234. Chapter 234 Defending the City

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  Chapter 234 Shoucheng
  fell into the shadow world, and Zhou Liu immediately got up.

  At the same time, he drew out his pistol and opened the safety.

  Looking around, the light in the shadow world is very dim, and this is a completely unfamiliar environment.

  There are many other people scattered around at the same time. The good news is that everyone's landing point is very close, and they are all concentrated in this nearby area.

  "Where is this place?"

  Zhou Liu looked around blankly. This was her first time entering the shadow world.

  The shadow world also depends on the situation...

  Shadow worlds of different depths have different dangers, and no one knows what the depth of the overflowing shadow world is and what kind of setting it is.

  Each shadow world that emerges independently is completely different, just like the swamps that appear on the ground one by one. Even if they are eventually blended together, their depths are different.

  Mu Yaoxi on the side immediately confirmed the situation, looked at the majestic city around her, and suddenly had some association.

  She was very experienced. She crossed the stairs in a few steps, climbed onto the tower, and then looked outside the city.

  She jumped down and said to Zhou Liu: "This shadow world is no accident, it should be a reflection of history..."

  Before Zhou Liu could ask, she said bluntly: "The shadow world is also divided into types. I don't have time to explain it to you now. Many, in short, historical reflection, you can understand it as a reenactment of historical scenes...but there will be some differences. The city we are in is a city that is about to be captured." "Specific

  . Although I don’t know the era, but based on the alien species that emerged from the shadow world during the previous expedition, I speculate that... they should be grassland people, maybe the Huns." "And our mission is to defend

  this city. If we can defend it, Repelling the opponent's attack will end it!"

  Zhou Liu immediately said: "You mean, let us defend the city?"


  "Only with the people here?"

  Zhou Liu looked over, although there were many of them They are all supernatural beings or night watchmen, but none of them have armor and are not soldiers.

  Relying on these people to defend the city?

  Are you serious?
  Who knows how to fight ancient wars in modern times? And there's not even any equipment.

  "This is not something I should consider." Mu Yaoxi spoke faster: "If we can't defend it and the shadow species from outside come in, everyone will die! In history, the prairie people attacked cities and plundered the land, and the methods they used after breaking the city Cruel, anyone who has read history will know it clearly. Now, everyone must try every means to defend this place!"

  Zhou Liu's scalp was numb, she didn't understand any military strategy at all, how could she command at this time.

  She knows how to investigate cases, know how to allocate personnel, and can catch criminals, but the military aspect is not her strong point.

  "I can't take command." Zhou Liu said, "If there are veterans here, maybe we can ask them for advice."

  She raised her voice. Although a few veterans stood up, generally they could only bring up a few. Simple point.

  Being a modern soldier and being able to fight ancient city-defending battles are two different things... War is progressing, but it is not one person who is making progress, but the theory, equipment, and communication systems of war.

  At this point, everyone has nothing to do.

  Finally, a night watchman from a military house proposed the basic strategy of ancient city defense warfare.

  First of all, we must prevent the opponent from breaking the city. The prairie people's siege method is usually to climb up directly and then open the city gate.

  They usually don't have such powerful siege weapons. They climb to the city wall through ropes and ladders, and then defeat the defenders. As long as one group of people opens a city gate, the remaining soldiers can file in, and a whole building The city was naturally captured.

  So the core point, the city wall is the key point.

  With this statement, everyone finally grasped the core.

  But whether it is correct or not, the person involved has no idea. Who knows what era the prairie people were from, what tactics the other party would use, and what the average soldier's level was.

  In the shadow world, everything is unknown.

  This city is still an isolated city, that is to say, it has four gates.

  A total of five third-level transcendent beings were pulled into the shadow world. Zhou Liu's original arrangement was for four of them to each lead a group of people to guard a door. The remaining high-level transcendent had to pay attention to the movements in all directions and then provide support. The weaker party... However, this arrangement was not implemented, and several third-level transcendental beings still made their own decisions.

  As a result, it became a two-two-one grouping, and the remaining door was handed over to Zhou Liu, Mu Yaoxi and others to guard. The reason for this was that on the one hand, Zhou Liu's arrangement was too unfamiliar and they were unwilling to They spread out to avoid accidents. On the other hand, because Mu Yaoxi and Zhou Liu had the largest number of people around them, they left the main entrance to them, and he took a relatively small number of people to guard the side and back doors.

  Whether it was because he was greedy for life and afraid of death, or he was cautious... he finally decided.

  Mu Yaoxi looked at the group of people leaving without even sneering. She even had to save the energy to sneer.

  "It's obviously a case of lip death and tooth decay!" Liu Xinghan yelled.

