243. Chapter 243 If you feed the pigs when you see them, who will you feed the other cup to?

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  Chapter 243: Feed the pigs whenever you see them, and feed them another cup

  to enter the dungeon area.

  The difficulty of the intermediate training camp is obviously higher.

  And the monsters in the training camp are usually more aggressive.

  Once you log in, you will be chased and hacked all the way. If you are hacked to death, you will be revived and hacked again.

  There are no springs or buffer zones at all.

  Katori Gym is different. It's not that aggressive. As long as you don't enter the combat area, you won't be beaten. There is a safe zone.

  Bai Yu needed a good time to chat, so naturally it was more appropriate to choose the latter.

  He took out a bag of potato chips and started drinking.

  The login time of the replica is not an immediate response, there will be a buffering time.

  After getting the prompt, Amemiya Mahiru could go back and prepare immediately.

  The time difference is usually no more than ten seconds.

  After Bai Yu finished eating a potato chip, at the seventh second, the other party also appeared in sight.

  Amemiya Mahiru was only wearing a thin long undergarment, which was a white close-fitting lining.

  Long undergarments are usually worn with kimonos because kimonos are expensive, made of silk, are difficult to clean and are delicate... Long undergarments isolate sweat and oil.

  Of course, this piece can also be used as pajamas.

  Bai Yu had seen it several times before, always wearing it on the innermost side of the clothes, with only a section of the collar exposed.

  And now she is just wearing a long undergarment... This is like going out wearing only underwear. For the Fuso woman who is too simple at this age, it is already on the same level of difficulty as Hong Fu Ye Ben.

  Where would a girl go out on a date with her lover in her underwear? No matter how much she likes her, it depends on the situation.

  So Amamiya Mahiru subconsciously covered her body as soon as she came in.

  The white undergarment is not transparent, but it is completely close-fitting clothing. As we all know... there is usually a vacuum under the kimono, and the long undergarment is the last piece of intimate clothing.

  If you wear underwear under your kimono, the marks will be visible on the outside, which is considered very impolite in old customs.

  This is of course a bad habit... In fact, in the Shirokiya fire incident in 1932, eight women fell to their deaths because of the old custom of wearing kimonos... The specific reason was that the crowd fled to the top floor. You can use the method of gliding on a rope, but once you slide, your skirt will be blown up by the wind, and you will naturally be gone. It was an era of extremely proactive etiquette, and you could only hold on to the skirt with all your strength, but you could not support your weight with one hand, so this happened A tragedy in which eight people fell to their deaths.

  In fact, before the invention of underwear in modern times, there were more vacuums for both men and women regardless of region. The pants in the Qin and Han Dynasties were all crotchless pants...but they were not really exposed. They were covered with 'lower skirts' to block the front and back, but even so , it is still very easy to be naked. It is rude to be naked casually, and it is disrespectful to mention the lower clothes.

  Therefore, sitting with a Ji in the Qin and Han Dynasties was a very insulting behavior. Compared with pointing at the other party, such as "Ke knew that things were not going well, so he leaned on the pillar and laughed, and the Ji Ju scolded"... You can imagine the mentality of Qin Shihuang at that time. How raw.

  Back to the original topic.

  Obviously, the era in which Fuso and Amemiya Mahiru live in this world is still an era with strict etiquette.

  Trapped by the limitations of the times, she didn't realize there was anything wrong with her clothing.

  You can already see the figure of the other party under the loose long undergarments... As mentioned before, Amamiya Mahiru is a full 1.7 meters tall. He is a rare tall person in Fuso and is taller than the average male.

  Also because she sweated a little after falling asleep, many places immediately became dirty.

  Amamiya Mahiru shrank back, her cheeks turned red, and her head was filled with anger: "Please, please don't look at me..." She couldn't cover it up tightly with her hands, and she didn't know if it was intentional

  . , such a cover makes it look very astringent.

  Bai Yu covered her eyes with one hand, but honestly revealed her sight through the gaps between her fingers.

  If you don't look at it, it's in vain. I'm not a gentleman.

  No, even a gentleman cannot guard against this.

  Which gentleman can withstand such a test!

  "Were you sleeping before?"

  "Well... it was late at night." Amamiya Mahiru bit her lower lip slightly, her face was red, her heart was beating, and her mind was confused.

  She actually had time to change into clothes, but she was unlucky. After washing her previous coat, it rained outside for two days and couldn't dry it, so she practiced swordplay wearing a long undergarment at home. I took off my clothes and wiped my body with water. After two days like this, I felt surprisingly relaxed.

  Like a man who wanders around the house in summer without any clothes but in his underwear.

  That sense of liberation is indeed very refreshing. It's over 30 degrees and I don't have to turn on the air conditioner, so I can just rely on an electric fan to keep me cool.

  Bai Yu couldn't continue to watch his girl's jokes like this.
  He could only cough dryly: "Just in time, I have a new set of clothes here, you can change into it."

  After saying that, he took out the 'Summer Fireworks' suit. Passing it over, of course I didn't forget the black stockings.

  Saying that, Amamiya Mahiru took the clothes, and then stared with big empty eyes: "Sir, can you turn around?" "

  Ah, I'm sorry, I forgot..." Bai Yu said insincerely.

