174. Chapter 174 is superficial.

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  Chapter 174 After the superficial
  dinner, the two of them cleared the dishes together, and Bai Yu went back to the room to rest.

  Su Ruoli wanted to watch TV together for a while, but she also knew the importance of Bai Yu's practice.

  She only needs to keep breathing every day to continuously improve her strength, while Bai Yu needs several times the hard work to catch up.

  Once the bloodline of the innate heroic spirit is awakened, unless it is deliberately suppressed, it will continue to grow over time. Even if one does not make any efforts, it will reach the fifth level within ten years; it will reach the mature stage within twenty years, and will remain at its peak from then on. , until the end of life.

  If heroic spirits had no lifespan limit, they would have ruled the world long ago.

  Su Ruoli turned on the TV and watched slowly.

  She didn't mean to be lazy, but had to do this. If she practiced hard, her strength would only improve faster and faster. If she continued like this, she would break through to the second level before the college entrance examination... She could only try to be as salty as possible. Fish some to pass the time.

  She used to think that it would be a very simple thing for the two of them to get together, but now she also understands that it may take ten years for her to truly have the right to speak... and within these ten years, he cannot be everything. If you don't do it, then you can only slow down as much as possible to wait and protect.

  Apart from her family, she doesn't particularly care about other things.

  It is quite difficult to protect your family throughout your life.

  This is a hard-earned lesson from the previous life.

  She quietly opened a romance novel and began to capture the essence inside.


  Su Ruoli would not know that Bai Yu had already traveled thousands of miles to another place to meet a girl she didn't know at all.

  This sounds a bit scummy.

  But it's not the same.

  After all, what does what the editor of destiny does have to do with Bai Yu?

  Open your eyes and find yourself in the copy world again.

  The last time I left the dungeon was not long ago, but it felt like it had been a long time since I logged into Katori Dojo.

  Bai Yu clenched his fist, wondering if he had enough ability to pass it now.

  While thinking, the sound of clogs echoed.

  The woman walked slowly, her clogs making a crisp sound on the corridor. She was wearing a summer yukata... The yukata was different from the orthodox kimono. It was simpler to wear and also thinner.

  "Mr. Destiny?"

  Mahiru Amamiya hurriedly approached, and after walking within three steps, he paused and slowed down. His voice was full of surprise and joy: "It's really you." "It's me...

  " "Bai Yu asked: "Long time no see?"

  "More than a month has passed." Amamiya Mahiru replied obediently. The time flow rate between the two of them was not equal, and it was her who obviously spent more time waiting. one party.

  ... very much like an employer and a worker.

  ...But Bai Yu gave me a lot.

  Bai Yu took a look at Amamiya Mahiru's outfit and asked, "Are you having any activities over there?" "

  Well, there was a summer celebration, so I changed into another dress to avoid being hunted." "

  You... Haven't arrived in Edo?"

  "Already arrived, but something unexpected happened." Amamiya Mahiru hesitated a little here. It wasn't that she didn't want to say it, but it would probably take some time to explain.

  "You can say it." Bai Yu affirmed. Anyway, he had plenty of time and he didn't mind listening to the story.

  "Well, here's the thing..."

  After Amamiya Mahiru killed the river demon, he fled the area and then went all the way north to Edo. He encountered many dangers on the way, but fortunately, he was able to avoid dangers along the way. He also continued to improve his swordsmanship by killing powerful enemies, and mastered most of the moves in the sword and halberd chapter.

  Her original purpose was to come to Edo to seek refuge with her uncle, but after she arrived in Edo and made inquiries, she found out that her uncle had gone into seclusion and that her mother's cousin and her uncle now controlled the family dojo, and she did not I don't know what this uncle thinks of me.

  She originally planned to go directly to visit.

  But when I arrived at the door, I saw that the door of the gym was closed. It is said that the sword executioner attacked the kendo masters from all sides in Edo at night. His uncle Amamiya Ryuji was injured by the opponent. He is currently recovering from his injuries and is nowhere to be seen. Foreign guests.

  She found a place in Edo and lived in seclusion. With the savings in her hands, she could live without worries for a few years. She lived in seclusion among the poor, and no one knew about her.

  Today she was attending a summer fireworks display to watch the fireworks and relax her mood... In order to avoid exposing her identity, she also wore a white-faced fox mask.

