195. Chapter 195 Why not follow the way of Sage Confucius

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  Chapter 195 Why not follow the way of Saint Kong

  and comfort Hua Li who kept moaning.

  Bai Yu and Su Ruoli's one-day date was also forced to end.

  The three of us can only buy groceries and go home together.

  After Qin Xuezhao opened the door, he realized that he had brought one more person back.

  Fortunately, she knew this girl, so she didn't have any strange thoughts, such as saying, "Your daughter is already so old after not seeing her for a day."

  Hua Li was sent to take a bath, and Su Ruoli took out his own clothes as a change of clothes.

  Bai Yu started cooking with Qin Xue in the kitchen, dealing with her insidious inquiries.

  When she asked, "What's for lunch today?" she was actually asking, "What did you do today? You actually left your sister alone. I'm very angry, indignant, and need an explanation."

  Bai Yu can only say haha.

  Tuk-tuk-tuk-Su Ruoli knocked on the bathroom door: "Would you like to change your underwear too? What size do you need?"

  Hua Li said weakly: "I, I can't afford it."

  Qin Xuezhao's ears pricked up when he heard this: "What size is it?"

  "Yes." Bai Yu lowered his voice and replied.

  But he was still heard, and Hua Li punched the wall.

  Su Ruoli looked troubled and had no choice but to ask Qin Xuezhao for help: "Can I borrow my senior's clothes?"

  Qin Xuezha lowered her head unconsciously and saw her toes clearly. She kept her poker face Face said: "There are unopened ones in the closet... you can give them to her."

  When Su Ruoli walked to the bedroom, Qin Xuezhao looked at Bai Yu fiercely, who was just shaking the spoon as if he hadn't heard anything.

  Qin Xuezhao looked away.

  "Pfft, cough cough cough..." Bai Yu let out a little laugh.

  "Why are you laughing?"

  "I remembered something happy."

  "You are happy too early!"


  at the dinner table.

  Bai Yu prepared seven dishes, and Hua Li was indeed hungry and wolfed down the food.

  "You have money to play games, but you don't have money to eat?"

  "That's a member of the game arcade." Hua Li mumbled something incomprehensible with her rice in her mouth.

  "Eat first, eat before you talk!"

  Hua Li said after swallowing: "I'm not so poor that I can't afford a meal, I just don't want to be found by my family, so I don't want to swipe my card!" "

  You don't want to go home ! Ah."

  "You don't want to want it as much as you want!"

  "But it's impossible for you not to go back for the rest of your life, right?"

  "I can at least... at least hide until the college entrance examination." Hua Li lowered his head: "If you don't want to keep me, I can go, anyway, the road is boundless."

  Su Ruoli shook his head gently: "No one will drive you away."

  Qin Xuezhao said calmly: "Although I don't know what the situation is, I have encountered a problem , choosing to escape is not a good way. If you delay it for a while, you can't delay it forever... The college entrance examination is coming soon. If you take the exam with such a mentality, you will definitely make mistakes." Hua Li looked away, of course she understood the reason

  . , but this matter does not mean that it is useful just to make sense.

  "Okay, okay." Su Ruoli shook her head gently at the two of them, indicating that she couldn't rush the matter and needed to wait for her to think about it.

  "Sleep with me tonight." Su Ruoli patted Hua Li's back and said comfortingly: "Don't think so much now, just eat."

  With Su Ruoli singing a white face, Hua Li also got off the steps, Go ahead and start feasting.

  This girl doesn't seem to have such a fragile character that allows her to escape like this. What happened in Hua Li's family?

  Bai Yu was a little curious, then suppressed his curiosity for the time being and started eating, but soon he felt someone stepped on his foot.

  I was embarrassed to look down, but I didn’t know who it belonged to.

  The expressions of the three people at the dinner table were normal.

  He tried to pull back, but the other party pressed harder.

  Bai Yu: "Hiss—"

  "What's wrong with you?" Hua Li tilted his head.

  "Bite your tongue."

  "Bite your tongue and chew your cheeks." Hua Li said, and then hissed.

  "What's wrong with you?"

  "I bit my cheek."

  Bai Yu still felt that the calf was stepping on it and couldn't let go. He couldn't even concentrate on eating. He deliberately threw away one of the chopsticks, and then used the fastest way to eat. Dive at speed and look over.

  All three legs were safe and sound, as if there had been no movement.

  Bai Yu picked up the chopsticks with a thoughtful look on his face, but suddenly his body froze and he was stepped on again!
  ...It’s not over yet, right?
  This meal was very painful. Bai Yu dropped his chopsticks three times in a row.

  When the fourth time he repeated his trick, Hua Li directly pointed it out: "Whose legs are better looking?" "

  Myself." Bai Yu did not pretend to be ashamed and angry, but said disdainfully: "There is no hair at all. What kind of legs are they!"