  "They are smart." Zhou Liu had calmed down at this time. Although she did not know how to defend the city, she could see these people clearly: "It is not easy for third-level extraordinary people to die in this situation. If the opponent The main attack is on the main entrance, so if one more of us dies, we will lose one more number of shadow species. Even if they are attacked into the city, it doesn't matter, they can use the terrain here to slowly maneuver around." Mu Yaoxi said calmly

  : "In the shadow world, all identities and status are fake. The key is to get out alive. They are all smart people." "Be smart


  "Those who can survive are the smart ones." Mu Yaoxi took back He looked at him and ordered everyone in the Shenwu Division to put on their weapons and go up to the city wall to be on guard.

  "Aren't you considered a smart person?" At this time, Zhou Liu looked at Mu Yaoxi: "In terms of importance, we can all die, but you can't!" Mu Yaoxi said proudly: "Who do you think I am? Don't underestimate me

  . My bloody nature - I am the next owner of the White Tiger Pavilion of Shenwu Division, the true successor of Wusheng Pavilion, how can I turn around and run away in front of a mere group of shadow types!" She was born in a family of soldiers, and she has been exposed to blasphemy since she was a child, and she knows all about soldiers

  . What is her vocation? This inherited spirit has also been engraved deep in her soul.

  Since she was a child, every member of the family has passed away one after another. However, no one showed sadness at the funeral, and her grandfather even admitted that he was proud of his family members, so he would never hesitate when it was her turn to die.

  This is also the biggest gap between modern soldiers and ancient soldiers.

  The former's fighting will and tenacious spirit, supported by nationalism and national honor, are unmatched by the latter.

  It is a pity that the people here are not modern soldiers, so only some of them have this spirit of fearless sacrifice.

  After climbing the city wall, less than three minutes had passed before a sound came from the distance.

  It's the sound of a trumpet.

  Under the dim moonlight in the shadow world, dust could be seen flying, large horseshoes trampled the ground with a deafening sound, and the cavalry were rushing towards them.

  As the distance got closer and closer...

  Mu Yaoxi's excellent eyesight saw the group of shadow species that were no different from the grassland people in history raised their arms and drew the bow string...

  She immediately shouted loudly: "Arrow The arrow is coming!"

  Then the second cry came: "Lie down!"

  There was a buzz that shook the air and the night sky. The bowstring was opened, as if thousands of arrows were fired in an instant, and the whizzing arrows crackled. After smashing down, a black cloud rose high like a large swarm of locusts, from low to high, from far to near.

  Mu Yaoxi stood there without fear. She opened the iron fan, and the fan immediately unfolded in her hand and turned into a huge round shield, covering the front and top of her.

  After several breaths, arrows rained down.

  A series of tinkling sounds continued, as if the rain would never end. It lasted for half a minute and still didn't stop.

  Mu Yaoxi suddenly understood: "This is staged shooting!"

  This also resulted in many people being unable to carry out long-range attacks at all.

  In siege battles, most of the time, bows and arrows are a deterrent weapon. They suppress people on the city wall through long-range attacks and do not dare to show their heads. They can only let the opponent's siege troops continue to approach. This is the same as fire cover. A truth.

  The shield obtained from the city was raised. Everyone hid under the shield. They could not see anything and could only feel the constant impact and oppression. Their spirits became more and more tense, and they were passively beaten. Facing this offensive , who can say "fight in the shade" with such ease.

  Even Mu Yaoxi was the same. She could only stand and be beaten, waiting for the moment when the arrow rain ended.

  At the same time, she also realized that once the rain of arrows ended, the opponent would already be approaching the city, and they would immediately face a brutal siege.

  But when the battle is reduced to a hand-to-hand battle, the casualty rate depends entirely on the quantity and quality of both sides.

  Mu Yaoxi felt aggrieved.

  When she followed the guide to the Shadow World in the past, even if her own strength was not superior, she could still fight back and forth. Even if the opponent was a powerful behemoth, she could still fight back.

  But war is different.

  In war, even a heroic spirit is just one individual. As long as she cannot kill an entire army alone, she can only stand here and be beaten like everyone else.

  The enemy would not care who she was or what her name was. They would only attack the city with a blazing speed and then sweep away all the living people who were still breathing.

  Now she can only be beaten but cannot fight back.

  But all modern people will feel angry and ashamed.

  Damn it, I was actually humiliated by a group of barbaric grassland people transformed from shadow species with bows and arrows! Not to mention whether there is a Stalin accordion here, even if there is only one Maxin machine gun, it can kill you all now!
  The long rain of arrows finally ended.

  After retracting the Yunluo Fan, Mu Yaoxi immediately looked down. The first wave of cavalry was already in front of her. Ropes and ladders were being transported. It was really an ancient siege and defense battle!
  At this time, it was more bitter than dumbfounding.

  If we could identify its nature earlier and bring some heavy firearms in, we might be able to solve it easily. Unfortunately, we can't. Ordinary pistols can't change this level of siege warfare.

  The gap in equipment can only be filled with human lives.

  (End of chapter)

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