286. Chapter 286 Cute, cunning

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  Chapter 286: Cute, cunning,

  same opening remarks, same words.

  Elise confirmed.

  The inner uneasiness is soothed.

  It’s him, there’s nothing wrong with that.

  Both promised to see each other again.

  I just didn't expect that this goodbye would take so long.

  She waited for a long time, all alone.

  So the girl ran over quickly, stretched out her hands and hugged him, hugging him tightly, for fear that she would never be able to touch him again if she let go.

  She exerted so much force that Bai Yu was almost squeezed out of several pieces of gray mist.

  He reached out and stroked Elise's hair.

  To him, it was only a day or two that passed without seeing each other.

  But for Elysee, nearly ten years have passed.

  In fact, the two sides should be somewhat strangers to each other.

  It's normal for Bai Yu to think so. Although the two sides met for the second time, they only got along for less than a day. Even if there was kindness, it shouldn't be so deep.

  And he knew very well that his kindness to Elysee was not that great.

  Regardless of whether she interferes or not, she will still be rescued by the Gorgon sisters, and she will suffer at most.

  And that experience will shape a stronger Elysee.

  Or perhaps it was because of her interference in the past that Elise lost her tenacity and lacked key experiences, making her not as strong as the Gorgon before the weaving of fate began.

  Or is it because she regards the original promise of goodbye as a promise that must be fulfilled, and even regards herself, the only one who has taken care of her, as a spiritual support?

  If that's the case...

  She must have lived a very miserable life these past few years.

  So much so that I have to rely on the good things of the past to support myself.

  Precisely because he lost everything, he retrieved the promise he made with the man he had only met once from his memory and regarded it as a treasure.

  The current situation is not Bai Yu's original intention. He would rather the other party regard him as a long-lost friend, rather than such an attitude.

  Such a dependent attitude is not conducive to her own growth.

  Even Amemiya Mahiru, whom she had known for the longest time, did not dare to hug her the second time they met.

  He stroked the girl's hair and patted her back gently, signaling her to calm down.

  I am right here and I am not going anywhere.

  Elise gently let go of her hand. This long-lost feeling of dependence made her feel soothed, as if a tight rope had been relaxed. She even lost some strength and fell to her knees unconsciously.

  She wanted to move, but she didn't have the strength.

  Or maybe it's just an instinctive not wanting to move.

  She said weakly: "I'm sorry, I'm a little... out of strength."

  "You really should sit down and rest for a while." Bai Yu looked around and helped her up, but she really didn't even have the strength to walk. No more, so he could only wrap his right hand around his arm and pick her up.

  Elise's eyes fluctuated slightly.

  "Why are you looking at me like that?"

  "Uncle also held me like this on the snowfield, right?" Elise muttered in a low voice: "Although I don't remember, I think it should be like this." "Yes, at that

  time You are still a little girl, very light and thin." The young man remembered clearly what happened not long ago: "Now you are a big girl." Putting the girl on the bench, Bai Yu sighed at the power of

  time It can really change everything: "You have grown up, Elysee."

  Elysee chewed on the emotion in this sentence, but did not feel more. It was like a sigh when an old friend saw each other again, not much heavy or heavy. How meaningful it is.

  She looked back at the young man and muttered in a low voice: "Uncle, it hasn't changed at all."

  Bai Yu said enigmatically: "Time doesn't mean much to me, whether it's going down the river or upstream. ."

  He raised his hand, casually transformed a bottle of water, and handed it to Elyse's hand.

  "Drink some, it will help you regain your strength."

  Elise opened her eyes, then opened her mouth, indicating that she could be fed.

  Bai Yu looked helpless: "You are already a big girl, so stop acting coquettishly."

  Elise's cheeks blushed slightly. She was not bold enough to give it a try just now. She picked up the water bottle and took a sip, and then she felt My own fatigue is disappearing quickly.

  Fatigue potion, the favorite of poisonous milk powder warriors.

  "It's amazing..." Elise stroked the bottle: "I feel that the fatigue has disappeared."

  She raised her lavender eyes, looked at Bai Yu curiously, and stroked the bottle wall with her fingers.

  As the promise was fulfilled and the touching emotions of the encounter were gradually digested, questions followed one after another.

  She is a smart girl, and she has obviously clearly realized that Bai Yu's identity is by no means simple, and everything about him is a mystery.

  Mysterious appearances and mysterious disappearances, including the magic book given to me, and this bottle of potion that can drive away fatigue... "I know

  you must have a lot of questions to ask." Bai Yu didn't wait for her to ask. Taking the initiative to speak: "I can tell you slowly about this. Just like my original promise, I will tell you who I am, where I come from, and what I want to do." Elysee immediately sat down dignifiedly and listened. .

  She had been taught by words and deeds from her sister, and that was the only education she received from her relatives.