  Su Ruoli and Qin Xueba ignored them and continued to eat. They didn't really care about being peeked at. They were just legs anyway, and they weren't ancient people. Who goes out without wearing sandals in summer?

  After dinner, it was Su Ruoli's turn to wash the dishes, while Qin Xueshua went out to throw away the garbage and buy used daily necessities.

  Bai Yu and Hua Li stared at each other in the living room.

  "What are you looking at?"

  "What are you looking at?"

  "Try one more look?"

  "What are you looking at? If you don't accept it, do it." Hua Li's tone was very tough, with a hint of pleading in it.

  Bai Yu took out her mobile phone and started to send a voice message: "Students, who knows... This is the first time in my life that I have heard such a strange request."

  Hua Li rushed over and snatched the mobile phone away, but found that it was not the case at all. , threw the phone back, and said angrily: "What a stingy man, why don't you give me a few more beatings? I can pay for it!" "You can really get me if you pay for it

  ." Bai Yu stretched out his hand Lazy: "But I don't have such a hobby."

  It is enough to verify that the minimum guarantee rule has been gradually mastered and strengthened.

  Nothing else is needed.

  He has no intention of building himself into a national treasure-level consecration expert.

  And although not everyone in this world has mystery, it is not so rare that it is rare in the world.

  Although superpowers at the level of the law of cause and effect are extremely rare, the other party does not know that just consecrating them is not enough to cause a sensation.

  After all, he is just a first-level extraordinary person... If one day a beating from him can give someone the opportunity to break through to the fifth level, then people all over the world begging him to beat him up will line up from their doorsteps to the Erxian Bridge on Chenghua Avenue to get a beating. After the beating, the other person has to thank me and say, "You're a nice guy." He also has to give you money. You will become a man who relies on beating people to make a living.

  This style of painting is too strange. There are so many ways to use the law of guarantee, but we are going to embark on this road of no return?

  Seeing Bai Yu's weird expression, Hua Li started to sell his own theory.

  "To teach people tirelessly by beating them, isn't that the way of a master?" "

  This is the way of a saint, why don't you follow it?"

  "You only need to beat three thousand people and turn them into your disciples. Become a saint on the spot!"

  Bai Yu struck her head with a knife: "Apologise to Saint Kong and his three thousand disciples!"

  Hua Li covered her head and refused to change her words: "I'm not talking nonsense! In history, Many disciples were convinced by Kong Zhongni's beatings! This is also a kind of teaching without distinction! Anyway, all living beings are equal under fists and kicks!"

  Bai Yu couldn't help but feel angry and funny when she saw the other party's crazy and arrogant words.

  "It doesn't matter..." He put his hand on his forehead: "It's not like I can't help you."


  "But you must be frank and lenient." Bai Yu raised his eyebrows: "Tell me, why did you run away from home? , Don’t you feel ashamed that a wealthy daughter has mixed up like this?" "

  This has nothing to do with being a wealthy daughter." Hua Li sat on the sofa and hugged her right knee: "I was just forced by my family to become extraordinary quickly. I just feel very irritated."

  "Lie." Bai Yu said it clearly: "It is more true that you said you were afraid of being beaten, but in fact..."

  He pointed to the legs and feet of the other person shopping: "You can't see a few traces on your body. The bruises and scars don't look like domestic violence at all."

  "No, there is clearly a piece here..."

  "That was from me." Bai Yu said expressionlessly.


  "Yes." He was very sure.


  After a moment of silence, Hua Li stuck out his tongue: "Hey~"

  "You can fool me if you want." Bai Yu stood up: "But I suggest you think carefully about when to confess and when I will Help you, and... if you can't even cross this threshold, no matter how much I help you, you won't be able to step into the extraordinary."

  Hua Li raised his head and said, "But you have helped other people, and they can easily Extraordinary."

  "Is it easy?" Bai Yu asked back: "How can it be easier? You have been studying hard since childhood, and you started practicing before your talent was clear. Everyone is aiming for the extraordinary, and they have prepared ten years for this. It has taken many years to take this step. Why does it become 'easy' in your eyes? Or, if you don't think so, you will feel that you have no extraordinary possibility or qualifications at all? "

  He unconsciously took on some of his emotions. He also worked hard to break through the situation. Needless to say, the difficulties involved.

  Hua Li didn't know how to refute.

  Bai Yu waved his hand: "That's it for today, have a good rest. If you want to say something at any time... think about it and come to me again."

  Hua Li looked at the other person's back and the closed door, the corners of his mouth drooped, frustrated. Close your eyes: "Extraordinary... what's so good about it."

  (End of this chapter)

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