283. Chapter 283: Avoiding the fate of fate

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  Chapter 283: The old man who escaped fate
  returned the time to five minutes ago.

  From the moment Leona made her intentions clear and began to teach her two roommates a lesson, making them do somersaults, Elise was actually ready to run away.

  She knew that the other party would definitely cause trouble for her again.

  At this time, a dead Taoist friend will not die a poor Taoist.

  You can talk about loyalty later, but now you still have a useful body...

  "Even if you want to run away, you can't run away... The other party keeps part of their attention here, don't underestimate the five senses of the Silver Peak Knight." A voice sounded

  , It fell on Elysee's ears.

  She stopped and looked around, as if looking for the person who was speaking.

  "Don't look, I'm here, but you can't see me." The young man comforted, his voice was very close, like whispering on the shoulder, and you could even feel your ears being itchy: "Don't be nervous , I don’t mean any harm, I’m just a Kamen Rider passing by.”

  “Who are you?” Elise lowered her voice and couldn’t find anyone talking around her. She suspected that this was a kind of psychic communication magic, or something. A spell that permanently transmits sound.

  "No need to look for it, you can't see mine." The young man patted her shoulder lightly.

  The next moment Elysee waved her hand, but what she touched was only air.


  "There's no need to be so nervous." Bai Yu let go of his hand: "I'm giving you a friendly reminder."

  Elise was silent.

  This sudden sound made her instinctively alert, because she had too many secrets, and she would immediately become highly nervous once she received this kind of attention.

  She asked: "Who are you?"

  "I just said, a passing Kamen Rider, if you are so forgetful, I can only suggest you drink more hot water."

  Elise lowered her voice: "Please don't do it again You're kidding, what do you want, where are you, and what do you want me to do?" "

  It's a little complicated to say... I'll keep it short." Bai Yu said very concisely: "In short, you have to defeat this guy. Miss Silver Knight."

  "Me, me?" Alice widened her eyes, looking at the students who were beating up her classmates with an unsheathed knight's sword, howling like ghosts, as if she had just seen Isshin Ashina and Virgil after entering the game. Leona got it, and she deeply felt that her strength was far from enough to complete this difficult challenge: "Are you kidding me?"

  "Are you longing for power?" Bai Yu changed her words and asked again.

  He continued to follow the temptation of the devil's whisper based on his own experience: "If you are eager, then follow my suggestion, I can make you stronger at a faster speed." "I don't need it." Elysee declined immediately: "

  And , your words are terrible, even children won’t believe it."

  "You can ignore it, but the other party will definitely not let you go easily." Bai Yu continued to act as the whisperer: "And you should be very thirsty for power. Otherwise, why would you want to find the forbidden book?"

  Elise almost blurted out, but she held it back and asked calmly and restrainedly: "What else do you know?"

  "Just think of me as the genie in the bottle." Bai Yu continued to act as a riddle: "So, how about we make a deal?"

  "What deal?" Elise thought that she was being manipulated, and there was a hint of "You don't want others to know" in the other person's words. Bar's weird smell.

  "Win this Miss Silver Knight...and I will tell you where the banned books are." Bai Yu made an offer that was difficult for her to refuse.

  Elysee was really moved.

  Bai Yu patted her back gently, causing her body to tremble.

  "Straighten your waist and don't lose your momentum."

  "You just need to believe in yourself to win this battle." "

  The prizes have been sent to you in advance, remember to make good use of them."

  "I'm optimistic about you, girl. ."

  These words made her feel familiar for a while, but the familiarity was a bit ungraspable and erratic, as if she was about to remember it, but she was missing some key reminder.

  She breathed deeply, her chest rising and falling.

  I don’t know whether the conditions mentioned by the other party are true or false, but she seems to have no other choice.

  Regardless of coercion or inducement, she could only choose to obey.

  So Elysee went against the norm and temporarily abandoned the silent strategy of making money that she had always adhered to in the past, and chose to fight head-on with Leona, the star knight.

  Although she was still not confident enough about it, a book that appeared in her left palm gave her a chance to win.

  ...magic book?

  She held the book and could feel the magic flowing inside it. This was one of the symbols of the grimoire.

  The magic book is a kind of magic weapon exclusive to the mage.

  Books symbolize knowledge, and knowledge is power.

  A magic book is like a sword in the hand of a knight, an indispensable right-hand man for a mage. Some magic books are far more important than the mage himself.

  Although the magic book used by Elise was not the lowest level, it was at least three levels worse than the one in her hand.

  This 50% increase in magic power means that it is worth at least 500,000 Roman gold coins.

  And that's without her reading the content.

  ...Kamen Rider is too rich.

  …I’ve already made half a million dollars without doing anything?
  Holding this magic book in her hand, she felt unsteady and felt like she had turned into a walking half a million Roman gold coins.

