239.Chapter 239 Even if a hero is killed, he will not be ashamed of the heroes in the world.

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  Chapter 239: Even if you die, the heroic bones are fragrant, and you are not ashamed

  to be summoned by the heroic spirits in the world.

  All four cavalry heroes came out.

  This is the first time that all the heroic spirits are dispatched, but it consumes a lot of money.

  Suddenly Bai Yu's destiny points were burned by 100+.
  Fortunately, there is a lot of stock, so there is no need to feel bad about it for now, and it is treated as an investment and can be taken back in the store later.

  Bai Yu got on his horse, and several other heroic spirits followed suit.

  The five horses formed a formation of flying geese and rushed directly to the battle formation at the front.

  It was rare for him to feel a little excited. After all, this and fighting alone were completely different things.

  The moment the battle formations touched each other, the heroic spirits unleashed all their explosive power.

  Even if you are facing a high shield wall, it will still be broken at a touch like tofu dregs.

  Wuminggui jumped up from his horse, with a light posture, and drew out his famous sword Kuaiyu. The blade was wrapped with blazing sword energy, and he slashed vertically with one move.

  Ichitachi's sword directly penetrated the shield phalanx, splitting both the man and the shield into two pieces.

  The other two heroic spirits were not to be outdone.

  He rode directly into it on horseback.

  The veteran of hundreds of battles waved his rock-climbing gun, his energy vibrating, and he swam around the battlefield like a fish in water.

  It can be seen from his expression that he has never fought such a rich battle in his life. He can provoke the prairie barbarians to throw him far away with his gun casually. In addition, his basic skills are too solid and he does not need to use it at all. With his magical power, one person can kill many people in the front row.

  This is a professional soldier who knows the weaknesses of these battlefield formations very well. Once he kills the commander in the team and sprints for a few more rounds, the battle formation will collapse immediately.

  The defense master is motionless. He is not a heroic spirit who is good at attacking. It is not that he has no attack methods, but he cannot kill on a large scale.

  It simply rolled forward like a heavy chariot. After activating the Xuanhuang Kung Fu body, it didn't need to worry about anything and just pressed forward like a ruthless steamroller.

  When arrows were shot, he raised his hand to push them away, as if these things were just tickling as light as a feather. When spears were stabbed, he didn't care. He casually held the back letter and threw it away, knocking over a large piece like a bowling ball.

  The two Fuso-type heroic spirits were slightly inferior in comparison.

  Wu Minggui continued to fire the Ichitachi in succession, but was limited by the sight distance of his celestial eye and could not judge the battle situation well, and could only carry out activities centered on Bai Yu.

  However, the two of them cooperated quite well. With one knife and one shot, following behind the steamroller, they could easily tear the battle formation into pieces.

  The only one who did not enter the battle formation was Ren Xia.

  He is the lowest level, but he has guns on him, and Bai Yu has also opened his own arsenal.

  This arsenal was obtained when they killed the mercenary bodyguards of the Zhuang brothers. It contained many heavy firepower weapons.

  Ren Xia kept his distance and used bullet time to carry out targeted strikes. The killing efficiency was the highest and the safest.

  Sure enough, modern warfare weapons are simply a dimensionality reduction attack when attacking ancient armies.

  Mu Yaoxi, who was following behind, had just finished her mental preparations and ended her inner struggle with herself. As a result, she was stunned when she got closer.

  She had been warning herself before that 'heroic spirits cannot run away in battle', so she followed with the idea of ​​returning to the law of reincarnation at worst.

  What I saw was such unilateral suppression.

  No, it was massacre.

  Literally killing the enemy is like cutting grass!

  Mu Yaoxi realized that it would be the same with or without her.

  The other person just rubbed her hair deliberately, not intentionally, but in a kind and funny way - this girl is really silly and cute.

  ...I blanch!
  Mu Yaoxi clenched her fists and her shoulders trembled. She was already furious. She had finally been brave for once, but she was so complete.

  No, absolutely not!
  I also want to kill the enemy, and I must not do nothing.

  She also decisively picked up the iron fan, followed him, rushed into the battle formation, swung the iron fan, and the blade was like a knife, blowing up a life-threatening wind full of blood.

  At this time, a muffled groan came from the camp at the center of the legion.

  A heavy broadsword carried by several attendants on the side was held by a thick arm, and the wrist was as thick as a bucket.

  The giant jumped up, and the heavy force directly crushed the warriors under the chariot into meat pies. He jumped up to a height of more than ten meters and hit the ground like a meteor.

  The veteran who was wandering back and forth in the center of the legion felt the danger, but he turned around and stabbed him without hesitation.

  There was a roar on the grass, and the veteran of hundreds of battles took root, his body was thrown backwards, his legs were pierced into the ground, his back was pressed against the ground, and he was almost cut into the ground by a knife.

  A physical difference means a difference in strength.

  At this time, gunfire rang out in the distance.

  A ball of blood exploded on the side of the legion commander's face. The bullet penetrated the face and injured the cheekbone. It was originally aimed at the eyes, but he consciously avoided it.

  The subsequent bullets were also blocked by the broadsword, and some of the bullets that bounced around grazed Bai Yu's shoulders.

  He sat motionless on the horse and just said one word: "Go up."

