164. Chapter 164 It turns out that this is the truth

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  Chapter 164 It turns out that this is the truth.

  I saw the font appear and then disappear.

  Bai Yu: "???"

  It's a painted skin, a human demon wearing painted skin, not a demon?

  Doubt, confusion, shock, surprise...all kinds of emotions flashed through my mind.

  Bai Yu took back his weapon. Although he was a little reluctant in his heart, he still turned to the last possibility.

  Yes, and that is the only possibility.

  He opened the courtyard door and walked towards the mountain.

  A group of students were left looking at each other.

  Lu Zhong looked at the human-like corpse on the ground and didn't know whether to thank the other person for saving his life or to mourn his lover.

  Su Ruoji came in and took a look at the tragic scene. She gritted her teeth, grabbed her crescent moon gun, turned around and rushed out, chasing the direction he left.

  Bai Yu just ran all the way towards the target location.

  Inexplicably, he knew where he should go, and he also knew that the other party must be at this location!
  Turning around a place in the mountains, he suddenly stopped because there were footsteps coming from ahead.

  It's Zhuang Dao and Qin Xuezhao.

  "What good things have you done!"

  "I told you not to touch, not to touch!"

  "You, you are just..."

  Zhuang Dao was very emotional, but no matter what he said, Qin Xuezhao completely ignored it. His face looked plain.

  "I don't have to talk about this matter, but you must..." Zhuang Dao said half of this sentence, and then he saw the young man walking down the mountain road below, and he immediately closed his mouth.

  Bai Yu raised her head and looked up along the tree-shaded mountain road. She could see a girl walking in the sun, her hair swaying as she moved. She was still graceful in her 28th year.

  He deliberately kept his composure and walked up step by step, like an ordinary hiker.

  He concealed his aura and mood swings, leaving almost no flaws.

  But just when the distance between the two was less than twenty steps, Qin Xuezhao raised his palm and penetrated Zhuang Dao's chest directly from the side and back. The latter didn't have time to react, so he barely turned his head to the side, and then His heart was ripped out and he died on the mountain road. He rolled down the road and his blood dyed the bluestone steps red.

  Bai Yu glanced at Zhuang Dao, who was still staring at death, then withdrew his gaze and looked at Qin Xuexu, who was eating people's hearts... No, he was a demon.

  "You noticed it." Bai Yu said neither unexpectedly nor calmly: "How did you notice it?" "

  Her aura disappeared, was it you who did it?" Qin Xuesha opened one eye on his forehead. , the three-eyed demon said calmly: "I didn't expect that people would see through it even if it was covered in paint... I thought I had hidden it well, but I didn't expect that the flaw would be discovered before I even started to implement the plan." It used the

  third Three eyes looked at Bai Yu: "Are you also a follower of the evil star?"

  Then he shook his head: "No, you don't have that disgusting Rahu aura, but it is very sweet."

  Bai Yu continued to ask questions . : "Is it your subordinate?"

  The three-eyed demon did not intend to answer, but asked: "How did you notice me? Could it be that the painted skin..." "It has

  nothing to do with the painted skin." Bai Yu shook his head: "Yours The disguise is indeed perfect."


  This sentence is indeed a sigh from the bottom of my heart.

  This kind of disguise is not only superficial, but also psychological.

  Who would have thought that the person who came in to save him at the beginning would actually be the murderer?

  From the first meeting after entering the dungeon, Qin Xuezhao's identity has been replaced.

  This layer of psychological disguise caused him to miss the opportunity to clear the dungeon again and again.

  I had to restart again and again, and gradually through the process of elimination, I confirmed the real demon.

  After eliminating all possibilities, the final answer, no matter how bizarre, is the truth.

  If the demon is not Ying Yuhuai, then the only possibility is that he borrowed Qin Xuezhao's identity.

  And when Bai Yu regarded Qin Xuezhao as the object of suspicion, all the previous doubts and conundrums were explained.

