Professor Shi's expression was very stiff. He probably wanted to know how he could sit on the referee's seat when he just went out to buy groceries.

  Dan Ding Academy’s Dou Dan is actually not uncommon.

  Most of the students are young and energetic, and they will even get angry because of one or two quarrels.

  It is difficult to argue with someone, but it is very easy to persuade them directly with fists.

  Danshi does not use fists, and the same goes for using elixirs.

  If I can't persuade you, can I still not train you?
  Even if the two parties are arguing about whether the sweet rice dumplings are more delicious or the salty rice dumplings are more delicious, the winner can be decided through a battle of pills!
  People without power can do nothing, not even protect their beloved rice dumplings, and are forced to be stuffed with a taste they don't like at all.

  This is Doudan, a very cruel game and competition between Danshi.

  However, this time, the bet between the two parties was quite explosive even in the Danding Academy, where Danding Academy was a popular place.

  It's like everyone playing cards in the Duel Academy. If you lose, you'll be stripped of your clothes at most. But this time, you directly bet on a whole deck of cards. If you lose, you'll be stripped of all your wives.

  This time, the location of Doudan was located in the Kunzi District of Danding Academy. In an area the size of a basketball court, there was an open alchemy room specially set up for Doudan.

  The materials for the Ziji Pill are directly taken from the Alchemy Division's material library, and the credits consumed in this part also need to be paid by the loser.

  The result of the battle is that the winner takes all.

  "Are you sure?" the person in charge asked with sweaty palms.

  "Zi Ji Dan is an ancient elixir, and its release rate is less than 10%. No one can be absolutely sure, but..." Zhang Tingshan smiled faintly: "Could he be more familiar with Zi Ji than me?

  " Dan is a medicine for breakthrough, and every first-level transcendent is very thirsty for it.

  The reason why Penglai's second-order extraordinary people travel everywhere is because although Ziji Dan is rare here, it is not uncommon.

  Everyone only needs it once, so as long as hundreds of them can be produced every year, so many second-order ones can be produced.

  However, whether even a high-quality Danshi can refine Ziji Dan depends on luck. The price of its medicinal materials is only more than 200 credits, but the average transaction price is more than 600 credits.

  Doudan only had one chance, so he didn't have another drink.

  Zhang Tingshan has already made plans. Even if he can't make a pill, it's better to have a half-finished product than nothing.

  He guided the ground fire into the alchemy furnace, the flame lit up the alchemy furnace, and the temperature began to rise. He grabbed the medicinal materials and threw them into the alchemy furnace, and began to regulate the flames and refine them.

  At this moment, there was an uproar.

  Zhang Tingshan's attention was also attracted. He turned his head and looked around, only to see Bai Yu opening the alchemy furnace, picking up all the medicinal materials and throwing them into the alchemy furnace.

  After confirming that almost all the medicinal materials were thrown in, he slowly began to introduce the ground fire for refining.

  Zhang Tingshan also had an old trough stuck in his throat at this time. He first added the medicinal ingredients and then opened the fire... Do you think this is cooking! !
  Does this person know how to make alchemy?

  There was an uproar among the people around. Seventy percent of the people who came to watch the show were Danshi. Others, even if they were not Danshi, had seen pigs running, so they naturally understood that this method was simply messy.

  Only Hua Yuan pushed up his glasses, shook his head and sighed: "Wow!"

  Every time he saw this stir-fried alchemy technique, he couldn't help but sigh that the gap between people is really huge.

  Although he had seen through the refining of the Sword Qi Pill last time, this method of refining all the medicinal materials in one go was something he could not learn and could not understand.

  Usually medicinal materials need to be refined one by one and then fused into elixirs. Just like putting together a Lego toy, you must assemble it bag by bag. You must start from the edge to put together a puzzle, and the faster you go to the back.

  Bai Yu's operation is completely opposite. He starts the puzzle from the middle. Not only is it difficult, but it is also prone to problems.

  Of course, there are benefits.

  The advantage is that refining alchemy is faster and more efficient.

  But alchemy is not cooking, so what's the point of being quick? It's not a popular restaurant where people are waiting for food, no one dares to rush it.

  Bai Yu was refining here, obviously much faster than Zhang Tingshan next door. The latter also felt the pressure and frequently looked at the alchemy furnace here.

  "Does he want to make the elixir faster than me... He knows he can't refine it anyway, so he just makes a semi-finished product as quickly as possible?" Zhang Tingshan thought to himself: "How despicable!" He also had to speed up

  . .

