152. Chapter 152 The fierce ghost in red

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  Chapter 152
  In the red-clothed fierce ghost's wing.

  The dagger pierced Xu Ying's chest, and the sword passed through his heart.

  Fast, ruthless and accurate.

  In fact, Xu Huamei also lied to Bai Yu. It was not that she had done nothing in the past two years, and she had not completely indulged in her lover's tenderness.

  She had been exercising secretly for a long time. She became a member of a martial arts gym and hired a personal trainer. She spent almost all the savings she earned from working.

  She hired a female coach, who taught her three killer moves that ordinary people can learn, namely kicking in the crotch, eye-piercing, and backstabbing.

  Basically, as long as you learn these three moves and use them for sneak attacks or preemptive strikes, normal people will end up being killed in one hit.

  This dagger is not an ordinary dagger. Some special materials are added during forging, so it can hurt the ghost's body.

  As a result, the dagger pierced Xu Ying's chest from behind. Immediately, white smoke began to rise from his chest, emitting a burnt smell like animal skin being burned by fire.

  Xu Ying was still a little excited before, but he didn't expect that he would suddenly be stabbed in the heart and blood.

  Looking back with wide eyes, what he saw was a cold face with the red hijab falling off.

  It was clearly Xu Huamei's face.

  "You, how could you..." Xu Ying was shocked. He never expected to see someone from five hundred years ago.

  "Xu Ying, when you betrayed your tribe, did you ever think that today would happen?"

  Xu Huanmei asked, turning the dagger in her hand half a circle.

  Xu Ying covered his heart and shouted: "You little bitch!"

  He was half human and half ghost. An ordinary person would definitely die if his heart was stabbed, but he was not killed directly, but turned around suddenly, His right hand was shrouded in a cloud of black energy, and his palm slapped Xu Huamei's head.

  She flew out immediately, knocking over tables and chairs all over the floor, her head was bruised and bleeding, and her bones were vaguely visible.

  The dagger in his hand also fell to the ground, making a jingling sound and spinning on the ground.

  "Bitch, damn bitch...you think you can get revenge by stabbing me?" Xu Ying let go of his hand, looked at the blood on his palm, and his expression became more ferocious and crazy: "You think, just by you, You can kill me! I have been a housekeeper in the ghost world for five hundred years, and I have eaten no less than a hundred people. Who do you think you are? You are worthy of killing me!"

  Xu Huamei coughed out blood, and her eyes swelled. Jin Xing, but still had the power to sneer and sarcastically say: "You are worse than a pig or a dog, you should be nailed to the pillar of shame and be reviled for thousands of years!" "Those old people in Xujia Village don't know how to adapt, they

  talk about clans, but they want to They are blocking me from getting rich! So they deserve to die!" Xu Ying was not ashamed at all, his face was full of ridicule: "You are talking nonsense! I sold the entire Xujia Village in exchange for the wealth and glory I have now. If I do it again, I will be the same. You will do this!"

  "Those old guys are stupid, and you bitch is even more stupid." "

  You just need to stay outside and live a good life, but you have to come in and die, that's all you can do!" "

  But you stab me with this sword. It does hurt. I will break your neck, and the guide who brought you in will also die!"

  Xu Ying grabbed Xu Huamei and threw it away, causing pieces of wood to fly and her body to fall into a pool of blood. , already motionless.

  Dragging her out from the pile of wood, Xu Huamei's eyes were filled with scarlet red, and she was held high by the neck.

  "In your next life, don't be so stupid...if you have a next life!"

  The neck was broken and the body fell to the ground.

  Xu Ying waved his sleeves: "What a bad luck... this bitch, I have to send her to the kitchen to cook later, otherwise it will be difficult to eliminate the hatred in my heart!"

  He covered his chest and was about to leave the house.

  Suddenly, a strong wind blew up, and the fierce wind closed all the open doors and windows of the wing, and a faint layer of blood floated in the air.

  "Who!" Xu Ying turned his head and looked at the body on the ground. The body disappeared without knowing when.

  The fire in the room went out, but for a moment, a red light seemed to light up.

  Xu Ying felt the cold air coming from behind, and turned around to look again: "Pretend to be a ghost!"

  A faint laugh echoed.

  The housekeeper couldn't find the source of the sound, which seemed far away and now near.

  Suddenly, there was a creak from the door and window... The door opened, and a woman in a red wedding dress stood outside the door. Her neck was crooked, and under the red hijab, there was a pale face with bleeding from the seven orifices.

  It's Xu Huamei.

  She has come back.

  Her whole body was full of resentment, evil spirit, bloody aura... Yin energy surrounded her feet, turning into drops of extremely vivid blood.

