218. Chapter 218 fits my imagination of this place very well.

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  Chapter 218 is in line with my imagination of this place.
  "Who will pay me overtime?"

  The editor of fate arrived in this foreign country with a bit of self-deprecation and ridicule.

  Bai Yu looked around and fixed his gaze on the girl who had blood spilling from the corner of her mouth. Her clothes were speckled with blood.

  Not far away, a man exuding an astonishing murderous aura stood there. His forehead was slightly raised, his face was ferocious, and he stood with a knife like a cruel ghost.

  "It seems that I came a little late." Bai Yu said: "You can't deal with it alone." "Mr.

  Destiny..." Amamiya Mahiru lowered his cheeks, feeling deeply guilty: "I let you see it again. I'm very sorry for the embarrassing side."

  "Isn't it common sense to expose your breasts when apologizing?"

  "Huh?" Amemiya Mahiru glanced at her thick clothes and showed a troubled expression.

  Obviously she couldn't understand this old joke.

  Bai Yu threw out a bottle of red potion. After Amamiya Mahiru caught it, she opened it and drank it. The effect of the life potion began to take effect. White smoke came out of her wound, and the cells divided and regenerated. She soon recovered from the injury. She held it After stopping, Kuaiyu Dao stood up.

  [Ryuuji Amamiya]

  [Danger Level: 30 (31)]

  [Status: Mad, Demonic]

  "Already approaching the third level." Bai Yu said while touching his chin, because the danger level was swinging back and forth between the two numbers. Now, reaching thirty-one means entering the third level of transcendence.

  He understood why Amamiya Mahiru couldn't deal with him. He couldn't be an opponent across two levels.

  He lectured: "Silly girl, if you can't beat me, you should run away."

  Amamiya Mahiru pursed her lips: "I haven't had time to reveal my identity yet." "

  He obviously can't listen." Bai Yu looked at it. It was concluded that Amamiya Ryuji had fallen into madness: "You alone can't subdue him." "

  I know." Amamiya Mahiru paused, and then pleaded in a low voice: "Please give me a little help for my weakness. Mr. Destiny."

  She trusted no one but him.

  Only in front of the other person can you not pretend to be strong.

  She is far from that independent in her heart. She has a spiritual support to rely on along the way. For this reason, she cannot completely abandon her humanity and become an 'ignorant ghost'.

  Mahiru Amamiya has taken a different path from her original destiny.

  In the past, she failed to escape from the Nan family. Instead, she experienced a lot in the Kazama family before leaving. She also never met the current Amamiya Ryuji.

  Now, she has not experienced so much suffering, and she still has a trace of kindness in her heart. This is why she has not been cruel enough to kill Nan Shihui. For the same reason, she does not want to kill her uncle. .

  Can't say this is a bad thing.

  But only the strong are qualified to retain their kindness.

  "There's not much I can interfere with." Bai Yu said again, "I will help you."

  In fact, even if he is added to it, he may not be the opponent of Amemiya Ryuji in front of him.

  But the purpose is not to kill him, just to make him calm, then there is still a way.

  Bai Yu stepped forward and put his right hand on Amamiya Mahiru's shoulder.

  In this space, they can talk, which in reality only takes a second or two.

  As a result, the two sides discussed a set of tactics.

  "The opportunity only lasts for a moment." Bai Yu warned: "Remember not to miss it."

  As he finished speaking.

  The stagnant wind and rain began to fall again, and the falling cold rain slapped Amemiya Mahiru's cheeks.

  But she didn't feel cold, and her heartbeat became steady and strong. She raised her left hand and held a weapon that appeared in front of her at some point.

  Lionheart's civilized staff transformed into a knife in her hand.

  Not a wakizashi, but a tachi.

  Mahiru Amamiya wields two swords, and she also gives part of the control of her body to Bai Yu. Although she only has one body, there are two consciousnesses controlling it.

  If two people use one handle, most people will definitely be in a hurry.

  But they have been cooperating tacitly for too long, and they can use this body to exert 150% additional combat power.

  The two swords intertwined, and she leaned forward. The next moment, she exerted force on her toes, and the burst was so fast that even Amemiya Mahiru herself could not react.

  Because it's fast.

  Moon Hidden Step!
  The ghostly steps flashed several times in succession, swaying in the wind and rain. The two swords passed through the courtyard, staggered in mid-air and struck down in a cross-cut move.

  Amamiya Ryuuji raised his sword to defend himself, the weapons clashed, and in an instant half of the corridor collapsed, and the violent pressure caused both of his legs to sink under the wooden planks.

  The latter turned his wrist, and ghost energy burst out. Under the control of the power of ghosts and gods, each of his swords swayed with sword energy that was still concentrated ten meters away.

  Yue Yinbu distanced himself.

  Amemiya Mahiru brought a hint of thunder with her left hand, and two reverberations exploded in the air.

  Cloud thunder flashed.

  Amemiya Ryuji's saber suffered two heavy blows. His body was thrown backwards and he almost lost his balance. But just before his back hit the ground, he pulled out a leg and kicked Amamiya who was pursuing him. Mahiru.

  Horizontal sword defense.

  With one kick, Mahiru Amamiya flew directly into the air more than ten meters high. Before he could adjust his body, he was cut down with another sword from the air.