  Bai Yu put his hands on his knees and introduced himself in a casual tone: "To put it simply, my name is 'Editor of Destiny', and I am...well, a person who can rewrite destiny." "I will change my destiny in the course of time

  . , select some people who are destined to me, and help them rewrite their destiny."

  Elise caught the key word: "Destiny...?"

  She raised her eyes and asked without wavering: "So, you know What will be my fate?"

  "Yes, you will die, in the hands of your best friend for revenge." Bai Yu directly started the spoiler mode, but all he knew was the ending.

  "Is it fate that I met the slave-catching group when I was a child?"

  "Yes." Bai Yu nodded.

  Elysee suddenly realized: "That's why my uncle found me in the snowfield, rescued me, and left me in the village... because that was the destined result." "

  Destiny is very delicate, but occasionally it will Very stubborn." Bai Yu said: "I can save you from the slave-catching group and prevent you from encountering more disasters, but I cannot easily change your fundamental destiny, otherwise everything will cease to exist." Ai

  Li Xie stared at the young man with clear eyes and said softly: "So, are you apologizing to me? Are you apologizing to me because you are worried that I will blame you for not saving my mother?" Bai Yu smiled: "You are

  very keen."

  If there is a way to change it, he will definitely try it, but unfortunately his current strength does not allow it. He cannot shake the fate and cause and effect that involve the essence of the Gorgon's existence, otherwise his fate will be completely distorted.

  Elisee also smiled, her smile was cute and relieved.

  "I never thought about it that way."

  "Uncle is a good person. The fault is with the bad people, not uncle."

  "You who feel guilty because of this matter are indeed a gentle and good person."

  She leaned against him gently . On the other party's shoulder, he muttered in a low voice: "It's exactly as I thought..."

  Now she felt at ease.

  No matter how mysterious it is, whether it is deliberately concealed, or has an ulterior motive, she actually doesn't care about that.

  If you deceive, just deceive, if you conceal, just conceal it. She really needs someone to support her fragmented and broken heart, share the secret that is about to crush her, and strengthen her to achieve the goal of revenge.

  For this, she will do whatever it takes.

  No matter whether the opponent is the editor of destiny or the devil Satan, she will get what she wants as long as she sacrifices herself, and she will not hesitate.

  Bai Yu continued to expand the topic: "In the future, I will continue to pay attention to your development. You can also do what you want to do at your own pace, whether it is taking classes or looking for banned books... But the only difference is that, We need to explore the area together."

  "Area?" Elysee asked curiously: "Is it hell?" "It's

  very similar." Bai Yu nodded: "You will understand it later."

  He paused for a second, hesitating what to do. The news that 'we have another companion' should not be revealed.

  He always felt that now was not the time to mention this matter, or else he should leave it for later, since Amamiya Mahiru already knew about it.

  While he was thinking, his figure became illusive for a second, gradually turning into gray mist starting from the left side.

  "It seems my time has come." Bai Yu looked at the faded palm.

  "Are you leaving now?" Elise immediately became nervous. She tried to grab the other person, but what she touched with her palms was nothing but a gray mist.

  "Although I still have something to say, it's time for me to leave. I can't stay in this time and space for too long. It will be troublesome if I am noticed." Bai Yu touched her long night hair: "Don't worry , we will meet again soon."

  "But, but..." She pursed her lips, her eyes full of reluctance.

  Just like a kitten that was caught in the rain under the eaves, it had just been picked up and had not enjoyed a few seconds of tenderness. The next moment it found itself thrown back into the rain again.

  The little milk cat's meow is weak and cute.

  You are not a little kitten, you have grown up.

  But sooner or later, the Gorgon will reach the fifth level, a strong person who can compete with the heroic bloodline.

  When you become stronger, I will still hold your thigh in the future.

  Bai Yu was confused about this kind of attachment. He had to admit that his love was too overwhelming, although it was not as outrageous as the Great Love Immortal.

  He could only repeat his promise, but even so, he still couldn't dispel the uneasiness in her eyes.

  So after a moment of hesitation, and a second before disappearing, he gently hugged the girl and dissipated into gray mist.

  Elysee sat on the bench and slowly hugged a ball of air. The residual touch was still there. She seemed to be embracing the blue sky and sunshine.

  I closed my eyes for a while and then opened them again.

  The uneasiness in his eyes seemed to have never existed from the beginning.

  Bai Yu saw it right, she was not a kitten caught in the rain, but a changeable snake.

  Necessary performances are also needed. In order to keep him for one more second and feel him for a while longer, she doesn't mind using some cunning tricks.

  This is also thanks to the many live demonstrations and words and deeds of her two good roommates.

  Elise stood up, her eyes became firm again, she took a deep breath, and she smiled lightly.

  "The weather is so nice today——"

  (End of chapter)

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