  Two afterimages rushed towards the center of the battle formation at the same time.

  The legion commander raised his sword and was about to strike again. Before he dropped the sword for the second time, he felt his sword sink. Unexpectedly, the beautiful figure in kimono had stepped on his giant sword. With a tiptoe step, the figure was like a figure. A graceful butterfly.

  The secret sword struck out, and the sword struck directly at his neck, but was blocked midway.

  The legion commander's right hand held Wu Minggui's knife. The knife cut through the flesh of his palm, but was blocked by the hard bone. Although the blood flowed profusely, it did not hurt the root.

  Obviously, the stacking of Ichinotachi is not enough to cut through everything with one sword.

  She felt her body lighten, and the next moment she was thrown dozens of meters away with the knife, making a hole in the ground, and landed in a mess not far from Mu Yaoxi.

  At this time, Mu Yaoxi, who had red eyes, came back to her senses and looked to the other side, just in time to see the other two heroic spirits facing the legion commander.

  The defense master used the Xuanhuang Kung Fu to attack the sword with his bare hands, and he did catch it. However, he underestimated the opponent's strength and was directly struck by the blade on the shoulder, which penetrated three points into the bone.

  The veteran of many battles pulled out his legs from the ground, intending to pierce the opponent's knees, ankles and other fragile joints.

  He thrust out his spear, but the weapon blessed by Gang Qi unexpectedly bent into an eye-catching arc.

  After the legion commander tightened his muscles, he actually had a natural steel-reinforced iron frame, which was almost similar to the Buddhist indestructible Vajra.

  Before he had time to withdraw his hand, a fierce sword struck across the veteran's waist and abdomen. The defense master dodged forward and took the blow with his back.

  The two of them were struck by a sweeping sword and turned into rolling gourds, falling dozens of meters away.

  Mu Yaoxi immediately calmed down after seeing this scene.

  Even though several people joined forces, they were no match for this giant.

  She contemplated quitting.

  He raised his hand to help up the fallen Wu Ming Gui. Only after taking a closer look did he notice that she was a beautiful girl.

  "We still..." She really wanted to persuade.

  "おもしろい (Interesting)." Wu Minggui said a Fuso language. She wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, then held the Kuaiyu knife in her palm and wiped it hard. The blade was stained with blood. In an instant, the Kuaiyu knife looked like a bloodthirsty knife. The blood of the demon sword was flowing on the blade without dripping to the ground.

  Mu Yaoxi's eyes widened as she watched Wu Minggui stand up, her fighting spirit undiminished at all.

  And the same goes for several other people.

  The veteran of all battles got up, twisted his neck, raised the rock gun with his toes, moved his wrists, and tightened his energy like silk.

  The defense master also shook his hair and sighed, "I was careless." He patted the dirt on his shoulders, rearranged his collar, and cast a faint light in his eyes.

  It was just a missed move, and it was still far from defeat.

  The legion commander successfully pushed three heroic spirits into the second stage.

  They all started to get serious.

  Next, I wish this boss good luck.

  Bai Yu turned his horse's head and left the battlefield. He had nothing to do next.

  On the one hand, because Mu Yaoxi is here, many of his martial arts moves cannot be used. If he uses them, he will be discovered, which will lead to suspicion of his identity.

  On the other hand, because the heroic spirits have already activated Wushuang, he doesn't need to do anything. The efficiency of cutting grass is indeed not as high as theirs.

  "Let's go." Bai Yu said.

  Mu Yaoxi asked naturally, "Where to go?"

  "Back to the city, of course."

  "Over there, don't you need help?"

  "Do you think you need it?" Bai Yu asked without looking back.

  Mu Yaoxi looked at the legion commander who was slashed to the ground by the crimson sword and roared in pain. She swallowed and nodded obediently... It was really not necessary. What if they got mad and even killed herself.

  After leaving a distance, the fighting in the distance can still be heard clearly.

  Mu Yaoxi wasn't sure where these people came from and why there were even Fusang people.

  She could only judge that this was the other party's mystery, and the degree of mystery was quite high.

  "You're fine. Who are they?" Bai Yu noticed her expression, and even if he didn't look carefully, he could guess what she was thinking.

  "...Yes." Mu Yaoxi admitted.

  "They are just like you."


  "Like you, they are all heroic souls in the world."

  Bai Yu explained, and read slowly: "Even if you die as a hero, you will not be ashamed of the heroes in the world."

  Mu Yaoxi looked back. At a glance, are those the heroic souls of the dead?
  She suddenly had a realization. If this was really the case, her outrageous fighting power and fearless fighting spirit would be explained.


  she realized a bigger problem and looked at the young man.

  Even these heroic souls can be controlled and summoned, so that they can return to the world to follow and fight under his command. Who are you like this...!

  She felt that the other party's mysterious level was extremely high, and its origin was unknown. She could even control Fusang's heroic spirit, which meant that the other party could be summoned without any limitations of time and space?
  "You can call me... editor."

  The young man introduced himself. He didn't mind expanding his business, so he calmly smiled at Mu Yaoxi and looked at her as if he were a new customer.

  "My surname is Destiny, and my first name is Editor...Fate Editor - the person who weaves destiny."

  "Anyone who is unwilling to accept fate is my traveler."

  (End of this chapter)

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