  For example, why did Xuantiansi’s investigator die?
  This is not because the strength of the red-clothed ghost is suddenly strong or weak.

  Although he will be seriously injured, he will not die when he comes to the door.

  He pressed the doorbell. If he had the strength to press the doorbell and wait, it would be impossible for him to die in just a few steps, right?
  Therefore, he did not die outside the door, but died at the moment of contact with Qin Xuezhao.

  The moment he walked into the villa, the moment he opened the door, the demon had already struck his chest with a palm, shattering his heart, and then held his throat firmly, making him unable to speak.

  So the investigator died there.

  This is also the reason why Bai Yu did not die when he entered the villa at the same time as the investigators.

  Because the person who opened the door was Su Ruoji!
  Just because the wrong person opened the door, one lives and the other dies!

  For another example, why does Zhuang Dao have such a strange attitude towards Qin Xuezhao?
  No matter it was seven years ago now - he and Qin Xuezhao maintained a cold war attitude, and they showed a strong dissatisfaction when they met. This attitude did not exist before coming here, but only appeared after coming here.

  Or maybe it was that time seven years later - Zhuang Dao had been scolding Qin Xuezhao for being the real hateful one and the culprit. Even before he died, he was still laughing at her. This hatred seemed to be filled with hatred. The other party has distorted his life.

  This point has been explained here.

  Because the person who opened the ghost is the demon in Qin Xuesha's coat.

  The place where their group went was the root of the tree where the white elm climbed out!
  He must have entered that ancient tomb!
  Bai Yu also came in this direction, and as expected, he hit him!

  The purpose of planting the devil is to open up the ghosts and block this place, or to make a deal with the ghost king, or to fish in troubled waters.

  No matter what, I had to go to the location of the ancient tomb, and this scene happened to be seen by Zhuang Dao.

  Or maybe she let Zhuang Dao see it on purpose so that she could blame Qin Xuezha for this incident, and then let her die without any evidence!
  There is no doubt that Zhuang Dao hates the wrong person.

  What happened back then was not done by Qin Xuezhao, but by the devil!

  This just proves why Qin Xuezhao has no memory of this incident.

  She thought it was wiped away by the water of Forget River.

  But if it was a truly heart-wrenching memory, how could it be forgotten so easily.

  I will definitely try my best to remember it.

  She carved the words 'find the murderer' on her soul, which exactly corresponds to her lack of memory!
  Not having memory is not because of forgetting, but because it does not exist!
  Because in her memory, she didn’t even know she had been here!
  Her identity had been replaced from the beginning, and she didn’t know how she died!

  It can be guessed... Qin Xuezha must have been attacked by the painted-skin human demon, and was brought here after being knocked unconscious by the human demon wearing Ying Yuhuai.

  Because the body that died in the basement was indeed Qin Xue's bath. Su Ruoji checked it carefully and found out that it was him.

  And her body still retained body temperature, which proved that Qin Xuezhao was brought here in some way.

  At this moment, she is not dead.

  As for what this method is...

  it's simple.

  I still remember this sentence recorded in Su Ruoji's diary (Chapter 104)
  - "It was only a seven-day stay, but everyone still brought suitcases. Ying Yuhuai's suitcase is the biggest."

  Suitcase, the biggest...simple Keyword tips.

  If I’m just going out for fun, is it necessary to bring such a big suitcase?
  What if it’s not for carrying luggage, but for carrying people?
  Qin Xuezhao was brought in and was in Ying Yuhuai's suitcase.


  "The real Qin Xuezha is still in the suitcase in the basement." Bai Yu opened his mouth to test and verify his guess: "Really?" The

  three-eyed demon said calmly: "That's my ration, originally planned for tomorrow night If I eat it again, I can only make do with this now."

  She crushed the remaining heart and absorbed one person's blood, and the blood in her three eyes suddenly became fuller.

  "You are only a first-level extraordinary person. Even if you knew it, you should have withdrawn earlier and still managed to save your life." "

  It's a pity that you had to risk your life and come to die, but you gave me a big meal in vain. !"