  "You want to cook my flesh and blood to relieve the hatred in your heart?"

  She made an extremely ethereal and distant voice: "What about me...my hatred will not heal you even if I want to cut you into thousands. ?"

  Xu Ying's cheek muscles twitched slightly, and he suddenly understood that Xu Huamei did it on purpose.

  She had deliberately come to die, and even if she died in his hands, it was a move she had already planned.

  She was originally burdened with a blood feud, and endless hostility and resentment condensed in her body. She watched all the people in her hometown die alone, wandered alone five hundred years later, and even suffered from a curse that caused her lover to become seriously ill. In the end, she failed in her revenge attempt

  . Died at the hands of his enemies.

  People who are more miserable in life will turn into more ferocious ghosts after death.

  Her life experience can be described as tragic, and she swallowed a breath of resentment in her throat. Plus, she was wearing a red wedding dress, which made her the perfect ghost bride.

  And this is also a very dangerous place in Feng Shui. If she dies here, if she doesn't turn into a bad ghost, who can?
  Qin Xuezhao understood this early on, so he advised Bai Yu to leave it alone... She had already realized this.

  If this is the only way to get revenge, then this life can no longer be cherished.

  He died five hundred years ago, so what’s the point of regretting his life now?
  Xu Huamei is no longer a living person, nor is she complete herself. Her soul has been transformed into a fierce ghost. Her soul is filled with obsession, resentment, and evil spirits, turning her from the kind and pitiful woman she was originally. Little by little, she transformed into a terrifying and crazy ghost bride.

  "Today, I want you to repay the blood debt for the lives of 300 people in Xujiacun!"

  The anger surged to the sky, and the whole room seemed to turn into a sea of ​​blood.

  Xu Ying tried to escape, but before he could take two steps, the red silk cloth wrapped around his body.

  He was never a match for this fierce ghost, but now that he was injured, his resistance was even weaker.

  He felt as if he was soaked in a pool of blood, and a pair of hands held his face and pushed him down before the blood swallowed up his features.

  Xu Ying also roared unwillingly.

  "I just made a choice that everyone would make!"

  "You can't blame me for this!"

  "Who can resist mining and making a fortune after seeing that jade!"

  "Who can resist mining after seeing that ghost king? Go and pray for life!”

  He felt the red silk around his neck getting tighter and tighter.

  His face turned pale and he began to beg for mercy.

  "I, I already know that I was wrong... I will go to the ancestral hall to admit my mistake to them, please don't kill me..."

  Seeing Xu Yumei smiling with her Qiqiao bleeding, he suddenly became cruel again.

  "You can't kill me, kill me, the Ghost King will not let you go, it will kill you, and you will not be able to go back to reincarnation without your soul!" The

  threats and apologies were all in vain.

  The ghost bride was just smiling with tears of blood. She couldn't listen to it and couldn't care so much. She just wanted to see the blood flow into a river.

  The red ribbon turned, and in an instant, like opening the cap of a soda bottle, a large amount of liquid was unblocked by the bottle cap, and rushed out, dyeing the entire roof red.

  The ghost bride laughed loudly in the room, spinning in the rain of blood, her skirt swaying like tumbling blood.


  There is another place where the same river of blood flows.

  Birthday banquet hall.


  Bai Yu raised his knife and killed the last evil spirit.

  Not all the demons and monsters in the banquet hall were killed. A few that were slightly poisoned escaped. He didn't have time to pursue them, so he left them to the heroic spirits to deal with them.

  He stayed in the hall and killed the ghosts one by one who were too poisoned to escape.

  The process was actually very quick, taking less than five minutes from start to finish.

  The poisoned demons and ghosts had very weak resistance. Even if Bai Yu didn't use the extraordinary second-level heroic spirit projection, he could easily deal with these weakened demons.

  Ta-ta-ta-ta...there was the sound of footsteps.

  The summoned heroic spirits also came back, holding a few heads in their hands and throwing them on the floor of the hall. They fell into the green fire burning along with the blood. The flames suddenly became more intense, and the corpses gradually melted. It was pitch black and burned into coke.

  "This is the last one..." Qin Xuezhao said, "It's time for us to find a way out." "

  I know." Bai Yu nodded: "There really is no time to delay any more. After killing so many, I think we should be able to Saved a lot of people, but..."

  He looked deep into the manor.

  There was a river of blood outside, why was it so peaceful inside?

  He was actually prepared for the Ghost King to come out... Or was the snake venom really so effective that even the Ghost King couldn't move?

  He opened the door and walked silently into the depths of the villa.

  (End of chapter)

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