  "It's quite cute." Bai Yu commented.

  "Thank you." Amamiya Mahiru's cheeks blushed slightly, which was covered by the mask.

  "So you plan to stay in Edo for the time being, waiting for your uncle to recover?" "

  ...I plan to catch this sword-testing executioner." Amemiya Mahiru shook his head, and then began to analyze clearly: "If I catch it If I hand this person over to my uncle, I think I will be able to learn from him how to meet my uncle, and being kind to others will also make him respect me instead of treating me as a burden." Bai Yubu said

  . Asked about other things, he just asked: "What is your uncle's strength?" "

  It is said that he is the second level of swordsmanship, Tongxin; my uncle is the fourth level of swordsmanship, Mingshen."

  "That is, the second level of extraordinary?" Bai Yu touched his chin: " As a leader, he is a bit weak."

  "The Sword Trial Executioner has never found a swordsman above the third level, so he only has the strength of the second level. If it is the second level..." She said confidently: "I believe it I will not be defeated - before I went to Edo, there was a monk with a gun who stood in the middle of the bridge and wanted to do sword hunting, but I also defeated him. He can also be regarded as a master of the second level." Bai

  Yu I understand, but I still reminded you: "Complacency will breed death; arrogance will make everyone kneel down."

  Amamiya Mahiru became stronger as he fought. He thought he had accumulated a huge amount of combat experience, and also accumulated corresponding skills. Confidence, but such confidence is too early for her. After all, she doesn't even have a chance to make a mistake. Once she makes a mistake, she may lose her life, and Bai Yu's entire investment will be wasted.

  He thought for a while, maybe he needed to sharpen his knife.

  Better than letting her get hurt or even die because of her pride.

  At least the cost of death in the dungeon is not high.

  So he turned sideways: "Today is the Katori Gym, are you confident?" "

  I am confident enough to pass!" Amamiya Mahiru held the Kaiyu sword: "Please let me show you this period of time Growth!"

  Bai Yu asked noncommittally: "Are you alone enough?"

  Then he added: "If you can pass, there will be a prize for you."

  Amemiya Mahiru stroked the handle of the knife: "You can give it a try!"

  Bai Yu He raised his hand to signal her to help herself, and at the same time began to observe the progress of her strength.

  The level has been raised to level nineteen.

  There is also an additional word in the extraordinary skills, "Innocent Shinto Style Swordsmanship", the proficiency level is... 47%, and it is not far away from becoming familiar with it.

  It is indeed a remarkable progress.

  Unfortunately, Amamiya Mahiru was unable to pass this dungeon trial. The large number of successes made her overestimate her own strength.

  Along the way, Bai Yu has been challenged by leaps and bounds again and again.

  The painful lesson was deeply remembered by him, and he fought extremely hard every time.

  So...if it is not necessary, never try to cross the level challenge! It seems very enjoyable, but in fact it is an act of seeking death. If you go beyond one level, you will want to go to two levels. If you go beyond one level, you will want to go to two levels!

  I was fighting level one and level two before, but now I’m going straight to level three. Will it be the fourth level’s turn next time?
  This evil trend must not be encouraged!
  You have to fight monsters of corresponding levels, level up to accumulate economic advantages and equipment advantages, and in the end, don’t you feel comfortable just passing through with A? Why do you always want to fight the Baron alone when you are only at level 10?

  Bai Yu closed his eyes and shook his head slowly, thinking...you will thank me after you fail.

  There is no one who is always victorious and undefeated. He has to go through enough setbacks and tempers before he can progress and sublimate.

  Don't blame me!

  Bai Yu was feeling moved in his heart to feed himself chicken soup when he suddenly heard a clear sword cry.

  Looking back, the sword puppet who had killed two people dozens of times no longer moved convulsively. He was chopped into two pieces from the waist and fell to the ground.

  [The copy has been cleared]

  "I won!"

  Mahiru Amamiya, wearing a fox mask, jumped up and down with joy: "Mr. Destiny, did you see it? I won!"

  Bai Yu: "emmmmm..."

  He arrived Mahiru Amamiya put her hands on each other's shoulders and apologized sincerely: "I'm just superficial."

  You are indeed better at fighting than I thought...

  (End of this chapter)

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