169. Chapter 169 Dream, it’s time to wake up

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  Chapter 169 Dream, it’s time to wake up.

  This is still a summer villa.

  However, the lights in the villa were dim, and there were only Bai Yu and Su Ruoli who were close at hand.

  Bai Yu asked strangely: "Why are you here?"

  "Of course I'm here to find you." Su Ruoli's eyes wandered: "I haven't seen you for almost half a month. Well, should you say something to me? "

  There was some eager anticipation hidden in her eyes.

  Half a month...

  It seems that another week has passed after the practical class.

  But there are no ghosts in this world, and I don’t know how it develops.

  Bai Yu was confused now and couldn't help but get distracted.

  Just a pair of slender palms pinched his face and pulled him from side to side: "Is there something you should say to me?"

  She emphasized over and over again, as if she would never give up until she heard those words.

  If it were anyone else here, I'm afraid they would have even thought of the name of the child.

  But Bai Yu doesn't have that many romantic qualities. He just feels a little strange. At the same time, he is still thinking about what kind of changes have taken place in history, and is anxious to understand.

  He directly reached out his hand, gave Su Ruoli a hug in a hurry, and then let go.

  This hug was very proactive and timely. When Su Ruoli was hugged, she froze in place. Her characteristics of high attack and low defense were fully revealed. She blushed on her cheeks and gritted her teeth secretly... Cunning, so cunning, like this How can Miss Su have the nerve to be angry?

  Bai Yu let go of her hand and walked around her towards the first floor.

  The overall architectural layout is still exactly the same as seven years ago, but the sofas, tables and chairs have been replaced, and the ceiling lights have also been replaced with a mainless light design.



  "It's different from when I was a child."

  "Yeah, my sister renovated this place, and when she comes home, she comes to live here. As long as it's summer, she always Come back and stay for a while, and go to the ancestral temple in the mountains to pay homage."

  Su Ruoli followed and complained: "I also planned to stay with you during the summer vacation, but who would have thought that you would not go back after the practical class was over, but instead My classmates asked me to come here to entertain them."

  Bai Yu looked at the things on the tables and chairs and understood.

  So the actual development is... I called my classmates here to stay together, just like Su Ruoji did seven years ago.

  "Where are they?"

  "We went to the town to play. Today happens to be a traditional festival here. We have to perform some kind of scene where the evil ghost is stabbed with a flying gun and the evil ghost is burned to death. It's very interesting. It happens every summer. I want to play it once." Su Ruoli's eyebrows arched: "Would you like to go and watch it together?"

  Bai Yu shook his head: "Forget it, I've already watched it."

  "Yes, I watched it several times when I was a kid, but it doesn't really count. Fresh." Su Ruoli noticed Bai Yu walking to the window and seemed to be distracted again. She asked, "What's wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?" "Did you hear what Ruoji said? Seven years

  ago , they also held a sleepover here."

  "I know." Su Ruoli showed a reminiscence look: "This incident was quite violent at the time. There were two demons lurking in the seven-person sleepaway. It's incredible to survive. It's a miracle... According to the Xu family in the town, it was the Flying Spear Immortal who appeared, because the demon was indeed killed by spear skills." Bai Yu was speechless for a while, but he didn't expect that he would have an extra one soon

  . The title of immortal.

  "Do you still remember those people who stayed together at that time?" Bai Yu asked casually: "I don't know what they are like now. Did you hear what Su Ruoji said?" Su Ruoli made the final calculation: "Sister Yu Haiqing

  ... I work in Nanling City, and I met her some time ago; Sister Qin is in the No. 1 Hospital... As for the others, I can’t remember clearly." "

  Zhuang Dao."

  "Ah, it seems that she was admitted to the martial arts department. Joined the army."

  "Zhuang Sheng?"

  "All gone."

  "Lu Zhong?"

  "I heard that he joined Xuantiansi."

  "...Really?" Bai Yu was quite emotional.

  The domineering Zhuang brothers actually became soldiers who shed blood for the country. It seems that their evil deeds were not destined results.

  Lu Zhong probably couldn't let go of his lover's death, so he joined Xuantiansi and embarked on the road of slaying demons.

  They're all pretty good.

  "So, what if..." Bai Yu asked. He looked at Su Ruoli's slightly sad eyes and knew that he still asked knowingly: "She disappeared without any news." "I will find my sister." Su

  Ruoli Li looked at the moonlight outside the window and the lights of thousands of houses in the town. She held Bai Yu's hand and said, "We will find her, right?" "Yes."

  Bai Yu also held Su Ruoli's hand. The palm of his hand said: "See you soon."

  Bai kept his word and kept his word.


  After looking at the scenery for a while, Bai Yu asked again: "Did you come here specifically from Nanling City?" "

  Yes, I came here on a panda. Unfortunately, there was a traffic jam on the way and I accidentally lost the panda... I'm just kidding. , I came here by bicycle."

  "Arrived just now?"

  "Hmm." She made a cute nasal sound.

  Bai Yu gave out a warm smile sincerely: "Then it's great that you came."