  Bullying Amamiya Mahiru a little will give you a special sense of accomplishment.

  If he dared to be so proactive towards Su Ruoli, he would probably be able to bring evidence to the Civil Affairs Bureau.

  Amemiya Mahiru changed clothes very quickly. When her fingers touched the fabric, she realized that this dress was completely different from what she had worn in the past. The feel, texture and comfort level, after putting it on, After gently wrapping the belt around it, it suddenly became a perfect fit, as if it had been tailored to the body.

  She used to be a eldest lady, and she had no less than twenty sets of kimonos, suitable for various occasions, with many types. This new dress looks similar to a furisode, but its movement sensitivity is higher, and the hem of the skirt is stretched very much. It's low, so you don't have to worry about it being exposed.

  She was very satisfied with this dress. Although she couldn't see what style it was, as long as it fit, it was perfect... She was still worried about whether two sets of clothes were too few, and whether she should make a new one - at this time There are no ready-made clothes shops in Fuso, so you have to go to a tailor shop to customize them - and then Bai Yu seemed to hear her voice and immediately sent beautiful new clothes.

  How can any girl refuse this?
  Favorability +1+1+1+1+1...

  Bai Yu seemed to see a series of green numbers rising above the opponent's head.

  However, Amamiya Mahiru soon fell into trouble. She tilted her head strangely and said in a delicate and soft voice: "Sir..." Bai Yu thought that he had strong willpower, but he almost shouted and smiled like an aunt


  Sir is also another name for husband.

  He coughed and pretended to chew the potato chips carelessly, but he didn't even taste the potato chips: "What's wrong?" "

  Forgive Mahiru for being stupid, how do you wear this?" She asked, holding up a few pieces of clothing in her hand.

  Bai Yu took one look, and the potato chips in his mouth spurted out because of the two pieces of underwear and one stocking held up by the other party.

  "At this time...underwear."

  "Excuse me, what are underwear?" Amamiya Mahiru's eyes showed clear stupidity and curiosity.

  Bai Yu could only use both hands and feet, and explained in a docile manner: "The so-called underwear is close-fitting clothing, just like your long underwear, but it is simpler and more convenient. It can reduce the pressure on the fat spheres in the upper body, and can also reduce the shaking and maintain the balance of the center of gravity. "Although you are still young, you will inevitably be unable to resist the pull of gravity in the future; and the lower body can also easily reduce friction with clothing, protect sensitive skin, and maintain physical health, which is a great proof of the progress of human social civilization!" He

  said He glanced at it and continued: "Well, the one you have in your hand is a seamless one... it's delicate and has excellent elasticity. The best thing is that no matter how tight the clothes are, it won't show any traces of clothes. It's very suitable." The appearance of this summer fireworks."

  ...Gan, you know the creator of this appearance very well.

  Amamiya Mahiru was confused by what she heard, but she thought that the other party would not harm her, so she immediately asked: "How should I wear it?"

  Bai Yu could only explain it bravely, but when she saw the other party, she still didn't understand, so she could only I was able to hold the other person’s hand and demonstrate through their clothes.

  Now Amemiya Mahiru understood, and her cheeks immediately turned red. Is this such a personal thing?
  She snorted quietly: "Sir... what a bad person."

  "To give a woman such a shameful thing."

  She said a little 'hentai'.

  The macho man Bai Yu's tiger body trembled.

  ...you curse again! (Pleading)

  However, Amemiya Mahiru will not refuse any request from Mr. Destiny, let alone underwear, even if it is a queen leather suit or a dark fantasy suit, she dares to wear it.

  Moreover, the fabric was really comfortable to touch. She quickly put it on when the other person's back was turned. When she stood up again, the feeling was different.

  It’s like putting on glasses for the first time as a short-sighted person, and the world becomes clearer.

  She took a deep breath and felt extremely refreshed: "This is really..."

  You can realize the good and bad when you put it on.

  She has never heard of such intimate clothing in Fuso. As long as word spreads and it can be sold...I am afraid that everyone from ladies to merchants' daughters will come to buy it involuntarily.

  It is natural for women to love beauty, and it is even more valuable to make themselves comfortable and please themselves.

  Ethical ethics suppresses human nature to distinguish between humans and beasts, but it is also reflected in the abuse of the body.

  At least these things are usually not on the table in today's Fuso. It is difficult to operate it unless you get permission from the shogunate or the royal family.

  "How do you feel?" Bai Yu turned around and asked.

  "Excellent." Amamiya Mahiru was a little incoherent: "Can I really accept such a good thing?"

  Bai Yu smiled helplessly, raised his hand to straighten her hair on the temples: "It's just a piece of clothing That's all, underwear is not valuable. Which girl in Daxia doesn't have seven or eight sets of changes?"

  Hearing this sentence, Amamiya Mahiru suddenly became fascinated... Being able to promote this small thing shows that Daxia is open-minded. The degree shows the strength and prosperity of this country.

  Immediately, she also felt a little sad, but she was a Fuso woman who had never even seen such an ordinary piece of clothing... Ignorant and helpless.

  "What are you thinking about?"


  He just suddenly felt ashamed and felt unworthy of his husband.

  (End of chapter)

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