221. Chapter 221 Two Geniuses

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  Chapter 221 Two Geniuses
  In the streets of Edo, a group of people wearing blue and white haori with the team flag 'Sincerity' written on the back and mountain-shaped patterns on their sleeves passed through the lanes.

  Each of them holds a sword and runs like the wind.

  If someone sees it from a distance, they will immediately avoid it.

  The Shinsengumi...this name is known to almost everyone in Edo and Kyoto.

  On the surface, it was a security team, but in fact it was a collection of executioners... Although it did maintain the security environment, it also secretly killed people. The advantage was that it did no harm to civilians, and it did increase the deterrence of the shogunate.

  But Fuso is a place like this. I don’t know when my life will no longer belong to me.

  The Shinsengumi is now headed by Isamu Kondo, and its core members are all natural Rishin-ryu swordsman ronin who are mainly from the Imperial Guard Hall. In the past, this group of people were not even considered samurai. After being adapted by the shogunate, they became official members. samurai.

  At this time, running in the alleyway was a group from the Shinsengumi.

  The figure who took the lead and ran like the wind was the talented swordsman who became famous among the Mibu Wolf.

  The team members shouted from behind: "Wait

  a minute, team leader!" "Hahaha, hurry up, it's a good thing to be fast!"

  The figure walked through the alleyway, running on the eaves like flying, and passed through the cramped space in almost the blink of an eye. Row of lanes.

  The figure soon stopped in front of a barrier that shone slightly.

  "Oh? This is..." He stretched out his hand and poked the flickering barrier: "It's the barrier of Onmyoji. I didn't expect them to be involved." The young man

  hit the outer wall of the barrier with his scabbard: "Trouble Can you open it? This is the leader of the Shinsengumi 1st Team, let us go in and check the specific situation." The

  onmyoji in white turned around after hearing the sound, and a middle-aged onmyoji walked up to The swordsman in front said calmly: "First meeting, Shinsengumi... As you can see, we, the Kamo clan, are dealing with some things inside. We are conquering and conquering evil spirits. We cannot easily open the barrier and let the things inside escape."

  "What you say makes us very troubled. After all, this area is under our jurisdiction. We need to confirm whether it is safe inside. If there are really demons, wouldn't it be faster for us to deal with it?" "Sorry, this

  is If the barrier is opened, it would be bad for the demon to escape." The Onmyoji continued to make excuses, but he wouldn't open it anyway.

  The team members behind also caught up, and when they saw the Onmyoji, they immediately looked like they were sitting at the same table with Liang Feifan.

  This group of onmyojis is not popular, and their influence is not small. The shogunate does not dare to offend them easily, and they like to shirk them.

  There are two ways to do this. One is to say in a pleasant manner, "I cannot cooperate because of this reason." The other is to apologize and say, "We didn't mean it this way. Please be patient for a while."

  Even with the strength of Renshenglang, it would be difficult to force Yin Yang Liao to retreat.

  In the midst of this stalemate, the leader of the first team suddenly lit up his eyes and looked to the other side: "Is the monster you are talking about about to break out over there?" As soon as he finished

  speaking, he saw a ball of blood. The light flashed, and the Onmyoji who maintained the barrier was chopped to the ground on the spot, and his plasma was splashed on the flickering barrier.

  Amemiya Ryuji, who was exuding astonishing evil energy, once again entered the form of a demon, and was rampaging through the barrier to kill the Onmyoji.

  The scene was a complete mess.

  It didn't take long for the effectiveness of the barrier to drop by more than half, and it quickly dissipated as the ghost man broke through one side and escaped.

  An onmyoji held the wound on his shoulder and screamed: "How could this happen, where is Hashiryu! Where is Hashiryu!"

  This group of onmyojis are all from the Kamo branch, so they were commanded here by Kamo Hashiryu. , the original intention was to help him capture the swordsman's bones again, and by the way, swallow up the interests of the Amamiya family's dojo.

  But with the death of Kamo Hashi Ryuichi, all these became empty talk. The branch onmyoji brought here was no match for Amamiya Ryuji who had activated the demon state. After being killed by him, his blood energy instead nourished his vacancy.

  "Team leader, this..."

  "I know." The young man raised his hands to both sides and ordered: "First allocate one-third of the manpower to take out the surviving Onmyoji, and search for traces at the scene. Others are going to chase the escaped ghost, and be sure to keep an eye on him and not let him escape outside Edo." The

  team members scattered.

  Most of them went to chase the ghost.

  Naturally, the young man wanted to go there immediately, but he still needed someone to take charge of the scene. When the leaders of other divisions arrived, it would not be too late for him to move there.

  He noticed the plaque on the dojo: "Genin-ryu?"

  There are many dojos in Edo, but as a young swordsman, he knows that Genin-ryu has a good reputation, and most of the disciples he teaches are above average. He used to be The Shinsengumi intended to recruit non-staff personnel from here, but the old man of the Amamiya family refused... Less than a year has passed and things have already changed.