  Bai Yu let the fire burn. He didn't want to control the fire at all. Instead, he sat down and fanned himself with a cattail leaf fan in his hand. From time to time, he also fanned the alchemy furnace twice, as if he was an expert in the alchemy furnace. The owner of the food area UP who cooks traditional Chinese medicine.

  The scene was so beautiful that many Danshis were so trembling that their whole bodies were shaking and their fists were clenching.

  If this video is recorded and uploaded to the Internet, it will become a completely annoying anchor.

  After half an hour passed, Bai Yu took a look at the alchemy furnace, then frowned and realized that things were not simple.

  Strange, the last time I refined the second-grade elixir, it took shape within a quarter of an hour. Why is it still not taking shape now?

  He looked back left and right.

  The copper bamboo shoots are still there.

  "Ah..." He picked up some medicinal materials and said, "I forgot one."

  Without the copper bamboo shoots, there would be no soul.


  "Don't stop me, I'm going to chop him!"

  "Hurry up, stop me, my magnetic field will spin out of control!"

  There was a roar of curses from the crowd. .

  Sister Wu looked extremely happy.

  Professor Shi was also dumbfounded and said: "This classmate may be more suitable to be a spiritual cook."

  No one thought that such nonsense would produce results.

  Zhang Tingshan was also sweating profusely. When he saw that the other party had lost one of the main elixirs, he immediately lost his urgency. He was so anxious... Who doesn't know that the most difficult thing to refine in the Ziji Pill is the copper bamboo shoots, no? If you put it in all at once, it will be impossible to refine it before the other medicinal properties evaporate.

  Bai Yu had also read the recipe for elixirs and knew that copper bamboo shoots were the most difficult to extract, so he thought about it, pulled out the Kuaiyu knife from his sleeve, cut it into dices, and then picked up the sticky board and cut the knife edge. Sweep.

  The movements are so smooth that it can be seen that this knife has been skilled for at least ten years.

  The copper bamboo shoot is a third-grade elixir. It is impossible to break it open with bare hands. It is too hard and requires a famous knife such as the Kuaiyu knife to cut it.

  The audience has become numb. No one shouted to kill, only people left the table silently.

  The biggest barrier is not confrontation, but indifference... There is already a sadly thick barrier between us.

  Only Huayuan's eyes lit up and he kept taking notes. All operations were worth recording. He believed that the big boss's operations must have deep meaning.

  As long as Bai Yu can refine Ziji Dan, then all ridiculous operations are worthy of study by all Danshi.

  What Huayuan wants to see most is this - he is afraid that the other party will not play tricks!
  As the copper bamboo shoots were added to the alchemy furnace, the medicinal materials began to fuse at an accelerated rate.

  Just as Bai Yu thought, he waited and waited...for more than forty minutes.

  Everyone stared at the alchemy furnace and smelled the fragrance of the elixir.

  They didn't understand that it was fine for Zhang Tingshan's alchemy furnace to contain the fragrance of elixirs. After all, they strictly followed the instructions for elixirs; but why did Baiyu's alchemy furnace also contain the fragrance of elixirs?
  Zhang Tingshan's eyes lit up, and he felt that he was lucky today.

  "Open the furnace!"

  With a bang, a purple light flew out of the alchemy furnace.

  Zhang Tingshan caught him, extinguished the fire of the alchemy furnace, and pretended to be reserved, clasping his fists at the crowd and saying, "Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life."

  He had been working hard to make the semi-finished product faster, otherwise the Ziji Pill would have taken two times at the fastest. It will take hours to come out.

  He handed the seemingly harmless Ziji Pill to Professor Shi, who took a look at it, then sighed softly and shook his head: "If you hadn't deliberately speeded up, you might have been able to refine the complete Ziji Pill. Zhang

  Tingshan said indifferently: "As long as you can win."

  Although it is only a semi-finished product, it is still effective, even if it is not as powerful as 30% of the original Ziji Dan.

  At this time there was another bang——!
  Following Zhang Tingshan, Bai Yu also opened the alchemy furnace, and the same purple light floated out.

  Zhang Tingshan began to rejoice at how wise his early operation was. Even if it was a semi-finished product, as long as he was faster, he would still win.

  Bai Yu put the Ziji Pill in his hand and weighed it, as if he was playing with a glass marble. In fact, it was a little hot because it had just come out of the oven.

  "One Purple Pill." Bai Yu's eyes were a little pity: "If there were one more medicinal material, I should be able to refine two more pills."

  Zhang Tingshan retorted: "Do you think you are a high-level pill master? You are talking too much!"