  The sword energy swept across, and the man and his knife were chopped into the courtyard. A gap left by the sword energy could be seen on the ground.

  Half of Amamiya Mahiru's sleeves had fallen off, and her entire left arm was almost severed from the shoulder just now.

  In severe pain, Bai Yu used another bottle of high-level potion to recover.

  "Ha, ha..." She kept panting. Compared to the blood flowing away, the oppression caused by the knife just now was more frightening.

  However, Bai Yu still calmly judged: "His sword should have caused a lot of damage, continue."

  Amemiya Mahiru fully executed this order.

  She has Baiyu to help her recover her physical strength and judge the situation, which perfectly makes up for her shortcomings in not being able to see the overall situation.

  The continuous loss of a large amount of ghost energy and ghost power just now caused Amamiya Ryuji's energy to rapidly deplete, and it also took longer to recover.

  He's not angry enough.

  At this time, all you need to do is cut him crazily in the middle and constantly force him to make moves.

  The two sides entered into a strange war of attrition.

  No one would have guessed that a cute little girl like Amamiya Mahiru had as much blood as if she had six fanatic armors.

  When Amamiya Ryuji's sword-swinging strength finally weakened to the extreme, this battle ushered in the last confrontation.

  Amamiya Mahiru swung a reverse cassock slash, accurately intercepting Amamiya Ryuji's vertical slash, knocking his sword out of his hand, and the sword edge also hovered in front of the latter's neck, still the same action as before.

  Amamiya Ryuuji was exhausted, and the ghostly aura surrounding his body had dissipated a lot. His face was pale, and the blackness in his eyes had faded. Just one finger was not enough to keep him in the ghostly state for too long.

  He leaned against the dilapidated pillar, looking miserable but still managed to sneer: "Kill me, you guys..." Before

  he could finish his words, Bai Yu threw the Lion Heart Knife, and the blade rubbed against the sparks that burst out. The oil lamp was lit.

  A faint firelight lit up the dark room, which also illuminated the profile of Mahiru Amamiya.

  In the life-and-death struggle just now, there was no time or opportunity to look at the other person's face.

  It was only then that Amemiya Ryuji saw clearly the appearance of this killer ronin for the first time. It was so familiar, so similar...


  Ryuji blurted out, and his eyes proved the hugeness in his heart. shake.

  But he quickly judged: "No, it's impossible. Yuki is born weak, and his meridians are blocked. It's impossible to use a sword. You are not Yuki, you are..." "My name is Mahiru."


  . Dropping her arms, she turned her head away, not knowing how to face the close relatives in front of her: "Amamiya, Mahiru... Amamiya Yuki is my mother." Hearing these

  words, Amamiya Ryuuji felt dizzy. Wasn't it almost...

  He forgot all about his integrity and slid down with his back pressed against the pillar.

  The man's expression was complicated, his eyes were evasive and he said guiltily: "Did I misunderstand your purpose of coming?"

  Mahiru Amamiya put the knife into the scabbard, sat down dignifiedly, and explained softly: "My mother has passed away."

  Amemiya Ryuji's eyes suddenly dimmed: "Yuki, she has always been in poor health... Are you here because of her death?" "My

  mother passed away some years ago, and I was taken back to my father's family, the Nan family. "I had a bad life

  in the Nan family. Because I was blind and illegitimate, I was raised as a tool for marriage. I beheaded the head of the Nan family three months ago and escaped. I was wanted and had nowhere to go." ."

  "I came to Edo to seek refuge with my uncle. I came here alone. Later, I found out some things. I came here to verify it tonight... After that, I started fighting with you, uncle." Amamiya Ryuji said even more bitterly:

  " So you were able to kill me at the beginning, but you didn't do it, just because you wanted to ask clearly, right?" "Yes

  , after all, you are my relative." Amemiya Mahiru paused: "I am also responsible for this matter , failed to reveal the identity of the first time."

  "No, you are right, you are not wrong..." Amamiya Ryuuji covered his face with one hand, extremely ashamed: "I am indeed a sword-testing executioner, I killed many People are all facts. You are right not to believe me... What if I am a madman who even kills his relatives? Your vigilance is right." Amemiya Mahiru sighed softly: "Now it seems that my

  uncle is still sane. Yes, and you have no intention of harming me."

  "How could I harm Yuki's daughter? She is my only sister." Amamiya Ryuji swore to the sky: "I swear to the ancestors of the Amamiya family."

  " I don’t need you to swear, I just need you to explain clearly... why?" Amamiya Mahiru gritted her teeth and asked one sentence at a time: "Why do you want to become an executioner? Is the power of ghosts and gods so tempting?" Amamiya Ryuji was

  silent For a long time, he did not answer immediately, but said: "You said before... that the old man would be ashamed of what I did, right?" "Yes." "But you probably don't know that the


  man has passed away. He Half a year ago, he was defeated at the hands of a swordsman. He died of his injuries and passed away three months ago." Amamiya Ryuji covered his face, and then a ray of lightning illuminated the room, and in the roaring sound, he died Half of his face was filled with hatred and remorse: "And his bones were taken away by the Kamo clan's onmyoji and made into a corpse shikigami!" The bones of his

  close relatives were snatched away, and this was when he truly fell into madness. reasons.

  Bai Yu looked far away and sighed, this is in line with my imagination of Fusang.

  (End of chapter)

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