19. What if Chapter 19 is not a coincidence?

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  Chapter 19 What if it’s not a coincidence?

  "Bai Yu."





  "..." Ai Li raised his head and glanced at him: "Don't you have any learning ability? Why are you still there? Made the same mistake as last time?"

  "I just feel that this is my second time taking notes, and it's not interesting to follow the procedure like this, Ms. Ai." Bai Yu spread her hands.

  "A program is a program." Ai Li snorted softly: "Tell me what happened to you at that time." "

  There was a crack in the ground. I almost stepped on it without noticing, but Tao Rusu pushed me to save me. Next, right after..." Bai Yu briefly stated the first half of what happened: "Then I jumped into the crack and found the unconscious Tao Rusu, then I held her and found a place to hide."

  " Didn't you see the beast?"

  "Not really, but I heard the sound of fighting and gunshots." Bai Yu knew that he would be wrong if he said too much, so he insisted that he didn't see it.

  Ai Li recorded it, but he didn't have any doubts. He just asked, "So about that person, you haven't seen or understood anything about him?"

  Bai Yu nodded.

  Ai Li was curious: "You really didn't want to take a peek?"

  Bai Yu asked back: "To be fair, I heard the gunfire and knew there was a monster over there, so I would deliberately go over there? What kind of person is this? Do you have such a spirit of returning home after seeing death?"

  Ai Li thought for a while and expressed his agreement: "Bird food."

  Bai Yu added: "But besides gunshots, I also heard something else."

  "What is it? ?"

  "Before the fighting over there stopped completely, I heard a cry of 'noon has arrived'." "

  Fifty has arrived?" Ai Li pricked up his wolf ears and shook his tail: "Today is Thursday?"

  Bai Yu :?
  There are obviously some subtle errors in the communication between the two parties.

  At this time, Officer Liu also walked in with a kind expression: "Are you done with the transcript? Do you want to take a rest? I ordered a pork chop rice, you must not have had dinner yet." Alley asked:

  " Where's my share?"

  "It's at your desk, go get it yourself." Officer Liu put the pork chop rice down, opened the package and handed it over: "Eat it while it's hot... I'll send you back after you finish it."

  Bai Yu stared at the pork chop rice, and for a moment he had the idea of ​​​​just doing it directly, thinking that he had been exposed.

  "This pork chop rice..."

  "What's wrong? It's not to your taste?"

  "Is there going to be any torture to extract a confession?"

  "Ahem..." Officer Liu choked on his saliva. He couldn't laugh or cry: "What are you thinking about? , how did we torture you to extract a confession? Or did you do something outrageous? Or did you touch that girl's thigh secretly? Don't worry, I will keep this kind of thing a secret for you." "Pork chop rice is in Xiaori

  ... ...The Fuso Police Department, who is living a good life, seems to be a hint of forced confession." Bai Yu narrowed his eyes: "And I didn't touch her thigh." "You know quite a lot, it is true

  . What's going on?" Officer Liu leaned back in his chair: "But this is Daxia, we don't have this tradition, and it's not popular in Fusang anymore." "Really?" "Well,


  I gave the suspect pork chop rice, He was suspected of exerting psychological pressure to extract a confession or buying a confession."

  Bai Yu felt relieved now. He was indeed hungry, so he opened his lunch box and took a few bites to replenish the lost strength in his body.

  The fatigue of the heroic spirit projection is not as strong as before. It seems to be related to the practice of the Dragon Heart Technique, and some of the true energy in the body has been passively consumed during the battle.

  The stronger you are, the easier it is to control the heroic spirit projection and exert greater strength.

  Although he had just experienced a life-and-death battle, Bai Yu's heart did not fluctuate much. After all, he had seen such exciting and bloody massacres before, and now this short trip to the shadow world was like a trip with a folding sword. It is as leisurely as the ancient forest.

  He would like to come a few more times, because...

