245. Chapter 245 What belongs to me will not be let out even a single cent.

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  Chapter 245 What belongs to me will not be let out even a single cent.

  "It seems that you are aware of it."

  When Bai Yu said this, he also realized that he was still a little arrogant.

  Although he could see everything about Amamiya Mahiru, it didn't mean that the other party couldn't realize his changes.

  It’s not control, it’s understanding.

  A deep understanding of a person.

  After spending such a long time together, Mahiru had already understood a lot about him. Since she couldn't see or know his expression, she could only listen to his words and figure out the other person's psychology.

  Mahiru Amemiya is definitely not stupid, on the contrary, she is very smart.

  Having lived in a dangerous environment since childhood and being blind, she was born with a great sense of insecurity.

  Baiyu, who can give her a sense of security, is the only safe haven in her heart, so she will do everything possible to seize this safe haven.

  A variety of methods, including but not limited to trying to figure out the other person's thoughts, guessing what he wants to say, and at the same time guiding him to a party that is beneficial to him.

  She has always acted innocent in front of Bai Yu because she can let go of her guard before the other person. This does not mean that she is really such a simple and lovely innocent girl.

  If that were the case, no bones would have been left that had been chewed by the man-eating world.

  The side she showed was the best side she wanted to show the other person.

  Women are born performers, and she is no exception.

  Just when she opened her mouth and said the words "need to add more members".

  Her keen sixth sense, her earnestness in silent observation, and her ability to figure out Bai Yu's thoughts all came in handy.

  This is not difficult to detect.

  First, she has now broken through the second realm of swordsmanship, which means that subsequent challenges will become more and more difficult, and the two of them may not be able to handle them alone.

  The second is to realize that the speed of improvement in the realm of strength has slowed down recently, and it has been a long time since I have been able to advance in the dragon vein realm. (At the moment, she still didn’t know that Bai Yu had singled out Huang.)
  Third, Bai Yu’s attitude became hesitant. The hesitation he showed meant that it was related to her, and it was probably something that might damage her own interests.

  Then came the woman's sixth sense... She keenly caught the guilty aura on the other person's body.

  This kind of guilt... is like the guilt an owner feels when he goes to a cat cafe to pet his cat and is given a box of high-end cat food. When he brings it home and sees that his cat is eating it happily and sweetly, he feels guilty.

  I went out to fool around with a girl, and was given rouge and gouache as a gift. I brought it home to my wife. My wife seemed extremely happy, so of course I would feel guilty and guilty.

  But Amemiya Mahiru also realized that she had no way to reasonably solve this matter.

  Of course she didn't want a third party to come in.

  If it's a man, it's okay, but if it's a woman... She deeply understands Mr. Destiny's lethality to the opposite sex, although he himself is not aware of it.

  Living in a high-pressure ethical environment like Fuso, Amamiya Mahiru had never seen someone who was so kind to her. The other person gave her not only strength, but also equal respect and mutual understanding in terms of personality.

  She covets this feeling.

  Unfortunately, no matter how reluctant she was, she found that she couldn't stop it.

  Even if she objects, she can't dissuade Mr. Destiny from finding a new contractor - she doesn't have the right, and she can't be so willful.

  Thinking of this, Amemiya Mahiru was somewhat reluctant, but she could only take a step back rationally.

  Just go with the flow and perform well enough.

  Taking the initiative to bring this up is also one of her ways to show her kindness.

  Fusang is not a monogamous country, and men of high status also have concubines, because the Confucian culture passed down from generation to generation cannot avoid some customs from ancient Bactria.

  Before she got married, she often heard education from some nuns, telling her that if you get married, you must not be a jealous woman. You must obey your husband, even if the other party is looking for flowers, you can't Instead of reprimanding him, he should take the initiative to find a concubine for him and let him stay at home.

  In ancient times in the Great Xia Dynasty, this meant that the head wife was gentle, virtuous, and willing to take concubines for her husband... As long as the wife did these things, the husband could not divorce his wife, because if the seven conditions were not met, a jealous wife would be one of the seven. one.