  Blood flashed in his eyes, and his appetite increased.

  It tried to smell a hint of fear from the other party, but there was none. It even felt a hint of...


  Bai Yu held his stomach and laughed wildly. He bent over and wiped his eyes.

  "Damn, it's not funny at all."

  After laughing wildly, all his emotions were released. When he raised his eyes again, there was only a solemn solemnity left in them.

  "You're finished."

  "Even the Demon Emperor can't save you."

  "I said so."

  The three-eyed demon secretly thought, could there be any helpers or ambushes? Looking around, I can't feel any breath fluctuations.

  The next moment, it only saw Bai Yu turn around and take a step back.

  When Zhong Mo was distracted, Bai Yu gained valuable time.

  He turned and ran.

  After walking a few steps, I saw Su Ruoji hiding behind a tree and could only grab him.

  "What are you doing here!"

  "I'm here to help..."

  "How can you help!" Bai Yu was speechless. He also wanted to go back to the villa to see Qin Xuezhao's current state. Forgot to check.

  But now it was too late to go back, so he pushed Su Ruoji behind: "You go, I'll carry you." "


  "Nothing but." Bai Yu said calmly: "I'm used to giving you support. It's not the first time."

  Su Ruoji paused for a moment, then looked at Bai Yu: "Are you... could it be..."

  She seemed to finally understand where the familiar aura came from.

  It's a pity that there is no time for more words.

  She only had time to hear one sentence.

  "...We will meet again eventually."

  The next moment, blood spattered, and the world turned upside down in front of our eyes, white, empty, and dead.



  Su Ruoji breathed a heavy breath and woke up from her sleep, covered in cold sweat.

  "Are you okay?" Yu Haiqing, who was sitting next to him, handed over mineral water and tissues: "You are sweating profusely." "

  I had a nightmare." Su Ruoji pressed her forehead and said, "It seems like I was dreaming about someone. But I...can't remember."

  "If it's a nightmare, it's okay if I can't remember." Yu Haiqing comforted.

  "No!" Su Ruo said subconsciously: "I must remember it."

  Yu Haiqing heard such a determined tone and said strangely: "This doesn't sound like a nightmare to you, but more like a sweet dream, right?"

  Su Ruo said Even she didn't understand. She bit her lower lip, feeling that some kind of memory was about to come out, but she could never touch it.

  She didn't know that that memory was deposited in her blood. In the deepest part of her pupils, the sleeping heroic blood was beating slowly and regularly in a lazy way.

  It seems that he has touched some kind of orderly atmosphere that is similar to reincarnation. This power that should not be awakened is awakened with each death.

  "We're almost there."

  The senior in charge of driving shouted: "Don't sleep, we're almost reaching the town."

  After passing through a tree-lined road, there was a mountain and an ancient town in front of us.

  Su Ruo walked to the front of the car and looked at the sunny side of the mountain, feeling inexplicably familiar.

  After arriving at the place, she unloaded her luggage, picked a room, the senior answered the phone, and was forced to drive away early. She was not surprised that everything happened.

  It's just... Su Ruoji didn't want to close the door, but stood in the small yard outside the door, watching the people coming and going, as if waiting for someone to appear.

  She just waited and waited until the sun was about to set. Her arms were a little sunburned, but she still couldn't see the hazy face in her memory.

  "Ruoji, it's time to eat."

  A shout came from inside.

  Su Ruo immediately turned around and said, "Here we come."

  She thought to herself that maybe she wouldn't come back.

  At this time, footsteps and the doorbell rang at the same time.

  A young man's voice came behind her, following the summer wind blowing through the mountains.

  "Excuse me, is there any room available where I can stay overnight?"

  Su Ruo immediately turned around and met his gaze.

  In an instant, the accumulated memories came out.

  She blurted out: "...Mr. Bai?"

  The young man's smile became a little dull: "...Huh?"

  (End of Chapter)

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