  [Kill the level 17 battle beast] [   Obtain

  the beast   's

  eyeballs There are rewards, there are improvements in compatibility... you can become stronger just by killing monsters.   Officer Liu watched Bai Yu finish the pork chop rice, and the two parties chatted about some outside matters.   "I have just received a notice here. Your classmate has completed the operation. It is not a big problem. Your handling method is good. The bones were fixed in advance and no secondary injuries were caused. It was just broken bones and some damage to muscle tissue, blood vessels and tendons. It's not torn off. Let the therapist deal with it later. You can be discharged from the hospital within three days, and you can fully recover your walking ability in a week, and you can fully recover in half a month."   Bai Yu was stunned: "It doesn't mean that the muscles and bones are injured . One hundred days?"   "One hundred days is enough, it will affect the college entrance examination." Officer Liu said: "Don't worry, it's not a big deal, it's just a broken leg... Even if the limb is really broken, as long as you can afford it, you can do it. If he recovers, as long as his soul is not damaged or he dies on the spot, he can be saved in time, and there will be no sequelae."   Bai Yu: "..."   At this time, he experienced a wave of intracranial storm, and he had some doubts about the medical level of this world. new understanding.   Yes, after all, this is a world with extraordinary power. Some extraordinary people who specialize in the medical system, even if they can only speed up the self-healing ability of cells, can greatly accelerate the self-healing speed of the injured, which is equivalent to the kind in the game. The healing percentage is as convenient as returning blood.   Bai Yu silently took a bite of the pork chop and chewed it slowly, but gradually couldn't taste its taste.   He felt alienated again.   I still know very little about this world, and some of my original common sense needs to be replaced or deleted.   If he had fallen into a shadow crack before and was ambushed by a beast, he would inevitably be injured. If he injured his hands, feet or head, he might not be able to kill him so easily.   Tao Rusu indeed saved his life. If it weren't for her, he would either be lying in the hospital or in a coffin.   The world is really not that safe. This kind of thing can happen even in the sunny afternoon...   "But speaking of which, your luck is really bad." Officer Liu picked up the pen and rubbed it with the stub. Hair: "Usually in the shadow world, it's rare for ordinary people to see it once in their lifetime..."   Bai Yu raised his head: "Huh?"   ...I was just mentally prepared to think that it is normal for ordinary people in this world to encounter such things. , just tell me that’s not the case, it’s because my face is too dark?   Officer Liu sighed helplessly: "Just think about how many times an ordinary person has the chance to get into a traffic accident in his lifetime."   Bai Yu: "Usually only once."

  "That's right."

  "Because a traffic accident will basically send people away directly, and there is no chance to experience it a second time."

  Officer Liu was stunned.

  "This is called survivor bias." Bai Yu took a sip of the complimentary drink and continued to add.

  "Okay, there is something wrong with the example I gave." Officer Liu continued: "Anyway, that's what it means. More than 90% of people will never encounter this kind of disaster in their lifetime, and its frequency is equivalent to that of ordinary people. The probability of being hit by a car on the road is not impossible, but generally speaking it is very small. In Daxia, there are only... hundreds of thousands of cases every year." "That's not a lot." "Yeah,


  most people have The Shadow World is still very vigilant... No one knows when it will come to them. According to the survey, everyone over the age of thirty has at least one person they know who died from the disaster in the Shadow World." Officer Liu's tone was solemn, and he immediately said: "But a situation like yours is too rare."

  Bai Yu also pondered: "Two attacks from the shadow world in a short period of time... Is this normal? In this river?"

  "It's not normal."

  "Is it possible that it's man-made?" Bai Yu asked.

  Officer Liu's expression was stagnant, and he immediately denied it: "It's unlikely. How could such a thing be man-made? No one has ever mastered the technology to open the shadow world, and the research on it still remains on the surface..." Bai Yu

  also No further questions were asked.

  But he secretly left a thought.

  Just because he is not from this world, he will not be trapped by so-called common sense... Since it is not 100% negative, it proves that it may exist.

  Isn't it strange that there were two attacks in a row?

  If it is really man-made, assuming it is... then the other party's target will definitely be his own life...

  But has the young Bai Yu done anything that is harmful to nature?

  Why do you have to let yourself die?
  Is it because of a grudge against the boy?

  Or is it because as long as the boy dies, the clues will be cut off, and there will no longer be a possibility of finding the survivors of Class 1, Grade 3?

  There was a chill in Bai Yu's heart, and he felt like his life was being threatened. He didn't know if this was persecution delusion... But if a person was hit by a car twice in a week and escaped death twice, he would also I definitely don’t want to go out again in a short time.

  Once bitten by a snake...

  Officer Liu went out and came back. When he saw Bai Yu finished eating, he said, "Let's go. Your class teacher is waiting outside. He said he will send you back." "Wait."

  Bai Yu interrupted: "Officer Liu, I can't leave just yet." "

  ...Are you addicted to staying here?" Officer Liu had a strange expression: "We don't provide escort services here. If you are mentally and mentally stressed, There are special tutors in the school."

  "No." Bai Yu directly interrupted his independent speculation. Officer Liu is a good person, but he just likes to talk things over.

  He said: "I want to review my memory."

  Liu Xinghan couldn't help but be stunned when he heard this sentence.

  "I'm serious." Bai Yu's face was full of sincerity that he almost believed: "I feel very heartbroken when I think of my classmates who still don't know whether they are alive or dead... Please continue to let me recall my memory, maybe I can I remembered some important information!"

  ... Since someone wants my life, I naturally can't sit still and wait for death. The only clue at hand is Class 1, Grade 3, so what I have to do is speed up the steps to save people...

  "You..." Liu Xinghan's expression became serious. He patted the boy on the shoulder: "You boy..."

  He gave a thumbs up: "You are a man."

  Officer Liu immediately agreed and rushed to report to the superiors.

  There are still no clues at hand, and everyone is as busy as ants and headless flies on a hot pot, and can only make ineffective efforts.

  At this time, they desperately needed a directional clue, and Chang Yesi couldn't refuse Bai Yu's request.

  He quickly picked up the phone and dialed the internal line: "Contact the interrogation department and ask the memory technician to come overtime!"

  (End of Chapter)

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