  Even someone as powerful as Dugu Jialuo could not stop Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty from taking concubines; Fang Xuanling's wife was the source of "jealousy" allusions that every author who wrote about the history of the Tang Dynasty would make fun of once.

  Although Amamiya Mahiru deeply hates much of the education of the Minami family, due to the limitations of the perspective of the times and the long-term indoctrination of her own education, there is a clear gap between her ideas and modern people.

  At the moment, she thought that since she couldn't stop it, she should just let nature take its course, and even take the initiative to help.

  Don't be a jealous woman...that's what she was taught.

  Never get angry with the person you like... This is what her mother told her the day before she died.

  Bai Yu was a little surprised that the other party had guessed it in advance, and asked at the same time: "Aren't you angry?"

  Such caution made Amamiya Mahiru feel better. She shook her head gently: "I completely agree with what you did, Heroic Spirit Contract If it is unavoidable, naturally it is better to have more people and more effort." "

  I heard my husband talk about the difference between 'making cakes and dividing cakes' in casual chat. Now I think it is the same situation. One more person can make the cake easier. Make more and bigger things, and if we divide the pie then, I think I can get more than before."

  She looked away for a moment, closed her eyes, and slightly grabbed the corner of her clothes: "In this way, it shouldn't embarrass Mr. ?"

  "I'm very happy that you can think so, really..."

  Bai Yu was quite touched. He didn't expect that she could think like this, and also think about herself and share her worries. Such a good girl... is hard to find even with a lantern.

  He couldn't help but stretched out his hand and touched the warm cheek, and the skin could be broken: "I like good girls who are considerate. Don't worry, even if there are more people, our bond level will still be the highest." The words were calm, but the vows were made

  . .

  She finally felt relieved a little: "Yes, I believe you, sir."

  Mahiru Amemiya was gently caressed on the cheek, her eyelashes trembled slightly, and she seemed to have an impulse that she could not resolve.

  Stretch out your hand, gently grab the other person's collar, and then stand on tiptoes, as if asking for a guarantee.

  Last time, it was only for a second.

  It seems that it is not enough.


  The pen broke.

  Su Ruoli looked at the pen in her right hand and tilted her head, with subtle emotions floating in her beautiful big eyes.

  "What's wrong with you?" Qin Xuezhao saw this scene just after taking a bath: "How did this offend you?" "

  I just feel a little unhappy." Su Ruoli let go: "But I don't know this discomfort. Where does it start?"

  "Omen of heroic spirits?"

  "No, it's a woman's sixth sense!" Su Ruoli said seriously: "Someone must want to steal my things." Qin Xue wiped her wet hair and said casually: "That's

  okay There are too many...count them slowly."


  Fuso, in an attic.

  Amemiya Mahiru opened her eyes. She sat up from the bed and could feel the change in her clothes.

  "Are you back?"

  She stood up, walked to the window, sat down by the window, and listened to the wind and rain outside the window.

  The slightly cool air blew on her cheeks, making her hot cheeks feel warm.

  Unlike last time, this time she felt it for a long time.

  The feeling of being infinitely close to reality still lingers on my lips.

  If you touch it gently, you can feel a burst of electricity.

  She pursed her lips quietly and ran her tongue across her lips, as if she was recalling all the feelings she had just experienced.

  That unstoppable joy, happiness and satisfaction.

  It can make her give up all thoughts and indulge in it.

  It's like a cup of wine that forgets worries. Drinking it can relieve thousands of worries.

  Unfortunately, there is no trace of breath left on my lips.

  That wasn't real. Although what she got was real, the kiss wasn't...she couldn't touch the real him.

  Sweetness mixed with a hint of bitterness.

  She bit her lower lip unwillingly, and the blush on her face faded away. She stopped smiling, her expression became indifferent, and she returned to the cold and ruthless swordsman.

  "No matter who you are."

  "No matter when you arrive."

  "If you dare to covet Mr., I will definitely let you know what regret is." "What

  belongs to me will not be given away even a cent!"

  Yu Miya Mahiru crossed his arms, and his open eyes gradually became filled with obsession.

  "He is mine."

  (End of chapter)

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