  Fortunately, no one except the holder herself can detect the amplifying effect of the magic book in her hand.

  Elisee forced herself to calm down, and she noticed that Leona had already dealt with the other three roommates and was walking in her direction. She thought she had no chance of winning before, but now that she has this magic book, she might actually be able to win.

  Then, there was the scene where the war was declared at the beginning.


  Not to mention the reactions of other classmates, even Peggy, who was lying dead on the ground, raised her head and looked over.

  Most people thought she was digging her own grave.

  But Leona showed a look of surprise, and then the look of surprise turned into satisfaction.

  It seems that even among people in the same dormitory, the gap is not small.

  Knowing his own strength and realm, he still dares to leapfrog the level and launch a challenge.

  She is already a third-year student. In recent years, she has defeated no less than a hundred mages in the school ranking competition. Counting the black magicians and swordsmanship challengers she killed during her off-campus internship, she has rich practical experience. Far beyond his peers.

  So it can be seen at a glance that Elysee does not have much practical experience at all.

  "Being brave is a good thing, but being reckless is not." Leona held the scabbard for the first time and asked: "Are you sure you want to challenge me?"

  Elysee's back was straight, and her momentum did not drop at all: "I will accept it as you, Senior Sister Leona." "

  That's good." Leona pulled out the knight's sword, and then restrained the surging silver fighting spirit. : "Then, in order to ensure fairness."

  He took out a handcuff from his waist and put it on his right hand: "In order to ensure the fairness of this battle, I will not use the fighting spirit armor and suppress my strength to the extraordinary first level." That handcuff can ensure

  that Suppress the power below the second level.

  Elise saw it clearly: "So the senior sister was prepared for this from the beginning?" "I

  thought they would have some backbone, but I didn't expect that you, who has nothing to do with this matter, are more courageous." The female knight pulled out her gun A one-handed knight's sword with a rose pattern on the gauntlet: "I hope you can hold on longer." "

  I will try not to disappoint my senior sister."

  What Elise said was very sweet, and the magic power secretly condensed was not soft at all.

  The assistant coach also acted as a referee. He was a little worried that the matter would get bigger and he would be able to stop both sides immediately.


  was ordered.

  The female knight turned into residual light and passed through the sand. The sword light wandered on the sand, like cutting through a thin layer of meat. She waved her sword to stir up the sand and dust, and the sword light came in a blur.

  Sand blowing sword.

  It is a kind of battlefield swordsmanship, not very bright, but very practical.

  Knights and mages who are not experienced enough in combat will be defeated instantly by this move.

  The crowd was stunned by the sword blowing sand, and thought it was over.

  But the next moment, the sword light bounced back at a faster speed.

  Lying on the sand was none other than Leona herself.


  The sound of the mirror breaking sounded, and the floor-length mirror, which was as tall as a person, dissipated into basic magic factors in Elysee's hands.

  "Mirror reflection." Leona stood up again: "It's very good. If you can't judge the path of the sword, then use magic to expand the mirror. But judging from the magic, you are already at the level of a second-level magician... But you This can't stop a few swords, is the magic power reserve enough?" The

  magic book in Elise's hand automatically turned the pages, and the majestic magic power gathered in the palm of her hand, and then solidified into a long spear in her palm. The fluctuations spread,

  and Leona was a little surprised: "Empowerment melee mage?"

  "Because I am only good at strengthening spells."

  Elise's voice fell and she swung her gun across. Leona raised her sword.

  The violent fluctuations of magic power and fighting spirit collided together, and fierce energy fluctuations broke out.

  The spear formed by condensing magical energy will directly emit magical vibrations with every swing. It is like the thunder spear released by Ulquiorra. When fully released, the power of the explosion is astonishing, and it is completely consumable.

  Elysee did not have the chance to become a knight, and her journey as a mage was not smooth due to the lack of teachers. However, this magic gun was the only work of her confidence. It was only thanks to this original magic that she could Stepping into the gate of the Royal Academy, I never forget to strengthen it.

  As for why her original magic looks like this, it's not difficult to understand.

  What a person is good at.

  Or it depends on talent.

  Or look at what she wants to be.

  Perhaps the concept of 'power' was engraved in my eyes by someone when I was a child, so I subconsciously imitated that person's every move.

  In that vast snowfield, the scene of the young man fighting the villain with a gun has been deeply remembered by her. In her memory, that is the proof of strength.

  She also believed that as long as she held the spear, she would be invincible.

  All this was seen by Bai Yu.

  A Gorgon who was good at spiritual magic was actually turned into a melee mage by herself.

  The editor of Destiny who was watching the battle had a slightly complicated look in his eyes, as if he accidentally flashed Destiny's waist.

  (End of chapter)

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