  Entered the interior of the gym.

  He quickly noticed a woman sitting in the corridor. She seemed to be resting, her hair and clothes were wet from the rain, and she looked pitiful at first glance.

  "Who are you?"

  After hearing the voice, the girl turned her face sideways. Her eyes were closed and her eyes were unfocused, even if there were people holding lanterns and lighting torches around her.

  The young man approached slowly, suddenly drew his sword, and swung out a sword energy.

  The sword energy brushed against the girl's cheek, and she felt her hair swaying, but other than that, there was no reaction.

  "Team leader?" The team members couldn't understand what they were doing.

  "It seems that this girl cannot see." The young man put the knife back into the scabbard and confirmed: "She is blind." The

  other team members suddenly looked relaxed, but then asked in confusion: "Blind? Why are the blind here? ?"

  "Looking at the blood stains on her clothes, she might have been kidnapped, right? The ghost might be the sword-testing executioner who was killing people in Edo these days." Another team member speculated: "Then I saw this girl The other Shinsengumi members immediately accepted this statement because of her beauty

  , because Amemiya Mahiru does have an unforgettable appearance.

  "Captain, I have never heard of a woman in Amamiya's family, and there are no female disciples in the dojo." Another team member took out the record.

  "I understand." The young man said immediately: "It seems that she is not a prisoner, but was just involved... You continue to search, and I will send this girl away." The team members dispersed again


  The young man looked at Amamiya Mahiru and smiled: "Girl, let me take you home. The night here is also very dangerous. Please don't worry, I am the leader of the Shinsengumi First Division and will protect the people."

  "Thank you."

  Amamiya Mahiru's sword Kaisame was hidden on her body. She walked very carefully, as if she was injured, walking very slowly.

  The two left the Geninryu Dojo and quickly walked out of the busy alley.

  The two walked in tandem.

  "Why are you in the dojo?"

  "I don't remember."

  "What's with the blood stains on my body?"

  "It should be my own." "

  Where do you live?"


  "That's a bit remote."

  "I can go back alone."

  "That's not possible. , How can you let a girl walk alone at night?"

  "...How will you go back later?" Amamiya Mahiru asked.

  "Of course I'm walking back," the young man said in a brisk tone.

  "Isn't it dangerous to be alone?"

  "Don't worry, I am a member of the Mibu Wolf. Who dares to attack me? If he has the courage, I would like to thank him for killing my boring time." Amamiya Mahiru fell

  silent , no longer responds.

  At this time, a comfortable river breeze blew.

  "After walking by the river here, you will see Shimokitazawa in front of you." The young man's voice stopped five steps ahead.

  "Thank you."

  "As a thank you, can you satisfy one of my curiosity?" The heroic and lively voice suddenly changed.

  "What do you mean?"

  "Well, it's not easy to express it in words..." The boy paused for a second and said, "It's better to express it with actual actions."

  Silently, the famous California Kiyomitsu sword was unsheathed.

  A graceful knife cut through the swaying night wind and drizzle.

  The speed of this knife is not only due to the speed of the hand, but also because the person's footsteps are too fast, and the distance on the ground is as fast as the space has been cut away.

  The light of the sword hovered in front of the eyebrows.


  Amemiya Mahiru still pulled out Kaisame, and the two famous swords passed by each other, making a sharp sound but no sparks.

  Like the cold rain, his breath was filled with a quiet high spirit of fighting.

  There were several collisions in the air, and the crisp and harsh sound of swords burst out.

  "I knew it..." the young man said with a cheerful voice, "You are indeed not simple. Although you can't see, you are too calm. You don't look like a blind man at all. You kill people without taking a breath... Are you the real executioner? ?"

  Mahiru Amemiya also knows that her acting skills are not good, but as a blind person, she cannot observe other people's expressions to improve her acting skills. She will not change her expressions so vividly.

  She didn't want to continue fighting at this time: "What if I say no?"

  "Please come back with me to do an investigation. As long as you are no, I will keep you safe and sound."

  Amemiya Mahiru silently raised the Kaiyu sword. This is already the third battle tonight... The knife can still hold up, but I am indeed a little tired.

  She took out a bottle from her cuff, opened it and drank.

  Fatigue potion dissipates fatigue from the body.

  She took a deep breath, and her true energy flowed through her meridians: "I can't trust you, so I won't go back with you." "

  Then I can only defeat you and then take you back." The young man put the knife down. Over his shoulder, his eyes were clear and cold: "Our reputation as a peacekeeping organization is not very good, because as a peacekeeping organization, we have the authority to kill suspects on the spot. I suggest you not to resist." Amemiya Mahiru was silent

  . raised the knife.

  The young man sighed, and immediately put on his posture and gave his name: "Shinsengumi, leader of the first team, naturally and rationally known as General Secretary Okita! See you!" "Pfft...!"

  Watching The actor Bai couldn't help but spit out: "Who did he just talk about?!"

  (End of Chapter)

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