  Su Ruoli turned her cheek and twirled her hair with her fingers: "I'm very happy when you say that..." She coughed lightly Twice: "Ahem, here is Su Ruoli's intimate reminder. You can rely on her and trust her as much as you want, and she will respond to you with all her body and mind!" "Is this the truth?" "Better than real


  . Be serious." Su Ruoli blinked and gave a cute and cute look that could pierce people's hearts.

  Bai Yu nodded: "Then I will be disrespectful... There is indeed something that I need your help with."

  Su Ruoli's eyes were a little dodgeful, but he quickly became firm again and said softly: "If it is very important Is it better to add a romantic atmosphere to the matter?"

  Bai Yu poked her head: "I'm not French, what if it's romantic? Don't think wrongly, I plan to go back to Nanling City, maybe I need to You helped entertain the others."

  Su Ruoli opened her mouth, with a little emotion in her eyes: "Okay, so you treat Miss Su as a tool? Even I will have a little emotion."

  "I really have something important to do." Bai Yu was very serious. He really didn't want to wait for a moment longer: "Help me, the omnipotent Miss Su." Su Ruoli sighed softly

  . Bai took a breath and said, "You are like this, how can I have the nerve to refuse... But, I have just arrived here, and you are leaving... Don't you know that a perfect girl like Miss Su can also be lonely?" Bai

  Bai Yu choked, having to admit that your ability to boast has always been excellent.

  But Su Ruoli soon calmed down her emotions: "Okay, okay, I'm kidding you, how could I be angry with you? As long as you don't hook up with a girl as beautiful as me, I won't be angry. Oh~"

  Bai Yu thought it was not a hookup.

  "Since you can't bear to let such a lovely me endure loneliness, you must have something very important to do." Su Ruoli patted his back gently: "Then go quickly, go quickly Come back."

  Bai Yu was pushed out of the door. He sat at the entrance and changed his shoes, and saw the Panda bicycle outside the door.

  Riding a bicycle for thirty kilometers is a bit difficult for ordinary people, but for extraordinary people it is only a warm-up exercise of one or two hours.

  He got on the bicycle: "I'm leaving. Do you want me to pick you up tomorrow?" "

  No, there will be a bus tomorrow." Su Ruoli stood at the door, across the railing: "I will also take your luggage with you. Take it back."

  Just saying a few words, Bai Yu couldn't help but have a vague illusion, as if it was still Su Ruoji standing here.

  Seven years is also a time when the past cannot be recalled.

  "Be careful on the road."

  "Okay." Bai Yu stepped on the pedal, walked half a meter away, and then turned back: "You really don't ask anything?" "Then

  , let me ask symbolically?" Su Ruoli said completely Actively cooperated with the question: "What are you going to do when you go back?"

  "Go and wake up a sleeping person." Bai Yu released the brakes and went down the mountain road.

  Su Ruoli leaned on the railing, looked at the other person's back, and held her delicate chin with one hand: "Well~should I go back with him? Well, forget it, a good woman should not regret her choice. , I really hope that the number of other girls will not continue to increase, there is only room for one on the back seat of the bicycle."


  Cycling, cycling.

  The roads in Nanling City are smooth, and Bai Yu has now taken a step closer to becoming a second-level transcendent, so he doesn't feel tired at all.

  The distance of more than twenty kilometers took only seventy minutes.

  After entering the city, we went straight to Nanling First Hospital.

  When we arrived, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening.

  After switching the appearance skin, the editor of destiny is online.

  I found the nurse on duty and asked about it. After learning the specific floor, I walked up to the elevator and arrived at the designated ward.

  In the ward, a young girl was lying.

  She has been unattended for a long time because she has entered a state of suspended animation. Even if she does not eat or drink, her body will not change. Because there is no consumption, for seven years, her whole body has not changed at all from what it was seven years ago. Like an embalmed corpse.

  Qin Xuezhao's family only came to visit once a week. Seven years later, they had given up hope and could only stay in the hospital for observation. Because of Qin Xuezhao's special situation, the medical funds were actually provided by the Daxia Shisi Middle School. The payment is made by the administration, namely the Department of Antiquities.

  The Department of Rare Objects is responsible for the management, identification, and storage of various rare objects, relics, and sealed objects... It has an identification department, a seal department, a management department, and a destruction department.

  Rare objects and sealed objects used by Chang Yesi during operations must be applied to the administration.

  In Qin Xuezhao's case, it is already certain that there is a strange object in her body. It is not easy to harm her life, and it cannot be directly used as an artifact for containment and management. It can only be left here to wait for her to wake up or die.

  Because there had been no change in the past seven years, the Department of Rare Objects had been put on hold for the time being, and she was placed in the most secluded and remote ward. Few people knew of her existence.

  Until tonight, the young man stepped into the ward and opened the door.

  Bai Yu looked at the seventeen-year-old girl on the hospital bed, as if the last time he saw her was just yesterday.

  But suddenly, seven years have passed.

  "I've been waiting for a long time."

  He placed his palm on the girl's cold cheek: "It's time to wake up from the dream."

  (End of Chapter)

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