  Professor Shi Picking up Bai Yu's Purple Pill, her eyes widened immediately: "This is -" "

  What's wrong, Professor Shi?" Sister Wu asked, "Is there something wrong with this pill?" "

  No, there's no problem..." Shi The professor immediately took out the instruments and test strips he carried with him to test it. After a simple and quick operation, he immediately laughed loudly: "It is indeed Ziji Dan, and it is a very high-quality Ziji Dan! How did you make it? , that ridiculous operation can actually make an elixir? Chopped copper bamboo shoots and then adding them can really improve the yield rate and the quality of the elixir?!"

  He didn't care about anything else at all, and immediately asked Bai Yu repeatedly.

  At this time, everyone in the audience could not sit still.

  "What? It's a pill?"

  "Is that really the Purple Pill?"

  "That's outrageous. Who asked me to slap you to see if it's true?"

  "Huh? Huh??? He's obviously boiling Chinese medicine, right? Is such a mess okay?"

  "Shut up, since he has refined Ziji Dan, he must be at least a third-level Danshi, so show some respect!" "

  I finally understand why Hua Yuan is so confident... He keeps doing it. It turned out that he knew about the notes and feelings a long time ago!"

  There was an uproar and a commotion.

  The students couldn't understand that Bai Yu's stir-frying and decoction-style operation could actually produce elixirs, and they were third-grade elixirs... Why!

  Regarding these doubts, Bai Yu smiled and said, "I don't know."

  The devil knows how it works. I'm just a causal superpower.

  "Impossible! This is impossible!" Zhang Tingshan suddenly broke down and shouted: "You cheated, you must have cheated!"

  His eyes were red, his expression was livid, and he roared like a gambler eager to lose: "I demand Get him checked out!"

  But no one paid any attention to that.

  Sister Wu first held her chin and sighed. She stood up, twisted her waist, and said slowly: "My surname is Zhang. There are so many people from the law enforcement team here, and the audience is watching. Do you think we are blind?" ? If you really cheated, the secret will definitely be exposed, right?"

  Professor Shi said with an unhappy expression: "Are you a blind person who can't recognize new pills and old pills?"

  Zhang Tingshan was shocked. After two sentences of speechless words, he murmured with an iron head: "But, but, it's so random..."

  "Elixirs don't lie, they are facts." Professor Shi concluded without hesitation: "The Danding Academy's This is the rule. The semi-finished product you come up with is not as good as the opponent's elixir. This is a fact!"

  Professor Shi's voice was like thunder, and his third-level soul power shook: "Zhang Tingshan, a third-year student at Danding College, you can admit defeat!"

  Zhang Tingshan's face changed. Turning the color of pig liver, he looked at the Ziji Pill unwillingly. After a long time, he said dejectedly: "Student surrender." "

  Huh!" Professor Shi waved his hand: "According to the rules of Dou Dan, you should fulfill your promise."

  Zhang Tingshan's muscles were trembling all over and his face was ashen. He forced his back down and bent down. His downcast expression was as ferocious as that of a Owada director who was forced to kneel down.

  "I'm... sorry for what I said."

  "I'm a blind fool... I don't know the heights of the world, I only know how to bark."

  He finished these words ferociously, as if a ball had been punctured. , the frost-beaten eggplants wilted and lost all their momentum.

  People who take dignity very seriously will sometimes fall faster when they lose their dignity.

  He took out the fourth-grade elixir pagoda fruit, put it down, turned his head and ran away without looking back. He even fell down on the way and the whole audience burst into laughter.

  "It's really ugly." Sister Wu smiled for a moment: "Then let's stop here, everyone, let's disperse." The

  person in charge of the crowd was just about to sneak away along the crowd, but was detained by a law enforcement team member on the spot. .

  "Where do you want to go?"

  "You still have the Dou Dan contract you signed that needs to be completed." "

  Also, you have to pay for the credits for the Dou Dan consumption of the elixir this time... Or do you want to go to the detention room of the Law Enforcement Department? Do you want to squat? All our guys there are outstanding. Each one has their own unique skills. Their fighting spirit and patience are even more astonishing. They can bring you enough surprises." The law enforcement team member patted the camera with a very healthy smile

  . Slap the person in charge on the butt.

  The person in charge was so frightened that he collapsed to the ground. It took him several years and many gifts to get into the position of the person in charge of the Yuling Society office. Now that he returns to the pre-liberation period, he will inevitably be held accountable in the future.

  He even offended a third-grade alchemist or above. No benefit was seen, but he lost his wife and lost his troops.

  He yelled: "Zhang Tingshan, you bastard, I've been hurt so much by you!" "

  Let go, let go quickly! I'll give you money, I'll give you money!"

  "I don't want to go to the Law Enforcement Department and sit in the police station!"

  ( End of this chapter)

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